Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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I'm all for Brokeback Crimelab. Every time I read/type it, I laugh. Thankfully, I already finished my tea, otherwise mykeyboard would be ruined by now; I think I learned my lesson the first time.

And the screening would work just fine; so long as you know us here, you know us there, right?

And like I said earlier; please. Don't call me anubite. It's a bit daunting to type, don't you think? So please; Chase, Gabriel, Kai, Kay, Danny, Golden, H.P, or Tom. <3 I'll know who you're talking to, I swear.
Ok, I'll call you Chase because it's the first one you mentioned and I like it. :D

One rule for reading these posts is to NOT drink or eat while reading. It could be hazordous to your computer's health.:lol: Spitting drinks all over the computer screen has happened many times by many people. **myself included** :rolleyes:
Chase it is! (To you anyways. I'm still known as all of those other names to other people in other places..)

I kind of figured that out when I read the 'I'll tel you what I want, what I really really want' quote that will never be seen on CSI. I started laughing so hard that my tea came out of my nose. Thankfully, I had turned around when it happened, or I have a feeling I wouldn't be typing this right now...
And like I said earlier; please. Don't call me anubite. It's a bit daunting to type, don't you think?
Wait, you did say that earlier, didn't you? :lol: *brain is frazzled* But knowing me, I'll probably call you that anyway. :lol: I might abbreviate it to anu or something. :lol: (It's usually easier for the casual reader to keep up with who's talking to whom when we use screennames rather than real names ;))

I think Brokeback Crimelab is pretty much a sure thing at this point. ;)

ETA: :lol: I think I was the one with the Spice Girls song in the "Quotes you'll never hear" thread. :lol: Sorry about that. ;)
Whoo, Brokeback Crimelab!

And to my name; Yes. Yes I did say that earlier. =D But no worries. I'm a patient girl. You guys don't know me well yet, I understand that. Whatever; I still love you all. o.<

Hey, hey, 50 imaginary bucks to whoever can guess what the name 'Anubite_Savior' deals with!

Edit: Oh, so it was you, was it? -brnadishes fist- I keed, I keed. ^_^ I'm not that mean. But it really was quite halarious. That, and the tampon one.
Does 'anubite' have something to do with the god Anubis? :confused: That's all I can think of. ;)

Er...do we have anything D/F to discuss now that we've exhausted ourselves talking about the forum? :lol:

ETA: And the tampon one was mine too, in case you didn't know that (although you probably do since you specifically mentioned it :lol:)
Ooh, you got a 'Page Pwn'.

And yes. -hands you 50 bucks- Not many people know that, so I was all; does anyone here know? And yes, you did. <3

As for something D and F ish, weeell. Nope. Even if I did, I couldn't stay and chat. I guess I have maybe 5 more minutes; a storm is rolling in. =O
woo! busy thread! i love this thread, especially when it's busy. :D
i love secretly bragging to others that our thread is growing rather quickly ^_^

no no dont worry, i only think to myself, i don't go and stuff it in peoples face heh heh.

ahh Chase i thought it may have something to do with Anubis. Anubis is freakin cool, i have to admit.
Anubis IS freaking cool. But not as cool as Danny/Flack Ship. >3 I think you will agree?

And whoever made the Danny/Flack one in the quotes
((Flack and Danny thinking they're alone)

Flack: Hey Danny, I think it's time we officially tell everybody we're in love and we've been together for over a year.
Danny: Oh yeah Don. Why is that? (does tongue thing with smirk)
Flack: (tongue thing, big smirk) Well, it is the 3rd time Stella's caught us in my patrol car.
Danny: It's also the second time Lindsay's caught us in the locker room. (big smile)
Flack: Yeah and Sid wasn't really thrilled when he caught us in the morgue.
Danny: What about the look on Mac and Hawke's faces when they caught us in the breakroom?
Flack: On second thought, I don't guess we have to tell everybody.

Mac: Give it up guys. You're secret's out. (entire team standing with him smiling) )

can I use it on another site? It's not a CSI one, but I like the quote so much I wanted to put it in my signature there. <3

Edit, because it just started raining: It would be amazing to see Danny and Flack in the rain. Together, if you know what I mean. -wink- Like in that movie, the notebook? How they were all out in the rain, and then they like, had sex and stuff? -dies- Don't get me wrong, that movie was awful (I hate chik fliks) but that would be cool for Danny and Flack. ^_^
And whoever made the Danny/Flack one in the quotes (with them talking, and then Mac, at the end), can I use it on another site? It's not a CSI one, but I like the quote so much I wanted to put it in my signature there. <3
Er, what are you talking about? :confused:

*grabs the 50 bucks from Chase* Heh, money for me. ;)

i love secretly bragging to others that our thread is growing rather quickly ^_^
You and me both. ;) Hell, I think the fact that we've flooded the NY forum with slashy goodness shows that the ship is strong, and this thread is just further proof. :lol:
Oh, that's what you meant. ;) 1CSIMfan who wrote that one. :)

But are you sure you don't want to have a signature about the team doing the hokey-pokey? *big dewey eyes* ;) :p :lol:
Yes, I'm sure. <3 I love the 'Your Secret's Already Out, Boys', or whatever it is. But the Hokey Pokey one DID make me laugh.

-Xes the Quotes page- I just made a milkshake; no laughing right now...
I jsut watched Billy Connoly, and i swear, that guy is just too funny.

I dunno if you know him? I'm pretty sure he's done America, he's Scottish. HE's absolutely hysterical.

the reason i'm mentioning it, is that in his show he mentioned going to the doctors. and the doctor mentioned the "prostate" *snigger*
Billy didnt know what that was :lol: and then the doctor put his fingers in...to which he reacted with "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH A DE-RAILED TRAIN HAS JUST BEEN SHOVED AAHHHH"
I couldn't help thinking of Danny/Flack fics :devil:

ok this post was totally un PG-13.
mods feel free to take it off if need be :eek:
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