Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

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Hi Amanda! :D Ohhh, chocolate cream pie, my favorite!! :lol: **Mo licks chocolate off her face, happily plotting how to retaliate!**
But of course! After all, what's the fun in shyly hanging around far away from the gutter, when that's the place you really wanna go, right?
Lol, so true! No point in hanging around shyly that is so true! It's so much better to do as I have and just take up permanent residence in the gutter! :devil: I ended up there so often, I just built myself a lovely house and got comfortable! :lol: It's quite fun! :D

As for your thought on Linds' secret...lol that would be pretty funny, Danny's reaction would be priceless I'm sure...somewhere between shock and awe I'd say! :D But like Amanda said...
all indications are pointing toward her secret being pretty bloody and very sad! And yeah I do think we start to get it revealed in this ep, I'm pretty sure it's this one where we learn Linds has a problem with mothers, not sure how much a "why" we get this ep...but yeah in ep. 12 she pulls herself off a case and then goes to explain it to Mac later only to find out he knows already...which I see having the potential to be very frustrating cuz she'd start to tell him (and we'd all be about to find out!) and he'd say "I already know" so she'd stop and we'd all want to throw things at our tv's! Unless we get a scene between now and then with her and Danny where she tells him her secret! Now clearly that is my first and best choice for how we find out!!! :D

**Mo looks around....whistling innocently and suddenly flings fresh made key lime pie at Amanda...and runs away giggling! :lol:**

58 hours and 2 mintues for me!! :D

P.s. I found these the other day...I was bored and so I thought I would go in search of Danny and Lindsay's children...and I found them! Here my lovely shippers are what I think D/L's kids will look like! :D
Their little cowboy!
Wanna be a police occifer...just like Mommy and Daddy!
Look Daddy, I can play baseball just like you!
It's okay Mama, I'm just going for a little walk in the backyard!
I have fifty-four hours and like... one minute minute to go until the new episode! YAY! I'm excited.

I have a random question that has nothing to do with D/L (I'm really sorry mods!): Does season 2 of CSI: NY come out tomorrow...in the US? (That's 10-17)

Anyway, I have to say Mo you did awesome with the pictures. Those are adorable.

Did you say jealous Lindsay? I would love to see that! I can just see her getting mad at Danny for flirting with someone when they aren't actually dating. That would be funny.
wow lots of posts!
::stands up:: my name is Kate Shepard and i'm addicted to M&Ms...

weeeeeeeee!! I'm writing my DL fic in study hall cause i'm TOTALLY writer blocked on CaRWash. Ya so i definitely think i'm an addict now! I spend all my time up reading DL fics and on this site! ahhhh!
ya i can see Lindsay getting jealous over nothing... you know like she thinks he's gonna go out with her but doesn't and then she's like ragging on Flack about why Danny's such a poptart (World geo thing... don't ask... all i can say is it's bad) and then Flack's all in the middle of it! weeeeeee!!
Loopholes, dutch hey! How's it goin?
*waves back at Mo and starts sharing pumpkin pie with everyone 'caus the leafs are falling and Halloween is near

And MesserInMontana, :lol: I so liked your name and I was laughing so hard when I read it :lol: . But I was a bit afraid to mention it, because it couldn't tell if it was meant to be that funny :devil: :devil: .

I like to ask all of you if it's ok if we could post our thouhts about Lindsay's past without the spoilerboxes. I don't think it's necessary to put speculation (that has no reference whatsoever to upcoming episodes) as a spoiler. And it's so much more fun in here without all the blue space :D .

Like MesserInMontana suggested that she could have made her way through college as a stripper :eek: . It would be so completely silly and totally different from anything we hoped/dreaded for. And although the writers tend to be a bit cliche sometimes I do hope they thought of something far more original that will really suprise even those with the most vivid kind :devil: of imagination :) .

But to see Danny's reaction to a revelation like that would almost be worth the lack of originality. They can still always use it -in an fitting situation- as some kind of joke to lighten things up a bit.
Speculation about Lindsay's past doesn't have to be in a spoiler box until it is something that is mentioned in an actual spoiler for an upcoming episode. So, feel free to be spoiler box free.
**Chelle comes running in, handing out lollipops, and pringles to everyone!**

i am soo glad to be back here!! lol i havent had a chance to post in here cause i still havent seen hung out to dry all the way through.. jus the danny scenes... ;) lol
i have had so much to catch up on!

