I think, at this point, Flack must feel more for Danny than Danny feels for him. Danny continues to seek physical and emotional relationships with women, and there could be any number of reasons for that. Overall, I think Danny is an emotional mess. I could easily see him not knowing how he feels about Don--on the one hand, Don is always there for him, he doesn't judge him or expect too much from him, and he's simply never going to leave. I can't see anything making Don want to turn his back on Danny.
Yep, exactly. Danny is always kind of testing Don, freaking out on him or getting emotional around him or being needy or pushing him away. And yet no matter what Danny does, Flack is there for him. Flack doesn't get fed up, he doesn't throw his hands up in the air and say, "You know what? You deal with it." He certainly doesn't say he's going to have "to find a way to get over" his feelings for Danny.
And Danny is definitely a mess. He's emotional, he's needy, he acts out in the wrong ways, he seems to think that giving people sex is a comfort/solace. It kind of makes me wonder if he'd ever offer it to Flack after Flack does something huge for him. Danny comforts Lindsay--gives her sex. Danny tries to assuage his own guilt/make Rikki feel better and not so alone--gives her sex. Maybe all Flack would have to do to get a little somethin' somethin' from Danny is to have some sort of trauma. :lol: I wonder if Danny let him have a little something after the bombing.
Anyways, my point with that is Danny is pretty much a total mess. I'm not sure his concept of sex is what most normal people's is. And here he's faced with Flack, someone who so obviously wants and desires him and yet demands nothing of him. Flack's just so damn patient with him and doesn't ask anything of him, and I bet that more than anything else is what throws Danny.
On the other hand, I think Danny would write it off as them being best friends and not want to delve deeper into it. Maybe he's afraid of what it would mean, maybe he's thought about it and doesn't want to entertain the idea (perhaps because of the idea of losing Don in the process), maybe he's convinced himself that he's imagining things with Don (talk about deluded :lol
--it could be anything.
I do think it's possible that Danny hasn't fully realized or process how Flack feels about him. If he let himself think about it, he'd probably go, "Naaaaaah...no way." Because as sexual and alluring as Danny is, I don't think he's fully aware of it. I think he knows he can use sex to get what he wants or to make people feel better, but beyond that, I don't think he thinks that much of himself. If Flack told him what he loved about him, I think Danny would be surprised.
There's also the possibility that he likes things the way they are with Don because it's the only relationship that worked. I get the feeling people leave Danny behind a lot, or he screws up (purposefully or not) and that causes them to leave. He and Don have been friends for years and Don is the one person he can count on never to abandon him, not to mention that he's one of the few people who really know Danny.
I get that feeling, too. I think Danny either gets abandoned through no fault of his own or he pushes people away to avoid them leaving first. We know that Louie pushed him away in his teen years. Aiden "left" him first when she got fired and then when she died (not her fault of course, but no doubt Danny felt abandoned). Rikki said she's just using him and Lindsay has thrown up her hands and said she needs to "let go" of being in love with him because he hasn't turned to her with his grief. No wonder Danny has a complex--people do abandon him.
But not Flack. Never Flack. If I had any doubts about the depth of Flack's feelings before "All in the Family," well, I don't anymore. The man is just head over heels in love, completely smitten. After seeing that episode, I don't think there's a damned thing Flack wouldn't do for Danny. And maybe Danny is finally starting to realize that, but years of being abandoned have probably made it pretty damn hard for him to really trust, even with someone so obviously steadfast as Flack.
So maybe being oblivious is a defense mechanism--and you can't deny that it works, as fucked up as it is. Don's still there at the end of the day.
I like to think that eventually Danny will come to his senses and see that Don is a
very patient man--I think Don wants Danny to come on his own terms, not lightly or out of desperation. He wants Danny to make the decision and come to him, however long that takes. Five years, ten years, doesn't matter--because once Danny finally
gets it, Don's not letting him go.
I agree completely, and I think Flack is looking and waiting for the time when Danny will be ready. I think Flack will still be the one to make the first move--maybe he'll steal a kiss or reach for Danny's hand, but I think he's watching and waiting for when Danny will be ready to respond to him. And yeah, when that moment comes, well, that's it--Flack is going to claim Danny as his own and well, that's it for Flack. Once he has his Danny, really has his Danny, life will be good.
Then they can grow old and be grumpy geezers together. ^_^
Awwww, they so will. You just know they'll be two old men in rocking chairs on the porch together, and Flack will be just as smitten as the day he first fell for Danny. Heaven help Flack if Danny goes first--he'd never survive it!
But I like to think of them as young and hot and having lots and lots of sex. Because you know once the Jackhammer gets let loose...well, Danny won't be going to work for a while. He won't be able to walk! :devil: :devil: :devil: