Danny/Flack #6 - Bottom Line: Flack Wants Danny

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^Yeah, Danny can't trade in his prostate. He's gonna need that when Flack has his way with him. ;) :devil:

Besides, come on, Danny trading in his voice??? Come on, Flack would love that. A little bit of silence...before Danny gets his voice back and it's a lifetime of Danny babbling on about this and that--when all Flack wants to do is help himself to some Kinkapoodle and have a beer. :lol: :devil:

As for butts...sorry, Flack, but there really is no comparison there! Danny has got a lot of junk in the trunk. :devil: All the more room for, ahem...*trails off before the Meter busts her* ;) :devil:

I love the cap of Flack looking at Danny in the lab. There is pure, unadulterated lust in that man's eyes. And Danny is innocently looking down, pouting at the microscope.

It's so cute how they're touching in the cap from "Hung Out to Dry." Flack looks like he's about to wrap his arm around Danny and say, "Let's go home, babe." And we all know what that leads to... ;) :devil: :devil: :devil:
Do you think Flack and Danny ever compare butts in the mirror? Maybe Danny will bring along a measuring tape, just to check to the last millimeter whose butt is more ample and squeezable.
OMG!! *rotfl* And now my mom thinks I'm crazy, laughing out loud enough for the whole house to hear.

Oh my... what an image! :lol: :devil: And they'll be all squeezing and pinching and shaking their groove things in front of the mirror.

Oh my God, that is the funniest thing I read all day! Poor merman!Danny, what will he do without his beloved prostate?! How will Prince Flack show him the bliss of buttsex without it?!
Who what will it be? "Kiss the Guy" or "Havesteamyhotpassionatesmex with the Guy"?
Top41 said:
Besides, come on, Danny trading in his voice??? Come on, Flack would love that. A little bit of silence...before Danny gets his voice back and it's a lifetime of Danny babbling on about this and that--when all Flack wants to do is help himself to some Kinkapoodle and have a beer. :lol: :devil:

After some thought, I'm liking this particular plot line of merman!Danny losing his voice in trade for his human legs more and more. No voice means he can't talk ... which means he'll need to use his hands, arms and body to do the talking for him. :devil: And ya know, mermen sure need powerful butt and hip muscles to move those pretty tails of theirs. :lol: :devil: Just think of merman!Danny trying to walk on two legs for the first time. Who knows, maybe he'll watch a television at some electronics shop and copy what he sees on it. After much staggering about, he'll probably strut like a model on the catwalk, hips swaying like crazy and all! :lol:

All the more room for, ahem...*trails off before the Meter busts her* ;) :devil:

Wait, isn't it supposed to be, all the more jigglyness for a nice, hard bounce? :devil: :devil: :devil:

chaostheory08 said:
Oh my... what an image! :lol: :devil: And they'll be all squeezing and pinching and shaking their groove things in front of the mirror.

:lol: Okay, I didn't think that far. I just imagined Danny and Flack standing nekkid in front of a full-length mirror. Ya know, standing sideways so they can see just how far their bottoms, uhm, swell out. :devil: But squeezing and pinching and shaking? All that's real good too.

Flack: Lookin' in the mirror ain't enough. I gotta feel them to make sure.
Danny turns around and Flack places his hands on the guy's posterior.
Flack: Hmmmm. *squeezesqueeze* The left side appears to be more meaty than the right. *squeezesqueeze* No! No, wait, I was wrong, I think it's the right one that's more squeezable. *squeezesqueezesqueeze*
Danny: ... are you done yet?
Flack: Mmmmmm. *squeezesqueezesqueezesqueeze*

:devil: :lol: ;)

"Kiss the Guy" or "Havesteamyhotpassionatesmex with the Guy"?

I have a title that'll only need three words and still convey the same message as the second choice ... but the first word is a bad, bad word. :devil: :p
Kimmychu said:
After some thought, I'm liking this particular plot line of merman!Danny losing his voice in trade for his human legs more and more. No voice means he can't talk ... which means he'll need to use his hands, arms and body to do the talking for him. :devil: And ya know, mermen sure need powerful butt and hip muscles to move those pretty tails of theirs. :lol: :devil: Just think of merman!Danny trying to walk on two legs for the first time. Who knows, maybe he'll watch a television at some electronics shop and copy what he sees on it. After much staggering about, he'll probably strut like a model on the catwalk, hips swaying like crazy and all! :lol:

