Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

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hey guys do you know where i can find the forum for danny and lindsey think it is zoobabies or something my comp got stripped down and deleted all my links think i am gonna cry !!!
Morning everyone!!!!! :D :D
oh my god... i have seen the hug scene!!!! hehe Nim sent me like a 2 minute clip... WOW!!! all the passion in dannys eyes and how protective he is over her was jus..... THERE!!! lol i totally loved it.. i can not wait until saturday when i can get to watch the whole epi!! :D i have seen the screen caps.. and i soo want danny in that shirt! loland the puppy?! awww yeah its a shame that lindsey couldnt see hin with it... that would be such a cute lil scene lol

congrats to everyone... we are finally sailing!!!!! hehe :lol:
Dantana hey hon! :D Yeah you gotta ignore the hater's right now hon...if our ship isn't already canon then it's so close it's literally seconds away :D So just keep watching our HUG scene and ignore all the people who say our ship isn't going anywhere. It SOOO is, hon! :lol:

pickle hey! I pm'ed you with the only link I have, so hopefully that's what you were lookin' for! :D Welcome by the way...feel free to post in here more often! ;)

Chell lol, YAY! You finally saw the hug...that's great! Isn't it fabulous!! I'm still grinning over it...and it's been two days! :lol: **Mo jumps up and down and squees...again!** And yeah Danny with his little dog was way TOO cute...I know everyone's said this already...but HOT guy who's smart and has a cute dog... **sigh, swoon, drool!** can I just take him and have my way with him right now?! :devil: :lol: I agree by the way, seeing Linds see Danny with his dog would have been a totally cute scene! :D
Aww and fab pic by the way chell, yay! I SOOOO loves our ship...wohoo! :lol: :lol:

Oh and before I forget...thanks to our lovely mod **Rhonda rocks! :D** we now have our very own D/L soundtrack thread!! So go and post lots of fun D/L songs! :lol:


5 days until we find out just what happens...!!

**Mo hands out hazelnut latte's and yummy blueberry muffins and dances around the thread happily!**
::tear:: I missed all the hype for this ep. My computer crashed, (right now I am at my friends house) and I don't know when it will be fixed....
I LOVED this episode. It was AWESOME. To see the hurt, and conceren in Danny's eyes over Lindsay and when he hugged her. My sister had to tell me to shut up becasue I was squeeling so much! :lol: I can't WAIT until next weeks episode.
I SOOO did my happy dance.
Poor Alyssa. *hugs*
I wasn't squeeling, much. Really. I just mostly sat and stared, and then I annoyed Laur and Melly over it. :D
So I lost the bet, the hug was at the end, but they'll be more bets, you hear me!

I'm still sticking to my theory. She says it cause she's not sure if she wanted it to go that way or how to handle it one.
Moriel Hey huni!! yeah i finally saw it!!!as soon as i saw Danny's face when linds said she would go in.. i was like "oh my god.. he is soo cute!" he seriously looked like he was gonna cry!! and the hug scene... i keep watching it everytime i need a DL fix :lol:

although unfortunately... i havent seen the promo for next weeks epi :( i am soo gutted!!! i wanna know what ya are talkin about with linds saying " i didnt mean for this to happen" or wateva she says lol i have looked on utube.. but it only brings up the fan montqages :(
damn utube!! :mad: :lol:
**shakes head** i think that next year.. ima be in the US for the next season hehe.. keep ya fingers crossed i win the lottery this weekend!!!! Then all us DL shippers can watch DL 24/7!!!! hehe :lol: phew!! this is the longest post i have written!!! :D :)

man..i love it in here!!!!!! :D
Hello to all of my shippy friends!

Welcome to all newbies! I'm so happy you're here!

Moriel21 said:
Smi Hi! Love your new avie...gorgeous! :D

Thanks, Mo! My credit goes to Dana_Crimson. She did such an awesome job, didn't she?

Even though you're probably on your way to Brazil and will never read this... Have Fun, Jenn!!!

I'm on my way to my other computer right now to buy the Huggy episode on iTunes! *Squee* I can't wait!