Hi Mo!! Hi Aud!! ** waves, hugz and does lil dance!!**
i have missed everyone here! lol

I can jus imagine the whole lindsey stripping idea :lol: can you imagine wat danny would say if she said she was a stripper?

Lindsey : "Danny, i used to strip when i was in college"
Danny: " Hows about it montana, wanna entertain me sometime?" ( accompanied by the lil smirk.. yeah u know the one! ;) )

i hope there are gonna be some more Exciting D/L moments in the next epi :D I need my D/L fix! :(
Im thinkin at the mo, Lindseys secret has got something to do with her family..(like .. duh! :lol:) Possibly the fact that the case resembles wat happened to her (like alot of us have thought) i hope the episode that this happens, is the one where she confides in Danny.. man im soo excited for it!!! lol woohoo!! bring it on :D :D

p.s Aud .. can i go in the Broom closet? ;) :lol:

p.p.s i jus cannot leave with out leaving a present for y'all... **~**It's Love!!**~**
hehe enjoy people!!!!

** Dumps a whole tub of "Oh My Apple Pie" Ben &Jerrys on Mo and tops it off with a chocolate shake before running off to hide behind Danny ** :lol:
I can see Danny getting a dance by Lindsay. He wouldn't know what to think, he'll probably start to lick his lips and get all tongue-tied.

Chelle you brought the Ben and Jerry's ? I love Ben and Jerrys! I could eat it for lunch, forget about real food!

I've brought a update of "Solace". Right here
Sorry...but I have some shout outs to make...it's just the way of D/L shippers...we are a friendly bunch...lol.

Chelliyah, sure you can go into the broom closet...but I caution you...Linds kicks...hard. ;) Somewhere Lynn is laughing.

Vex, you just keep putting out great fics, my angsty pal. I love it! :)

Mo, where did you get your avvie...only you! It's fab! :) And those pics! *drops because of the cuteness*

Hi to everyone in this thread! I love seeing all of your ideas and comments...this ship is so awesome.

Kate, it's okay to be addicted to M&M's! I am!! :D

Okay, first...I could totally see Lindsay and Danny having kids now...before I used to think they might settle down together and focus on their careers...but they will have beautiful babies...the ones in the pics are proof of that...lol. I could see them having a brown-eyed boy like mommy and a blue-eyed girl like daddy. The little boy would be calm and logical thinking, very work minded like mom...but when pressed with anger---will have a nice temper! ;) On the other hand, I can see their daughter being a total daddy's girl...complete with emo drama and a passionate side yet she'll have a caring heart. She will totally love and protect her dolly collection but when one doesn't play fair---watch out! :mad:

I kinda like the 'stripper' scenario...a cliche? Maybe. But it would be interesting to see that Lindsay had a wild side back in the day. :eek:

I would love to see the look on Danny's face too! :eek: He'd be shocked but turned on too! She should totally give him a lap dance! And then he needs to return the favor! :devil:

Did you all know that you can actually buy M&M's with a message? You can buy these M&M's and put them in the container of your choice! It's so cool. :cool:
So their kids would be the most darling little creatures ever. Basically mom (that's auda guys) spelled out the kids' personality perfectly, I see their kids exactly like that. The daughter would be a total daddy's girl and act exactly like Danny. And the son, total Lindsay repeat- as a boy of course. He'd be totally independent and patient- until that one thing blows his top off. How priceless would that be to see... :lol:

As for Lindsay being a strpiire.. :lol: that gave me a good laugh, that would be the best thing ever. In a way it could totally work though. If her secret were a painful bloody thing, as a stipper she could've been taken advantage of and stuff. :lol: I would laugh though- honestly laugh at Lindsay if that is actaully what happened. :p
Am I the only person who can honestly say that can't picture Lindsay as a stripper? There's just something about her that makes me think she'd never do that. I don't know, but that's just me. *Shrugs Shoulders*

TheCoroner, do you mind if I call you Kate?
Hello all my lovelies!! **Mo passes out warm gooey eclairs and whipped cream topped hot cocoa! Yummy!**

Does season 2 of CSI: NY come out tomorrow...in the US? (That's 10-17)
Smi! Hey hon! :D Hey that can be a D/L question, after all D/L is in season 2! :lol: And yeah by the way, it does come out tomorrow! **SQUEEEE!!!**
Anyway, I have to say Mo you did awesome with the pictures. Those are adorable.
Aww thanks hon, I know aren't the cutest kids ever! And sooo totally D/L's kids! :D

