Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No Shirt

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Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

That was truly priceless. You don't notice the absolutely frightening orangeness of the picture but that ring just pops right out at you! i'm still laughing.
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

hehe..that sounds like something I would do...notice the ring instead of the hideous colors. :lol:

Did anybody ever watch that show? I never heard of it until I came in here.
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Ooo, good spot there, Nim! I was a little unsure whether it was him or not, because he sounded so different there than the rest of the movie ... poor guy. :lol: But my goodness, he looked hot with that mohawk-like soldier's haircut. *fans self* If I ever met him in person and he had some kind of mohawk or fauxhawk ... he can say hello to my bewbs. :devil:
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S


Danny: Oh, you scared me. I thought you were one of those crazy fan girls from the LR!
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Little does he know, you are a fan girl from the LR! :D I love the pic!
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

This thread needs some more tongue!porn. Oh wait...:

Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Mmmhmm!! Always love some tounge porn! Great pic jorja_fan86! :D
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

I agree, tongue!porn is always a good thing :). Anyway, here's my last contribution for the evening:


Danny: *whining* Can we please hurry up? I gotta go pee!
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Awww!! I love Danny's waiting all nicely! :D Another awsome pic jorja_fan86!
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Hahahahahah! Nice orange-y pic there, ei. And oh, flip-flops! I was just about to ask if you have any pics of him wearing flip-flops. Hahahahah....

BHD is one of my fave movies. Before, apart from the story, I would watch it for Orlando Bloom... then came Eric Bana... then Josh Hartnett and Ewan McGregor.... and what do you know, Carmine too!

Glasses, guys in uniform -- this guy is just too damn hot for CLOTHES! Hahahahahaahaha........
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

What's really scary is that I've actually dated guys who looked like Carmine's characters in Shasta (though not in that orange picture), CSI's ThumpyG (hey, I was in college and in to low-riders :eek:), and the handsomely innocent :lol: young Carmine from "For Love of the Game."

Now, don't even get me started on the Marine look. Ooohhh, baby. My late father retired Army and Army Reserve, so I was always around military men. There's just something about the way a military man carries himself, and Carmine perfected that military attitude to a T. :D
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

My guy friend is blind as a bat too w/o his glasses. I'm hid 'guide dog' when he leaves his glasses in a room. Hahahahah
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Chaostheory08 said:
And oh, flip-flops! I was just about to ask if you have any pics of him wearing flip-flops. Hahahahah....
FLIPFLOPS!!!!!!! Oh goodness, someone, hurry and post our classic lavender flipflop pic! Bitten? Top? Boomerang?

Hey, Chaos, we're from the same country. ;)
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Yup. :) For nearly an entire year, knickknack and I thought it was just the two of us from this little corner of the world! We don't post very often nowadays, but it's nice to know that Dannypandemonium is growing. :D
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