I would completely agree with you accept I read the article in TV Guide that said that they weren't even going to kiss for a while. That leads me to believe that they wouldn't sleep together. But that's just me. I still think that she meant that she didn't mean to fall for someone at work when she moved to the city. Knowing me, I'm probably wrong. :lol:
*strolls in, waving and handing out D/L cookies and pies - chocolate of course!* :) Hi everyone! Oh how are all my wonderful shipsters on this wonderful day after that wonderful epi aired last week? *grins goofily and begins to bounce on her heels* :D Ahhh didn't you guys just L-O-V-E that? *bounces more, gearing up toward something big* ;) I know I did...*bounce bounce* I....


*taking a deep breath* :D :lol: LOL I squee'd so hard after I saw it...I was on the couch with my cat, and I squee'd so loud and high-pitched I woke up the cat who got super annoyed! :lol: haha

anyway...moving on to an on-topic kind of discussion...

Some observations : This episode was HUGE! :D I literally kept saying that for two days afterward. He called her Montana at least once :), there was mention of him being romantic - which even though Lindsay was kind of teasing him with that comment I found him extremely arousing when he got all technical about diamonds... hot! ;) :devil: - he called her Lindsay, which for me showed extreme caring on his part, because he only calls her that when he's stressed about her and worried out of his mind or when he wants her to know he's dead serious. AND we got our hug :D ...which as I read CBS's website which described it as an "embrace" I squee'd again :D :lol:

So now here are my thoughts for the future of our happy ship... :p

Perhaps the reason for all the confusion over the promo for next week is because we have yet to see how those two were affected by the whole hostage deal :confused:..we haven't seen whether Lindsay is shaken or coping or whatever and we certainly haven't seen Danny's reaction after sort of (to quote Jim from The Office - my other fave show :D sidenote) "putting it all on the line" with his reactions and expressions during the now infamous hug. :) I'm eager to see the new epi not so much because I wanna see how that promo pans out but more because I just want to see them interact with one another after such a momentous moment occured between them. I mean, I literally am interested in seeing the interactions most people think are mundane - do they say "hi" to each other or is it "hey"? or does Danny ask her how she's doing? or do they not get a chance to have pleasantries because Mac makes them work too hard on the new case? or was there something more like Mo thinks? does Danny reach out to touch her? or Lindsay him?

I mean, it's almost like these kinds of moments tell me more that the BIG conversations that are ratings favorites, y'know... :lol: :p

well...those are just my $1.15 worth of thoughts...so happy to be back here, and enjoying our ship being literally two scenes from canon... :D

*Squee, skipping off and tossing Hershey's kisses and D/L sprinkles to all near me - not before chucking a chocolate fudge D/L pie at Mo, Aud, the Twins, Mis, Smi, Vex, Jenn - and any and all others!*

Love you guys - and D/L too! :D :D


*does double take* "Well Hello, Miss Monroe!" - Danny Messer
Awww bummer you missed all the hype Aly...but YAY that you got to see it! That makes up for it right? Lol! :lol: How could it not right...that was the bestest thing... :D **does happy dance with you!**
So I lost the bet, the hug was at the end, but they'll be more bets, you hear me!
Lol, of course there will be more bets my angsty friend! And as far as this one, I think it was just my turn to finally win one! ;) Ya know since you've won several of our other ones already! :lol: But I'm sure you'll start winning again now...heehee! :D

Chell yup you should come over here...mmmm, now! Then you can just be here and watch this next ep with us live! Lol, sounds like a good plan to me...there's gotta be someone's suitcase we can fit you in to get you over here! :D And as for next week, don't lose hope hon...our ship is solid a few rough waters will NOT sink us! :D

Smi hey hon! :D Yup she did do an awesome job on your avie...it's so purty! :lol: Lol, yay for Itunes huh! I'm totally loving it right now too!

about that TVguide article that said they didn't even want them to kiss yet, Smi! So Lynn you and I might have to give up our "they slept together and don't know what to do now" theory....unless when they said that in the article they meant they just didn't want to SHOW them kissing until later...but that doesn't mean they don't actually kiss until....okay now I'm just confusing myself! Lol! :lol: Hmmmm, now I don't know what to think....but I don't want Linds to say she didn't mean to fall for Danny unless it's an "I didn't mean to fall for you but I have and now I can't live without you!" then it's okay! :D

Aud you out there? How ya doin' Fluffy friend?! :D
**Hugs to you just cuz!** :D

I'm eager to see the new epi not so much because I wanna see how that promo pans out but more because I just want to see them interact with one another after such a momentous moment occured between them. I mean, I literally am interested in seeing the interactions most people think are mundane - do they say "hi" to each other or is it "hey"? or does Danny ask her how she's doing? or do they not get a chance to have pleasantries because Mac makes them work too hard on the new case? or was there something more like Mo thinks? does Danny reach out to touch her? or Lindsay him?
Mad!! **tackles and hugs her!** Hi!! :lol: I loved what you said and I totally agree...I can't wait to see how they will act with eachother now after this big emotional event? Hopefully it won't be too angsty :p But yeah...I can't wait to see it...and yeah our ship is SOOO freaking close to canon it's awesome! :lol:

**Mo dances out...singing "Love is a Many Splendored Thing....!"
I'm back!

I'm back and i'm tired. I had to go to work earlier, anyways!