Lol, Kate way to admit you're addicted! ;) Like Aud said, nothing wrong with being addicted! I sure am! :lol:

Lindsey : "Danny, i used to strip when i was in college"
Danny: " Hows about it montana, wanna entertain me sometime?" ( accompanied by the lil smirk.. yeah u know the one! )
Lol, chell you crack me up! I gotta say I agree with Smi I don't really see Linds as a stripper, just doesn't seem like her. Now her putting on a little show for Danny just cuz, that I could totally see! :devil:
**Mo laughs at the Ben & Jerry's dripping off her face and retailiates by shoving a pint of Starbucks Mud Pie ice cream in chell's face! :lol:**

Vex howdy! **Mo waves!**

Mo, where did you get your avvie...only you! It's fab! And those pics! *drops because of the cuteness*
Aud! Hi honey!! **Mo snuggles her fabulous fluffy twin!!** I actually made both my avie and my banner all by myself! I was bored at work and that's what happened! :lol: Fun huh! And yeah those kids pics are awesome aren't they...I couldn't believe how insanely cute they were when I found them! :D
Okay, first...I could totally see Lindsay and Danny having kids now...before I used to think they might settle down together and focus on their careers...but they will have beautiful babies...the ones in the pics are proof of that...lol.
Lol, yay! I totally see them having kids...and yeah I do picture a boy and girl...and gah they will be the most gorgeous kids ever...after all they have the most gorgeous parents ever! :D
The daughter would be a total daddy's girl and act exactly like Danny. And the son, total Lindsay repeat- as a boy of course. He'd be totally independent and patient- until that one thing blows his top off. How priceless would that be to see...
Lol, yeah I totally see them being like that... Rad I think you and Aud nailed it perfectly! :D Mama's boy and Daddy's girl...so dang cute!

we'll get some scenes this week...I'm guessing we'll get them working together and being professional...with maybe Danny kind of trying to tease her a bit, kinda tease her out of it, so to speak...and I think she'll just kinda smile and allow it...I don't see them being totally flirty like in NWILL but I do think we'll get some cute moments...I'm really, really hoping!! :D Just not alot of jealousy, that's my big thing! Lol, too angsty! :p

Okay and now that this is like hours long...I'm outta here!

48 hours and 32 minutes for me!! :D

**Mo dances out!**
lol...you think they'd do the stripper thing again after Cath? Although it'd make an extremely interesting crossover ep to say the least.

re Solace...update soon or I come after you with my pitchfork! As so many before you will attest :devil:

*grabs Mo's eclair and runs off to find Mac* yummmmm....and the eclair's good too :)

ooh I'd love to see the dance...*Drool*
i'm back! Finally!!!

I haven't been online for 26 days.. curse you, exams. As you can see the moment I came home from school, I turned my beloved computer on... I thought the battery might have frozen for being unused for so long.. :lol:

I have no idea what the heck happened in Love Run Cold and I 'm in quite a rush right now, (I have tuition in a bout half an hour... :p) so I really hope you guys can be so kind as to tell me what happened in Love Run Cold between Danny and Lindsay? (Spoiler space of course... :))

I really need to know, so I hope you guys will be kind enough to help me out. Thanks!

*Rushes off to class* (It's inhuman to have to study again right after the final exams... Arhhhgghh!)
YAY! This is my first post and OH MY GOD!! IM so happy! I've just joined and I'm a huge fan of Messer and Montana!

I thought the speech in Love Run Cold was a little cliche, but it still worked really well. Carmine and Anna were acting their hearts out. But my heart broke for him in that scene!! He was still so sweet... especially when he said: "If there's anything you need from me, just let me know, okay?"

I don't know alot of guys who are as nice as that!

The stripper thing was funny, but I really doubt that's what happened. heheh. especially since the way she feels towards victims' mothers and children and the photos that she were looking at at the end of Stealing Home. But it would be hilarious if that happened.

M+M is my favorite ship and after that is definitely Stella and Mac.
Gud Afternoon girlys!!!!
** hands out some M&M's and shortbread**

Aud hehe ill get my shin pads at the ready... Im coming in!!! :lol:

Smi & Mo the stripper thing would be so fun.. even if Linds was to jus tease Dany hehe.. can you imagine the look?! :lol: but yeah.. it isnt like Lindsey at all to be like that.. :)

D!! heya huni!!! soo glad ya had ya first post :D hehe and wat a place to put it!! Its great fun in here!!

Free gifts for our my fellow shippers :D
Look of love 1
Look of love 2
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