I like merman!Danny plot. :D
I read this plot in another fandom too. It was more like the movie "Splash" with Tom Hanks and Daryll Hannah. Maybe you know it. I think, this plot would fit for Danny and Flack too. :devil:
And I'm a fan of AU Fics! Made some myself. Imagine Danny as an angel or as jedi knight. :D You can read it at my LiveJournal: Universe of Danny/Flack
Kimmychu said:
After some thought, I'm liking this particular plot line of merman!Danny losing his voice in trade for his human legs more and more. No voice means he can't talk ... which means he'll need to use his hands, arms and body to do the talking for him. :devil: And ya know, mermen sure need powerful butt and hip muscles to move those pretty tails of theirs. :lol: :devil: Just think of merman!Danny trying to walk on two legs for the first time. Who knows, maybe he'll watch a television at some electronics shop and copy what he sees on it. After much staggering about, he'll probably strut like a model on the catwalk, hips swaying like crazy and all! :lol:

Poor Flack won't stand a chance! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wait, isn't it supposed to be, all the more jigglyness for a nice, hard bounce? :devil: :devil: :devil:

That too. :devil: ;)

:lol: Okay, I didn't think that far. I just imagined Danny and Flack standing nekkid in front of a full-length mirror. Ya know, standing sideways so they can see just how far their bottoms, uhm, swell out. :devil: But squeezing and pinching and shaking? All that's real good too.

Flack: Lookin' in the mirror ain't enough. I gotta feel them to make sure.
Danny turns around and Flack places his hands on the guy's posterior.
Flack: Hmmmm. *squeezesqueeze* The left side appears to be more meaty than the right. *squeezesqueeze* No! No, wait, I was wrong, I think it's the right one that's more squeezable. *squeezesqueezesqueeze*
Danny: ... are you done yet?
Flack: Mmmmmm. *squeezesqueezesqueezesqueeze*

:devil: :lol: ;)

:lol: Flack just keeps squeezing and squeezing! :lol: Flack really does have nice, strong hands...maybe he keeps those hand muscles in shape by constantly squeezing that nice round rump of Danny's. :lol: :devil: :devil: :devil:

Flack's got grabby hands. :devil: :devil: :devil:
BlueDemon said:
Imagine Danny as an angel or as jedi knight.

Danny as an angel ... me likes it. Heheheh, yep, I've thought of an AU where one of the guys had wings too, except in my case, Flack's the one with them. :) Just take away the suit, stick him in a loincloth (or absolutely nothing :devil:), give him a pair of gorgeous wings and voila! You have angel!Flack. With his height and skin and big eyes and dark, thick hair ... yeah, he's more the angel to me. (Think Angels in America or something.)

Danny's the naughty one with the little fangs and little horns and a cute tail. :lol: :devil: ;)

Top41 said:
Flack really does have nice, strong hands...maybe he keeps those hand muscles in shape by constantly squeezing that nice round rump of Danny's. :lol: :devil: :devil: :devil:

Excellent point, my dear. :devil: Now we know why Flack's so calm and collected all the time.

He has the perfect benwa buttocks to take away all his stress. :lol:
^For some reason, I see Danny more as an angel than Flack. Maybe because he's got an innocence to him sometimes, a genuine surprise at the bad things people do to each other. I think he's also got a real sweetness to him. I can totally see Flack calling him "angel" too. Not sure why, but in a real sappy, protective moment, I can totally see Flack using that word for Danny.

Flack really has it bad. I just finished watching 410, and in the big scene where they all storm Drew's residence...Flack follows Danny, not Mac, even though by this point everyone knows Drew is the baddie and he's targeting Mac. Mac kind of goes off ahead and Stella is sort of behind him but she meanders, but Flack? Flack sticks to his Danny like glue. Sorry, Mac. :lol: When the cards are down and things are really dangerous and no one is telling Flack where he should be--he's going to go with his Danny. I love that Flack's only instinct is to keep Danny safe--it's so cute. :D

Of course, after the whole runaway train thing, Danny probably wants Flack nearby, too! I'm sure Danny was freaked out that the train went rogue with his man on it. ;)
Top41 said:
^For some reason, I see Danny more as an angel than Flack. Maybe because he's got an innocence to him sometimes, a genuine surprise at the bad things people do to each other. I think he's also got a real sweetness to him. I can totally see Flack calling him "angel" too. Not sure why, but in a real sappy, protective moment, I can totally see Flack using that word for Danny.

Aww, that is so true. Danny really does have a certain innocence to him, and I'm sure that is part of the reason that Flack always seems so inclined to protect him. Well, that and the fact that Danny can't help but get himself into trouble. :lol:

Flack really has it bad. I just finished watching 410, and in the big scene where they all storm Drew's residence...Flack follows Danny, not Mac, even though by this point everyone knows Drew is the baddie and he's targeting Mac.

Totally, even when the obvious thing would be to follow Mac (which no one decides to do) Flack just can't help but be drawn to his man. But then again, they do look hot together. :devil:


Flack can't seem to help but follow his man...


Danny takes a quick glance towards his own personal knight in shining armour.


Aww. *Hugs them both* :D
Elsie said:

Flack: Hey babe, you okay?
Danny: Yeah, I'm good.
Flack: *ogles Danny* I know you are. *waggles eyebrows*

:lol: Hey, I just realized Danny's standing a little in front of Flack, and Flack appears to be leaning backwards a bit. Gee, Flack, what are you trying to look at? :devil:

Awww, thank you so much for the screencaps, Elsie! Much appreciated for those who haven't seen the episode yet, like me. It intrigues me that Danny's the one doing the looking now instead of Flack. Perhaps he's noticed Flack isn't staring at him as much as he used to anymore. :lol:

Ooo, Flack, want Danny to do the chasing now, do you? :devil: Considering you've been a very patient and generous man when it comes to Danny for so long, you certainly deserve something in return after everything you've done for the guy. :devil: ;)
Kimmichu said:
Ooo, Flack, want Danny to do the chasing now, do you? Considering you've been a very patient and generous man when it comes to Danny for so long, you certainly deserve something in return after everything you've done for the guy.
I agree with that. The way Fack is been acting lately made me believe he's either trying to atract Danny attention by acting as if he isn't interested in him anymore or making him realise how his life would be without Flack in it.

Probably, all he's being doing and we believe it to be a bit off character for him (like saying girlfriend in a interrogation room or not telling him he was hanging out with a girl). But when things get difficult, any of them can deny the other the help, and more important, they still look for each other after all.
Flack followed Danny into that room. He's still chasing. ;) He's just trying to be a little more subtle about it. When the chips are down, his baby is what comes first.

Elsie said:
Totally, even when the obvious thing would be to follow Mac (which no one decides to do) Flack just can't help but be drawn to his man. But then again, they do look hot together. :devil:


I love how Flack is focused on Danny, ready to spring into action if Drew should jump out and try to take his baby. Heaven help the stalker who actually targets Danny--Flack would be all over that person, and I don't mean in a friendly way. ;)

Danny looks so scared and vulnerable...no wonder Flack is so protective.


Danny takes a quick glance towards his own personal knight in shining armour.

Awwww, Danny seems relieved to know as usual, Flack is there to protect him. Of course, Mac is getting abducted by the stalker, but eh, as long as Flack's Kinkapoodle is safe... ;) :lol:


Aww. *Hugs them both* :D

Awww, Flack looks like he wants to take his baby in his arms. The man is so in love. I mean, really--did both of them need to search that little room? Not really. But Flack can't bear the thought of anything happening to his baby. So romantic!!! :D Danny looks like he might be realizing it, too.

Aww, that is so true. Danny really does have a certain innocence to him, and I'm sure that is part of the reason that Flack always seems so inclined to protect him. Well, that and the fact that Danny can't help but get himself into trouble. :lol:

I really think that is a big part of it. Flack strikes me as someone who's so worldly and jaded--the things people are capable of doing to each other don't really shock him. But then there's Danny, who's surprised and hurt by all of the terrible things people do to each other. I think that brings out Flack's protective side--he sees Danny as somone more emotional and vulnerable than himself, and more easily hurt. Flack really seems to need to keep Danny safe.

