Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

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::bounces into the room:: HOLY-OH-MY-GOSH!!!! wow, if I could swear out of happiness, then like a thousand 'naughty' words would have just left my mouth... I dont think I have ever squeed that much in the 19 years I've been alive... lol... this has got to be one of my favorite episodes EVER now... wow!!! and..... SQUEEEEE!!! I taped it, and plan on watching it over, and over, and over, and over.

Moriel: if that happened, I think my heart would cease to beat anymore, it would just be like 'okay, toodles' and stop... lol, that would be so awesome!! I'm not one for angst, but I knew it was coming, so... but oh well, our ship WILL NOT sink, its to amazing of a ship... :)

6 days till D/L day again!!!
I'm new to this thread, so "Hi". :) I usually don't ship anyone, but D/L is a different story...I totally love these two! Anyways, I just wanted to say I think tonight's eppy was the best I have seen yet! ;) I'm really hoping what Mori said is true. I can't wait until next week. I'm excited and nervous! HAHA. I don't know if I can wait 6 more days actually.... :confused:
OH-MY-GOD!!!! i havent even seen the epi yet.. (stupid UK tv!!! :( ) but i love it already!!!! by what you are all saying... WOW!!!! i cant wait until i get to see that epi... sounds like it is gonna be my fave danny epi of all time :D (unless of course it DOES go further ;) hehe)
i am seriously psyched up for this epi.. i have no nails left!!!!! :lol:
those of you who watched it.. you are soo darn lucky!!!! :( ne one know where i can watch the promo for next weeks epi?
Gina, Lovin', CSI Chic...welcome! :) Great to have you...this is a great ship and we have lots of fun in here.

CSINYRULZ...I'm with you...my heart would cease to beat.

The hug was great...one hug...stare...look at each other...I could have sworn that Danny let out a 'thank God' or 'Oh, God.' It was so sweet how they both called each other's names out...the care and concern was evident. :)
hi i'm new to this thread but i love the show but never really thought about danny/lindsay untill last night i loved the last scene
**Moriel bouces into the thread, still grinning like crazy after last night!** "Good mornin! Good mornin'! It's great to stay up late, good mornin', good mornin' to you!" :lol: (anyone like "Singing in the Rain" and Debbie Reynolds? :D)

CSI chic, Gina, Lovin, csimiamigirl Welcome! Y'all picked a fabulous time to join...lol! Our ship is SOOO sailing and we're all on cloud 9! :lol:

Chell you will totally love this ep! I promise! :D As for the promo...um keep trying youtube ....cuz you don't get innertube.com huh? :p

Lol, Aud, Rulz yeah if what I said happened...yeah I think I'm with you both...my heart would stop. My mouth would drop wide open no sound would come out and then my heart would skip several beats...and then probably start going double or triple time...lol! :lol:

Aud after watching it again...(for the 100th or so time :lol: ) When Danny grabs her...he asks "Alright?" and she goes "yeah" and then I can't totally tell but I think he says that again "alright." So yeah...but after re-watching again...I love how they reach for eachother...his hands got to cover hers on her head and then one slips down to her side to pull her to him...and hers one goes to cup his face and then slides down to his shoulder and then the other ends up clutching him...it just, I dunno...I LOVED the whole thing!! :D :D :D

Yay! :D

I think you and I called it...the more times I watch the end, especially the look on Linds' face and the way they focus on the hug, freeze framing it and all...the more I really do think they're gonna end sleeping together and next week is gonna be the fallout/reactions to that...I dunno I just really think that.
Moriel21 said: Talk about a significant ending!! After what some of you had said about how if TPTB ended with the hug that would make it too significant and they wouldn't want the focus to be on that...I figured y'all were right and we'd get extra scenes after the hug...but they did it! I can't believe they ended it with the hug, and not only that, but they freeze framed it and made it obvious! (I'm totally not trying to be "I told you so-ing" anyone here ;)...I just can't believe they really ended it that way!)

