Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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^I don't think Flack shares! :lol: Was Hawkes taking a peek at the biceps? :lol:
goreshi said:
it's just my trip to have it as my avatar...(you know what i'm saying...)...I'll change it next time...I'm still looking for another pic...I have new ones from the OR..if the placenta avatar, its more worst than that...

And I guess he has a lot of frames, as I was having my marathon, I think he did change his frame thrice for season 2....

I'd take the placenta hahahahah! *i'm mean*

Yeah, and I rememeber him changing twice during season1. Don't forget his contact lenses on the first NY/Miami crossover.

Flack shares, yeah. I know that first-hand, remember? Hahahahahh!
How can you not be in love with Danny? Hawkes clearly is - the man just keeps getting hotter with each passing season. Right now, to me, he is perfect (yes, that is a rip-off of Love, Actually) and how can Hawkes deny it? Of course, since Flack had to spend his summer in recovery, Danny had to find some way to expend his, er, energy. Hawkes, being the good, accomodating friend that he is willingly stepped in to teh void. Now that summer is over, it's back to business as usual. :eek:
I have a present!

Oh.. these ones too.. Click! et Click!

WARNING! I am not responsible for any computer short circuts, fainting, drooling or anything associated with these pictures. Enjoy! ^_^
feenx said:
Top41 said:
Was Hawkes taking a peek at the biceps? :lol:
Tell me who in this broad wasn't peeking.

Seconded. Thirded, even. But I think that Adam is actually in love with Danny, and perhaps just mad that Danny is the object of everyone else's affections too ( in which case, I'd be more than willing to comfort poor Adam ).
How about some tongue!porn from People With Money??

This is the only cap I found and Danny's blurry. :(

I thought this picture was cute
Shuryiu, that first picture is amazing! *drools* I want to, like, make babies with him. :lol:

Yes, his arms are killing me this season. :eek:

Adam having a crush on Danny? I could totally see it. ;) (And if I happened to be writing a smutty Danny/Adam fic, it has nothing to do with the fact that I lurve them both :p).
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