Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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^ shake it, baby!!! :D :D

i bet eddie was in the bushes somewhere with a pair of binoculars checking out carmine's infamous cheeks! :lol: :devil:
Oh he was in the bushes.... with me. :devil: I had to arm wrestle him for the binoculars, but I won. He pouted for a bit, but then I put those lips to good use.
Apparently we're going to ignore the flip-flop pic! OK, I really like "Ya like that!" Baby likes that...and that...and that! :eek:

Now I understand why Carmine likes golf: he utilizes a long stick to put a ball in a small hole. Of course, he is a man! Simple logic really. :lol:
PrettyEyes said:
Now I understand why Carmine likes golf: he utilizes a long stick to put a ball in a small hole.

Sweet jesus my mind went beyond the gutter when I read that comment :eek:.

Carmine looks so frigging sexy in this photo. Actually, sexy isn't good enough of a word.


He's fu*king beautiful!
That golfing picture gets me every time. :lol: That silver whose-a-ma-whatsit is placed so humorously. :lol:

jorja, I adore that picture...*drools*

Er...*digs through photobucket for a picture to post*...Uh, here, have these:

Say what?

The ladies can't say no to me when I make this face...
^^The ladies can't say no to me period. Look what happens whenever they open up a thread here about me, it goes up in flames every time. I'm so hawt!
HAVE I ever thanked you guys properly for all the "Eye Candy" of Carmine. He's so beautiful! It's almost sinful. Thank you all for the beauty =:->
I just noticed that I have that pic that's like 'the ladies can't say no to me when I make this face,' and then right after that is my banner that says 'he has a face?' :lol: So I guess that tells you the truth, darling--we think you're hawt, and it doesn't matter what face you make. We still want you!

I'm hawt...

I'm sexy...

And I know it.
Aww, I'm glad you like the banner, guys. ;) It's the damn truth, you know. :lol: Yes, the face is pretty to look at, but I want to grab hold of those arms and then [censored] and [censored] until he can't [censored] anymore...:devil: Heh heh...

Kissie kissie
jorja_fan86 said:
PrettyEyes said:
Now I understand why Carmine likes golf: he utilizes a long stick to put a ball in a small hole.

Sweet jesus my mind went beyond the gutter when I read that comment :eek:.
Same here :eek: :lol: :eek:
Love all those pics wish I could post some but eveytime I go in to my photobucket I get disconnected :(
Damn ladies, you're killing me with these photos!

Carmine/Danny is the reason I started watching NY...it's like I need a drool bucket everytime I watch the show! :p
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