I'll be the first one to admit: I was wrong. I really thought that they're not going to end it like that. And it really was like putting exlamation marks at the end, saying: "OK, for those of you who didn't get it, this is the way we decided to take. Got it? Nothing friendly in this hug, so just accept it." :D

I agree with you, hon! The thing with trailers is that the lines said aren't always n'sync with the scenes we see, so it could be possible Lindsay said that after. True, it would be quite plausible that they had sex after the hug (not right after, of course), but it would be also possible that she say thinking of the fact that she fell for a colleague.
And it really was like putting exlamation marks at the end, saying: "OK, for those of you who didn't get it, this is the way we decided to take. Got it? Nothing friendly in this hug, so just accept it."
Hiya Mis! Lol, I know right...that was totally what they were doing! :lol: It was like spotlight on this please! :D YAY! :lol:
yeah I think TPTB like to mess with us that way :lol:...giving us scenes and lines that they make us think go together but in the actual ep don't match up at all! And yeah I do think they sleep together...but you could totally be right too...I kinda hope Linds isn't saying it in regards to falling for a coworker though (unless it's like "I didn't mean for this to happen, but now that it did I'm so glad!" :D In that case then I'd like her saying that!)
Wow, what a great episode :D

The final scene was just thrilling. You could just really feel the love Danny and Lindsay have for each other. Yep, it was wonderful!
I have to say that I loved the scene before Lindsay goes in, where he asks her what the hell is she doing. With that and his way of acting around her in the last scene, i just have to say: Go,Carmine! Seriously, that was well-acted!

TPTB are really sneaky, aren't they? Just imagine if Lindsay's line doesn't have anything to do with Danny, but her explanation on why did she go in, or something een more benign, like, why did she wear that shirt that day. :D Just kidding. Of course it has to be something Danny related.

And I bring presents as well!

the fear
the relief
the falling apart
the love

Sorry, for that second pic. It's barely visible because of the smoke, so I had to "fix" it a bit.
What lovely gifts you bring Misery !! :D :D I spent most of the rest of the night after watching that episode giggling and squeeing happily. I was so happy that they didn't skimp on the D/L in this episode. I especially laughed at the part near the beginning when Lindsay was looking at teh Diamond necklace and Danny comes up behind her and says "Don't even think about it Montana." I held out high hopes for the rest of the ep, and was definately not disappointed. That hug just made my night!!! :D :D

*returns fire at Moriel using Strawberry Ice cream and Fudge sauce* :p
:p :p :p
Strawberry ice cream CSIf.g. YUM! :D **Mo licks ice cream off her face and then turns around and whips a gooey brownie back at CSIfg!**

Hey Fab :D Yeah it was a fab ep, wasn't it! Loved it! :lol: Seriously still squeeing like a total dork this morning! :lol:

Yeah I totally agree Mis! Both Carmine and Anna were exceptional in this ep...I mean I loved the D/L interaction (obviously! ;) ) But just overall acting, they were awesome! And yeah that scene where Danny asks her what she thinks she's doing...I loved that! He was so worried...and then him in the van listening, the concern was so clearly written on his face! And Anna was exceptional in this ep, especially that last scene...I mean I adore her already...but if I didn't...this ep would have sealed it for me! :D

lol, you're cute hon! :D Heehee...but yeah TPTB are sneaky...lol! Yeah I think her line does have to do with Danny, but I think it won't be as bad as we think it is. I think they're setting us up, trying to freak us out and then they'll make it okay...or not as bad as we imagine it to be. (At least I sure hope so...cuz I hate angst rollercoasters! :p)Lynn should be happy though...Lynny you likin' this? ;)

Yay for presents Mis! Awww I loves them...so fabulous! :D
And yeah dunno where you got those caps hon, but csiscreencaps.com has caps from our ep last night! YAY! :D D/L loveliness...wohoo! I LOVE this pic...it captured such a tender moment between these two! Awwww...:

Aud how ya doin' today Fluffy Twin? :D
Reminds me of the saying "A picture says a 1000 words!".
Oh gosh, that pix makes me wanna cry! *sob*
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