Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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omFg. Now you've gone and done it Mrs G. I'm trying to work here, and I'm suddenly having what resembles a hot flush, and my stomach is flipping at the very thought. :eek:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Springmoon said:
I'd like to suggest this one for an opener:

Danny/Carmine #12 - Ya Like That?
Love it. :D Man, what I would give to hear that whispered in my ear. :devil:

You and me both, MrsG!

Actually, licking your lips when it dries tends to dry it up more. I had the same problem some years back and my lips start to chap and I licked and licked. My dermatologist told me that I should use petroleum jelly or ChapStick instead of licking my lips hahahah....
crankyjules said:
omFg. Now you've gone and done it Mrs G. I'm trying to work here, and I'm suddenly having what resembles a hot flush, and my stomach is flipping at the very thought. :eek:
Hot flush? Here, will this help?


No? Only mad it worse, didn't it? *wipes sweat from own forehead* Sorry.
^ Help an old lady out. What's a "wmd"? Of course, if any of the words are profane, please don't type out the dirty word. Be creative and I'll figure it out.
You are evil and must be destroyed :devil:

That is my ALL time favourite CG photo. That and the other one posted in the same post by kasmith101. Good choices. I could light up an entire planet right now with the heat I'm feeling :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: (and might I add that it's NOT due to menopause ... too young for that :D )
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Love it. Man, what I would give to hear that whispered in my ear.
crankyjules said:
omFg. Now you've gone and done it Mrs G. I'm trying to work here, and I'm suddenly having what resembles a hot flush, and my stomach is flipping at the very thought. :eek:

Goodness! I feel the same way(except I'm not at work)! Wow...Just the way he said that...*WHEW* It's VERRRRY hot in here!!! ;)

More Tongue!Porn :p

Just cause it's already hot in here...

Never can get enough, can we? :devil:

OH! And I *LOVE* Danny/Carmine #12 - Ya Like That? for the new thread name!
MrsGiovinazzo said: [quote
^ Help an old lady out.

Erm, I need help too! I have seen TPTB mentioned soo many times but can't figure out what it stands for - HEEEELP! :lol:
^Fantastic! I'm not alone in that puzzle. Someone please enlighten us. :lol:

MrsG[ said:
Love it. Man, what I would give to hear that whispered in my ear.
Oh lord, that sent me spiraling right down to the lowest recesses of the gutter. *is in a very happy place*
Praise you, LovinMyGreggo! I've been trying to figure it out for over a year now, :lol:!

You're so right, rachaelm... I'm supposed to be editing five articles today and all I can think about is, well...
Danny/Carmine #12 - Ya Like That? has gotta be the one lol i can picture the words slipping off his tongue..... hehe

:eek: :eek: :devil:
hehe mmmmmm!!!!! ;)
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