Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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welcome Ronnie! :D you'll love it here!

*drool* damn the tongue!porn and arm!porn!!!! :lol: although i don't particularly like the shirt he's wearing in the tongue!porn pic... :p
Nim said:
I think THAT is the most posted pic of Danny...:D
I have his same problem, with the tongue. It's because when I talk, my lips run dry, so I have to lick them...but he's sexier than me, no way!!! :lol: :lol:

hahaha, Nim, I'm making it my own personal mission to make this the most posted pic of Carmine:


CLassic.... but this is my new favorite of Danny....


Who can get enough?
:eek: Wow you girls sure do work fast at getting this place pretty hot. :devil: ;)

Wonderful pictures everyone, and kasmith101 I love the last one you posted. It's one of my favorites as well. Ah stubble. :D

Personally, I liked seeing him in dress shirts. They just seemed to suit him so well. (Not that I'm opposed to the tight shirts but the man should show some class at work. Am I right? ;))

Oh and I forgot to introduce myself. I usually hail in the Miami forum but I've been watching NY since season one, and I'm more of a lurker in here. I should really start to contribute in this thread more! ...Now that we've all met...

Continue the Danny love!
kasmith101 said:
hahaha, Nim, I'm making it my own personal mission to make this the most posted pic of Carmine:

That is one mission I will personally support 110%. That pic is a vision of absolute perfection. Whenever I see that, I just want to get my hands on him and [CENSORED] him until his [CENSORED] just can't bear the thought of [CENSORED] one more time. :eek:
Who can get enough?
Is there any such thing as "enough" of our Italian stallion? :lol:

Welcome to the NY forum, speed cochrane! I've never visited the Miami forum myself, but I'm sure we're a lot more fun over here. ;) :devil:
Ah heck I'm sure all three forums are fun in their own respect. :D ;) (Thanks for the welcome by the way) However this forum has an edge, and that edge is named Danny/Carmine. :devil: That picture is living, breathing proof.

:eek: Is it possible he is the best looking CSI I've ever seen? :lol:

Danny seriously needs to add more pink in his wardrobe. Pink definitely accunates(sp) his tan & blue eyes.
Ronnie!!!!! hello! its great here.. you are going to love it here!!! theres alot of great piccis that get us hot n bothered in here!!! hehe :D :devil:

Jorja thanks sooo much for posting THAT pic :D wow.. he is fit in that one:D

so why we are all posting our faves. i jus HAVE to post this one ... ;)

^^ Tell me that aint hot?! :devil:^^
Hmm... almost time for the new thread again ;)

I'd like to suggest this one for an opener:

Danny/Carmine #12 - Ya Like That?
Mrs. G, I knew you'd get behind that one.... I can only imagine what you'd be doing back there too. :devil:

Springmoon- I like that :lol:
Welcome to all the newcomers! :)

Nim, kasmith, jorja_fan and LovinMyGreggo: You can post those exact same pictures in every single freaking post you make and you won't see me complain! :lol:
Lovely pictures! But I'm suddenly missing the dress shirts. I like Rough-cut!Danny, but I miss his classier self, lol.

Springmoon said:

I'd like to suggest this one for an opener:

Danny/Carmine #12 - Ya Like That?

*big dramatic sigh* Such an innocent statement has been forever ruined....but I love it. ;)
I am trying to share a picture with you all but I am not sure how. I thought it was an excellent pic of Carmine. If anyone can tell me what to do I will gladly share. I have it in my picture file.
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