Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No Shirt

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Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

*offended sound* Tuh! How could you not mention Teh Fay? I have the flip-flop picture. :p Of course I do. ;)

Wait, do you mean he actually has feet?! :eek: I was concentrating a bit higher. :devil:

By the way, I just realized that I don't have the Shasta picture where Carmine is holding up ladies underwear...*sniff* But I do have this one:


Silly boys. :p

ETA: Wasn't he also wearing flip-flops in one of the pictures from the OK! Magazine shoot?
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

tala, I'm curious about your icon. :D I have another version of that shoot where he's gazing at the camera with his head sideways ... but not the one you've got there. Is there a bigger version of it?

And Fay ... everybody knows you're teh Pimp of teh Purple Flip-Flops. :lol:
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Yipes! *bows head down in shame* So sorry, Fay! My bad. Am always rushing to post these things quick because I'm at work. :p

Kimmy my icon came from a photo my friend knickknack found somewhere... was so long ago, I can't remember where she dug it up from! I also manipulated the sideways glance one for a bannerpic, but since I'm supporting Formula One at the moment, it's this current banner... but with Danny's eyes pasted over it. And the name change over the "Boss" sticker. :) (...Yeah, I was really bored and jobless about a year ago. :lol:)
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Yipes! *bows head down in shame* So sorry, Fay! My bad.
*gives Tala the hairy eyeball* Good, just be sure it never happens again... :p :lol:

Hot boys in fast cars? Yum. ;)
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S


Hot boys, fast cars... and champagne showers. ;)
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

*keeps looking at tala's icon* So adorably sexy. And very nice edit on the sign there. :lol:
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

:lol: I didn't even notice that until you brought it up, Kimmychu! That's awsome! He looks amazing in that icon! I love it tala!
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

K, I lied. This is the last photo of the evening. Enjoy:


*singing* In the naaaavvvvyyyy. That photo is priceless :lol:. Thanks Kimmy :p.
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Heh. Evil!Sailor!Carmine. :devil: I think he stalks Kimmy's nightmares. :lol:
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Okay. Ya know. It's not so bad.


OMG, YES, IT ISSSSSSSSSSSSSS! *quickly scrolls down*

Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Ok, it's official--Teh Fay is making an avatar out of that. :devil:
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - oh wait, maybe it'll help desensitize me - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

*eek!* No, that picture again!! Well at least I don't have to see it again! That's an image of Carmine I don't want to revisit. Ever.

:lol: You'll never get over that pic will you Kimmychu?
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Heh heh, do you like my new avvie? I think it turned out well for taking all of about 5 minutes. :lol: (*sigh* Maybe I'll keep it forever and ever...or bring back the Shasta avvie. :devil:)
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