CSI Level One
Honestly, there isn't much over the course of four seasons to work with, candygirl. Moments sprinkled here and there, sure, but when it's all added up, it's not much. Granted, this is the show that seems to be screaming Flack's heterosexuality this season (not that he hasn't always liked women, it just seems a bit more forced to me this season), but even just friendship scenes are few and far between. I mean, we're talking about ~90 episodes here, and the shippy stuff can be listed off rather easily.
Well, true, but to be fair, Flack stares at Danny at every opportunity. Even eps without a lot of shippy stuff will often feature Flack just being mesmerized by his sexy little CSI. And let's face it, the writers are good to us with all the subtext. See Mac's comment after Flack says "boom" in "Admissions" and Danny getting sulky that even Flack knew about Mac and Peyton before he did in "Heart of Glass." And the six moments I listed in my post are the most significant, but hardly the only ones. The boys flirt and Flack stares at every opportunity.
All in all, I'd say we're the most spoiled slash ship this side of House/Wilson.
Well, don't want to shatter your illusion but Nick/Greg shippers are way more spoiled Just had to say that, sorry :thumbsup:
Anyway, when they share a scene, work together, there's quite a lot to see. They may not share a lot of time but when they do it's quality time! Flack staring down Danny like he's, well, something very tasty. And I loved the way he stared at Danny in Blood, Sweat and Tears (S1), definitely a must see Candygirl!
I think the world could have come to an end and Flack wouldn't even notice it! Danny keeps on talking and talking about the case and all Flack's able to do is think "Wow, I want Danny - now!" :devil: