Top41 said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Couldn't have been better said! WOW is
It is indescribable. This is one of those times where you gotta watch the whole episode to experience the mind-blowing awesomeness that is the Danny/Flack relationship. I am so happy we no longer need spoiler boxes to talk about it!
Here's a list of reasons I got so far why episode 4x13 is one magnificent Danny/Flack episode:
1. Flack goes to the labs
on his day off. C'mon, he went there to see Danny for sure. :devil: Look how fast he got outta there when he realized Danny wasn't there! :devil:
2. The
instant it hit him that something was wrong and Danny might be in danger, WHOOSH, Superman Flack is flying to the rescue! :lol: He not only knows where Danny's apartment is, he literally threatens the superintendent with his badge to get inside quick as he can.
And not only that, Flack seems to know exactly how to maneuver through Danny's apartment! :devil: Oh yes, Flack has come there many, many times. :devil: :devil: :devil:
(And did anyone notice that a pool table is missing?
3. Ya know, I seriously do not get why there are people saying that Danny pushed Flack away or that Danny told Flack to 'leave him alone' because he sure as hell
DIDN'T! When Flack finally did find Danny, guess what?
They bantered with each other! And Flack even managed to make it a baseball joke! Something he obviously knows that Danny is fond of! If Danny even pushed Flack away, they would have been fighting instead. Ohh no, Danny
wanted Flack there and even
accepted Flack's help without question. Sure, Danny, you can tell Flack all you want to 'mind his own business' but the truth is ... you needed Flack there and you knew it
big time. Silly Danny, is your pride worth more than Flack's love?
4. Flack getting GPS tracking on Danny. Geez, can the guy be any more dedicated to finding Danny and making sure his kinka-poodle's safe?!
5. Everything Flack does really
does seem like it's for Danny's sake and protection,
without compromising his own ethics or putting Danny's career (and his) in danger while still managing to assuage Danny! Take him telling Danny he has to report his stolen gun, for example. Flack is adamant that Danny has to report it, and even when Danny is frustrated, he doesn't cave in because he knows it'll bring even more trouble to Danny if he allows Danny to keep it quiet and not report it. AND, okay, get this, Flack
gives Danny time to do what he has to do. He
never forced Danny to do anything, gave the guy a chance to make his own decisions. How about that!
6. Flack making sure that Rikki is processed at the precinct with minimal fuss and that Rikki
won't spend a single moment in jail? And Danny has the bratty nerve to be sulky to Flack after Flack does that?! Danny, you owe Flack BIG. Flack was never obligated to do that for Rikki, but he did it anyway
because he knew how upset Danny was by having to book Rikki and wanted to make things as good as possible for Rikki and therefore, Danny. What a guy, eh? What a guy.
7. Here's one I haven't seen pointed out ... Danny could have very well given Rikki time to make a run for it. God knows he could have taken her straight home and helped her pack and run before Flack came around to arrest her. He didn't. In the end, he brought Rikki in to the precinct and I doubt he did it because he thought it was the 'right' thing to do. He did it because he knew it's what Flack would expect of a good cop who remains a professional and does his job. And before anyone says that Flack is being an a-hole ... he had to
arrest his own MENTOR whom he cared very much too. Flack wasn't happy about that but he did it anyway because it was what he had to do.
C'mon, guys! I know there's so much more in the episode!
Let's hear what ya got.