^Yeah, Danny can't trade in his prostate. He's gonna need that when Flack has his way with him.
Besides, come on, Danny trading in his voice??? Come on, Flack would love that. A little bit of silence...before Danny gets his voice back and it's a lifetime of Danny babbling on about this and that--when all Flack wants to do is help himself to some Kinkapoodle and have a beer. :lol: :devil:
As for butts...sorry, Flack, but there really is no comparison there! Danny has got a lot of junk in the trunk. :devil: All the more room for, ahem...*trails off before the Meter busts her*
I love the cap of Flack looking at Danny in the lab. There is pure, unadulterated lust in that man's eyes. And Danny is innocently looking down, pouting at the microscope.
It's so cute how they're touching in the cap from "Hung Out to Dry." Flack looks like he's about to wrap his arm around Danny and say, "Let's go home, babe." And we all know what that leads to...
:devil: :devil: :devil:
Besides, come on, Danny trading in his voice??? Come on, Flack would love that. A little bit of silence...before Danny gets his voice back and it's a lifetime of Danny babbling on about this and that--when all Flack wants to do is help himself to some Kinkapoodle and have a beer. :lol: :devil:
As for butts...sorry, Flack, but there really is no comparison there! Danny has got a lot of junk in the trunk. :devil: All the more room for, ahem...*trails off before the Meter busts her*
I love the cap of Flack looking at Danny in the lab. There is pure, unadulterated lust in that man's eyes. And Danny is innocently looking down, pouting at the microscope.
It's so cute how they're touching in the cap from "Hung Out to Dry." Flack looks like he's about to wrap his arm around Danny and say, "Let's go home, babe." And we all know what that leads to...