Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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Faylinn said:
I'm glad you guys liked the fic.
yes, but now you'll have to write MORE smut to satiate us! :D :devil: :lol:

Hmm, is your fic about how they met or something, afrikana? Now I'm curious. :p
yes it is. kinda :p it's more how they "met", if ya get what i'm sayin'. ;)
:) i actually wrote it in french and started translating it. i really hate typing it up, but you can expect to see it on my FF in, oh, under 6 months. :p :lol:

last night i wrote one about danny's insecurity and his finally admitting that he was in love with don. :D it made me so happy *is a dork* :lol:

anyways, i'm just waiting for a moment when we see don leaning on Danny. I admit, Danny was an asshole leaving the hospital, but as we have discussed, i'm sure he eventually came back. :) ;) even if that were not the case, i don't think don would hold it against him. :)
k so i'm behind on episodes and only just saw Love Run Cold.
and just the way Danny asks "Ya like that?" and Flack replied "Yeah" with that oh so impressed expression.

i nearly exploded with squee-age! :D

anyhoo i'm off for the night now, ciao!
Yeah, L2MS, that scene was a classic. :lol: Even if they'd just said 'hey' to each other, I would have loved it, but the way they delivered the lines, and that cute little look Flack had on his face? I loved it! :lol: (Adorable banner by the way. :D)

afrikana--I'm going to write more smut, but I need to go slowly. :lol: I don't think I'll ever get to the level of someone like Kimmy or scarletts_awry over on LJ, but if I get anywhere close, I'll be happy. :lol:

Damnit, reading this thread has given me another plot bunny. *grumble* I'll eventually get around to writing the stories, I hope! :lol: I've also got a short little thing started that Rhonda says I must finish (and who am I to ignore teh Rhonda?). :p
Wow those are so Pretty!
They remined me of how I got my best freind to watch CSI: NY, I just showed him a picture of Flack and he fell in deep lust (same as me).
Somebody needs to send me the plot bunnies. Or light a match under me to finish those I've started. I think I've fallen off the writing map.
Welcome to the D/F thread, Talcat! :D It's always nice to see new shippers. How long have you been a fan of Danny/Flack? :)

Oh no! Khanada, we need new stuff from you! You write some of the best smut there is! *clings to you*

Um....*leg is bouncing nervously*...er...must_give_you_plot_bunnies...*brain is blank* Argh! Here--*sticks a fire cracker under your ass and lights it* Will that work? :lol: Seriously, just head over to BC, read a few threads, I'm sure it'll get you thinking--the Apartment is probably a good place to start. :devil: I'm just saying. :lol: *runs off to add you to the group of members that can access the naughty part of the site* :devil:
You know you can't ignore me Fay. :p Try as you might. :p Khanada, finish those fics!! We need more DF fiction. :D

I love your banner L2MS.

Has everyone read the latest fiction from scarletts_awry? If not, ya gotta read it. It's very good and there's smex. :devil: Kimmy, I'm saving chapter 10 for tomorrow because I read the first line and it mentions something about being the darkest chapter. :( I gotta get my fill of DF porn before I read that angst. I'm currently re-reading To DD or Not to DD.

BTW, I checked back on page 23 and it looks like our new thread title will be Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They? So, whoever reaches 1000 first can open the new thread. We still have around 50 posts to go, so it will be a while. :lol:
Well I used to be more into Mac/Danny but the more I watch the more I think OMG! Flack so loves Danny. I'm convinced he's loved Danny since he first saw him - When ever that might be.

I keep trying to get Liam my freind who watchs just for Flack to see the love but it's not working, I think he wants Don for himself. ;)

Thank's for the warm welcome.
Don't we all want Don just for ourselves? :lol: But alas, I think I need to accept that Don is in love with Danny and I just can't change that. :p Maybe you should force Liam to read some of the good fiction. :lol:

I've never read much Mac/Danny fiction, Danny/Flack is more my thing. ;) And, of course, he's so obvious with his staring that it's hard to deny. :lol:

I like the idea that Don has always been fascinated by Danny, even before he was willing to acknowledge that what he felt was more than just friendship. ;)
Faylinn said:
I like the idea that Don has always been fascinated by Danny, even before he was willing to acknowledge that what he felt was more than just friendship. ;)

Yes I agree with that 100% I wounder if there are any fics that adress Don and his fascination/lust/love for the scrummy CSI Messer?
Wow, there are all kinds of fics where Don lusts after Danny before (and after) they actually get together. :p One by an author named geekslasher immediately comes to mind. I'll PM you the link to it, since it has multiple parts and some of them go over the PG-13 limit for the board. ;)

Other than that one, I'm currently drawing a blank. I'm in the process of trying to start a Fanfic Archive with 1CSIMfan, which will eventually have every D/F story we can find, but for now it's a work-in-progress. :lol: I've really got to get my butt in gear and get links in there... :lol:
*bumps* We fell to the second page again?

I suppose some of our hopes and dreams would be complete if that basketball scene at the end of last night's episode turned into Danny and Flack going at it with basketball, huh? Wouldn't that have been cool? We were so close :lol: :p

Fay, that's going to be a really BIG archive.. Are you sure you want to do that?

Now to answer this question:

How do you think these two developed feelings for each other?

It probably started as a glance and an eyebrow raise because one of them was the 'newbie'. They end up getting put on cases together, going out for drinks after work to talk. Eventually drinks winds up to one guy crashing at the other's place-- Wait a second.. Was this supposed to be a non-smut related question? :p

But non-smut related answer, I agree with Top and L2MS. (Their answers are some.. 20 posts up. Man, I'm behind :lol: )
Big archive? You're telling me? :lol: I've already put in the Danny/Flack stories that I have in the spreadsheet, which is over 200 links (individual stories as well as some multi-chapter stories with individual links), and that doesn't include all of the friendship-only or character-centric fics that I want to put in there. It also doesn't include the D/F fics that I know I haven't gotten yet. So yeah, it's a big undertaking, but it has to be done. :lol: I think all of the D/F fans will benefit from being able to find and discuss fanfic in one central location, but also being able to link to various author profiles, websites, etc. Once I get a few more things added, I'll link to it in my signature and people can start joining and helping me find fics I don't already have. :)

A Danny/Flack basketball scene would make even a shitty episode worth rewatching, even if I just had to fastforward through the crap (like I do every time I watch "Necrophilia Americana," which I only watch for D/F :p).

Do we ever have "non-smut related questions" in here, Shuriyu? :lol: In the end, all roads lead to smut. :devil:
Ah, thank you afrikana, I have that link somewhere, but I never really looked through it. It might be a nice place to start, eh? ;) It looks like I have most of those, but I might find some I haven't seen before. ;) I'm also going to archive Threesomes that involve Danny/Flack, as well as some great non-shippy stories with one or both of them. :) You guys keep an eye out for good stories or keep ones you love in mind, and when I open the board, you can help me build it up. ;) I think D/F fans will like this, I know I would have loved it back when I first got involved with the ship. All of the fanfic in one place? :lol:
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