Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No Shirt

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Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Faylinn said:
Heh heh, do you like my new avvie?
Hahahahahahahahaha!!! Snagged it, it's too funny!!! :lol: OMG, can't stop laughing...sorry Carmine, that hat is stupid for real... :p
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Could he possibly have lost a bet and been forced to wear the sailor outfit? :confused: That's really bad.
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

:D I know what you mean Nim! I keep laughing at it too! He looks SOO unhappy with that on! Like he's just waiting for the second he can rip it off! :lol:
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

I just noticed something behind his left hand. Is it a price tag?
This hat is just awful.
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

We need a mod for ICON ABUSE. I vote Fay to get first punishment. Ew.
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Don't lie Lyn, you know you love it. ;)
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

He looks like an especially irked genie in your icon. He'll have big pants and a lamp someplace. I bet if you asked icon!Carmine for a wish, he'd headbutt you.

Look at him! He's BLATANTLY spoiling for a fight. I'm scared!
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

haha ... your signature is really funny :))
~ I share a brain with Faylinn - and it needs cleaning.
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

OMG!! I've only been gone from this thread for less than 24 hours and you guys have already posted two pages. :eek:

Sorry, Fay but that is the worst icon I've ever seen!! :rolleyes: :p

What in the world was he thinking? He looks like he's ready to kill somebody. I'm with whoever said maybe he lost a bet and was forced to wear that.

Kimmy how could you show that to Fay? She posts all the naughty and weird pics. :D

Here's something to take your mind off of it:

Aahh...that ass shot again.

One of my favorites. Tongue!porn :p
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Are you implying that I should make an icon out of a close-up of his ass in those pants? :devil:

Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Mmmm! Both of those pics are hot 1CSIMfan!

*ponders Fay's icon idea* I would be in favor of that icon! :D
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

haha...that is really crazy :) ... carmine's ass at avatar :p
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Nope, not implying...just hinting. :devil: I'm trying to get more of those ass pics to post but that site has been down. :(

Please make an icon out of it. **hoping Fay will be distracted by Carmine's ass and get rid of the purple hat** :devil:

ETA: I also think a banner out of the 2nd picture would be great too. With the phrase: Tongue!porn..Thinking of Flack. :lol: I need a new tongue!porn banner. :p
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