Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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see, it's weird, i only ever consider someone to be new when they have no avvie.

i mean that's obvious, as that usually means they are indeed new, but even after a while i'm like"OH NEWBIE..oh wait. no already here :lol: "

i've read so many fics today. i bet i get to the point when i can't figure out what's canon and what isn't!
How can anyone not like smut?

It depends on the humor I'm in. Both for reading and writing fic, some days I don't want all graphic detail and everything, other times I want it as X rated as possible <g>
-laughs- Well. I may have no avatar here, but I've got 94 of them on my computer. And back to the smut; it depends on my mood. I recently got told something by my friend concerning... [censored by myself, for fear of it being to bad]. So I'm not in a Smutty mood right now. I had to drown myself in CSI: New York to forget about it, and now here I am again...
See, I haven't read any fic today but I need to start writing it. I've promised people fics up to wazoo (oh, that expression, how I've missed it!) and I've been procrastinating. Two D/F, several F/M, one F/A, and several for other fandoms. I think it's just the time of year.

And as for smut, I agree that you have to be in the mood for it.
^^maybe the fics just get more popular in that dead zone over teh summer where there's nothing new on TV, you've seen all the episodes, and watched all of your DVDs. What's left? Letting your imagination run wild shipping your favourite characters.
Eeh. I need to write something. I actually have a story I'm working on, but it's certainly not about CSI. But really. You have to be in the mood for most things. After I got that news, I tried drawing something. Everything was crap. Tried writing something. Crap. All I'm in the mood for right now is sulking and watching CSI. -sigh- Summer without Marching Band sucks. >.o
I'm new to this...all of it...but i do know one thing...don flack and danny messer are one hot hott hott! pair...yeah...er

guys. seriously. i love all of you. look what's happening. we're GROWING.

my god i hope our gutter is big enough :devil:
I love newbies, they're so fun and we get to corrupt them. ;) :lol:

Of course The Gutter is big enough--we just purchased more land and are busy building apartments for everyone. ;) It might be a while before you have lights and running water, but when you're in The Gutter, other things seem much more important--like the chance to ogle Danny and Flack. :p

D'you something that I find interesting? These 'choose your favorite NY ship' polls. The one on the SC list now has D/L in the lead, but at other times when a poll is created, D/F is more popular. *taps chin thoughtfully* It's curious, very curious indeed. ;)

Oh, by the way, Brokeback Crimelab is nearly ready guys! *does a little dance* Are you excited? I_Can't_Hear_You! I saaaaaaaid, are you excited?!

:lol: I know you are. :p
neeeewbies!!! :D welcome to our awesome ship!

WOOHOO! can't wait for the forum!

look what's happening. we're GROWING.
:devil: that wasn't the best choice of words :p ...i love the gutter! :D
Faylinn said:
Of course The Gutter is big enough--we just purchased more land and are busy building apartments for everyone. ;)

I know that the high rise buildings are almost complete. I put in my application for a penthouse apartment earlier this month. I hope I can get some prime real estate - I already put a down payment on a telescope!
*Homer Simpson-style* Mmm. Fresh meat.

:devil: Hallo thar, newbies. Heed the following ... Abandon sanity and clean thoughts, all ye who enter here. :p

Faylinn said:
*does a little dance* Are you excited? I_Can't_Hear_You! I saaaaaaaid, are you excited?!

... you watch Spongebob Squarepants too, don't ya? I love that cartoon. ;w;
Oh, I think the gutter is big enough. At least I hope so. 'cause I'm gunna be here awhile. <3

Am I excited? YES I AM. o_o; I haven't watched that show in forever. It tends to get a bit boring, after all the same stuff, over an' over. But CSI, well. <3 You're always watching for those D/F scenes, and the stuff is never the same. (I'm not a big TV person. I mainly watch CSI, LOST, Without a Trace, and NUMB3RS. And that's it.)
I don't watch a lot of TV either. The CSI shows are my main fandom (although Miami not so much, because S4 was kind of crappy, but S5 promises to be better because Tripp will be a main character and Yelina is coming back.)

I watch Numb3rs, Without A Trace, and Miami Ink.
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