It's been 2 days and I still cannot stop thinking about the episode. What a amazing episode, and I think the writers did a wonderful job depicting Danny and Lindsay perfectly. I'm curious as to how next week will play out.

To prepare for next week, i need some food. Can somebody hand me some snacks, (hint: chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate).

Confidence that Danny and Lindsay will get together. I mean come on? We saw the wonderful hug and I know that the writers would't just give us a hug and say, "Oh well, let's not get them together," We have heard that something happens in the middle of the season and I have a feeling that it is something wonderful. We have to work through the angst before we get to the goodness that is d/l. I have to have a little of angst, cause I'm a twin (It's my nature!).

And I've updated a fic. Black Eyes, Blue Tears
Hello all shippers. Hope everyone is doing grand! hmmm, 5 days... ehhhh... new eppy's stress me out. Especially this next one. :rolleyes: Alright alright, I'm getting a head of myself. Anyway. The above opinions and facts are very interesting, and they're all really good. I'm glad they've been posted. Still want to see the preview again... goes to look for it
I believe someone asked for chocolate? :D Vex here ya go honey! **Mo hands Vex...Hershey's kisses and hugs, a package of Whoppers, a box of Junior Mints, and a large bag of M&M's!!**

I agree I think the writers did an awesome job at depicting Danny and Linds...I mean obviously I loved the D/L interaction (obviously! :D ) but even just as far as the acting & script for both D/L...it was really great stuff! :D
And as far as the writers go... Aud aren't the writers who wrote this ep the same ones who gave us COTP right? And then for this next week it's the same guy who gave us All Access am I right? Aud hon? :D If that's true, then we've got a real angst writer for next week's ep...but All Access still had good shippy moments so hold out hope my shippy friends! :lol:

I don't think the writers would just give us that hug, not only give it to us...but make it a significant focus at the end like that...and then not have anything happen with our ship. I have confidence too, our ship will sail...I know it! :D

Rad hey hon! :D Lol, I know what you mean about new eppy's...I really trying to not have it stress me out! :p We'll see how long it lasts...so far, so good! :D Love the new banner by the way hon, that's FABULOUS!! :D I'm guessing you checked innertube.com for the promo...is it up there yet?
I know the TV guide says they won't kiss for a while, but that may just mean on screen, maybe? I mean, they left us hanging during the season finally of CSI ...with Griss and Sara. Now I guess we know they are together, but they have yet to kiss on screen, which seems to be what everyone is waiting for. So, I have decided to still 'hope' they will be having a fling off screen for a while.... :) Maybe the TV guide just means, "No on screen kisses". Who knows. We shall see. :p

And would someone pass me some food? Pwease? :p
Welcome Tiff! (Can I call you that? :D) Sure here have some food... **Mo looks around to see what she has...have some cookies and licorice and ice cream!**

I've been wondering that myself as far as the "not yet" on the kissing thing...part of me thinks they will wait and make the mid season thing a big we finally OFFICIALLY got them together thing and then they'll kiss...and the other part thinks it could be that yeah they are together now (Which would be YAY! :D) and just don't have any "on-screen" kisses for a while...so I dunno! I think I'm hoping for the second one! :lol:
Moriel21 said:
Welcome Tiff! (Can I call you that? :D) Sure here have some food... **Mo looks around to see what she has...have some cookies and licorice and ice cream!**

Thanks Mo! Of course you can call me Tiff. :)

**Tiff eats every last bit of her snacks....** :D

I kinda like the first way...but, I'm hoping for the second way...Does that make sense? No? What I mean is I want their first on screen kiss to really mean something, of course, it will...either way. But the thought of them sleeping together before hand, well, thats just awesome too! ;) Ah I don't care as long as the ship sails!!!
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