The way he jumped out of that chair in "Snow Day" when Danny called him, in pain and in danger--Flack was clearly emotionally affected in that moment. It takes a lot to get under Flack's skin, but Danny in danger really seems to do it.
Just think of merman!Danny trying to walk on two legs for the first time. Who knows, maybe he'll watch a television at some electronics shop and copy what he sees on it. After much staggering about, he'll probably strut like a model on the catwalk, hips swaying like crazy and all!
Or maybe merman!Danny might have the chance to see another kind of program. You know... those in uhmmmm.... sex shops. :devil:

Flack: Lookin' in the mirror ain't enough. I gotta feel them to make sure.
Danny turns around and Flack places his hands on the guy's posterior.
Flack: Hmmmm. *squeezesqueeze* The left side appears to be more meaty than the right. *squeezesqueeze* No! No, wait, I was wrong, I think it's the right one that's more squeezable. *squeezesqueezesqueeze*
Danny: ... are you done yet?
Flack: Mmmmmm. *squeezesqueezesqueezesqueeze*
:lol: For some reason, the image of Danny -- back facing the mirror -- and Flack with his hands on Danny's buttcheeks, facing the other guy is so HOT!
^Yeah, it is a really hot image. :devil: Can you imagine the look of ecstasy on Flack's face??? Somehow I imagine he really likes getting his hands on that perfect posterior of Danny's. ;) :devil:

Looking at the pics above...Danny almost seems to be expecting Flack to help himself to his Kinkapoodle's sweet ass. Yeah, yeah, I know there's danger and all...but I bet Flack stole a kiss anyway. ;) And copped a feel. :devil:
Can you imagine the look of ecstasy on Flack's face???
Probably the same expression he gets on his face when he's got the perfect hot, fresh cinnamon twist. :lol:

You know what's bad? I just looked at those pictures, and my thought was, "What's Danny going to do if Don's not there?" :( The mental image of Danny having to deal with Don being gone is very sad. :(

Ok, the holiday season is rapidly approaching--so what do we think Danny and Flack would plan for each other? Would Flack pull strings to get them a weekend getaway? (Maybe a getaway just to one of their apartments--but several days all to themselves--phones, scanners and televisions off. :p) Would Danny find the best cookie recipe and surprise Don with some freshly-baked holiday cookies? ;) Maybe they'd leave each other little cards with naughty messages inside?

The mental image of Danny and Flack in nothing but Santa hats is hot. :lol:

Ooh! Maybe they take naughty pictures of themselves and leave them for each other. :devil:

Ok, I'm stopping now. :lol:
Faylinn said:
Can you imagine the look of ecstasy on Flack's face???
Probably the same expression he gets on his face when he's got the perfect hot, fresh cinnamon twist. :lol:

:lol: I love Flack--his needs are simple...food + Danny = ecstasy :D

You know what's bad? I just looked at those pictures, and my thought was, "What's Danny going to do if Don's not there?" :( The mental image of Danny having to deal with Don being gone is very sad. :(

As much as Flack's the one who's obviously and openly in love, I think Danny would be crushed if Flack gave up on him or wasn't there openly adoring him. Danny really seems to count on Flack being there for him. I don't think it's a taking Flack for granted kind of thing--I think Danny needs Flack as much as Flack needs him. Maybe a little more, since it's obvious Flack can take care of himself. :lol: I think either of them would be crushed if something happened to the other one.

Ok, the holiday season is rapidly approaching--so what do we think Danny and Flack would plan for each other? Would Flack pull strings to get them a weekend getaway? (Maybe a getaway just to one of their apartments--but several days all to themselves--phones, scanners and televisions off. :p) Would Danny find the best cookie recipe and surprise Don with some freshly-baked holiday cookies? ;) Maybe they'd leave each other little cards with naughty messages inside?

Awww, I like both of those ideas! I think Flack likes sweeping Danny off his feet, so a weekend getaway would be perfect. Knowing Flack, it would be to some bed and breakfast where they'd be away from all the hustle and bustle of everyday life...but there wouldn't be so much to do that Flack couldn't justify just keeping his Kinkapoodle in bed for days on end. :devil:

And Danny knows the way to Flack's heart is through his stomach, so yeah, I definitely see Danny baking for Flack. And wearing nothing but an apron so that Flack isn't sure which to attack first...Danny or the cookies. ;) :devil:

The mental image of Danny and Flack in nothing but Santa hats is hot. :lol:

Ooh! Maybe they take naughty pictures of themselves and leave them for each other. :devil:

YES, PLEASE. :devil: :devil: :devil: ;)

Just one more thought about 410...it seems like Flack was the one who tracked down Jimmy. Do you think he felt guilty about Mac getting taken hostage? Flack did choose to go with Danny and protect Danny rather than looking out for Mac, when he knew Mac was the one the stalker was targeting?
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