Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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wowee!!!! those pics are soooo HOT! hehe i love the "parking for italians" sign next to him hehe needless to say, im sure i could find a nicer, more comfortable space to park him ;) :lol:
ShuriyuCSI said:
WARNING! I am not responsible for any computer short circuts, fainting, drooling or anything associated with these pictures. Enjoy! ^_^
You gotta write this BEFORE the links to the pics :lol: now there's drool everywhere... :rolleyes:
welcom, shaofu! :D

dayyyyum, shuriyu... those pics are... :devil: *drools on keyboard* and i can't sue you for short circuiting my pc! evil!! :lol: :p
Faylinn said:
Adam having a crush on Danny? I could totally see it. ;) (And if I happened to be writing a smutty Danny/Adam fic, it has nothing to do with the fact that I lurve them both :p).

Haha, totally in character, no? I love it. I'd definitely read the fic.

Poor, very very loved Danny. I definitely don't hear him complaining much.
Is it wrong that I like looking at his tongue? (Asking wrong group of girls.....)
Thanks for sharing the pics, 1CSIMfan that kind of thing really do make my morning.
hehe.. his tongue is lush :devil: man... wat i wouldnt give to... Oops!!! too much info! :lol:
the tongue!porn is very VERY hot tho ;)
the tongue is very hott :devil: ...i also like his hands....nice manly hands...i like the arms too, well, i guess i like everything else that i've seen so far.... :p ;)
Everyone loves Danny. :lol: He's definitely a spoiled boy! And a slutty one, if he gave it up for Hawkes over the summer when poor Flack was bedridden and too wounded to salute. ;) :devil:

I like the blurry tongue porn! :lol: And the other pic is cute, too...he looks like he's saying, "You want me to do what???" :lol:
Well, the Danny/Adam story is shaping up to have angry!sex at this point (rather than something romantical ;)), but you never know how things will progress. ;) My very first smut, we'll see how it goes. :lol:

But back to Danny instead of my porny slash fic ideas. :p

Love the pictures, ladies. Guh, he's so hot--tongue, arms, even funny facial expressions...*melts*

But what's with that leather band/bracelet thing? Is it like a trend or something? :confused:

(And, er, yeah, I said 'romantical' :lol:)
those lil rubber bracelets are a trend here in the UK.. they were sold to raise money for charities an stuff..and to raise awarenes for bullying in schools etc. live aid sold white ones that said "make poverty history" last year.
alot of people have them over here.
but i think they do look rather sexy on him alongside his watch ;) hehe
I wonder if it snaps like a rubber band?
*snap* "heh heh."
"Knock it off."
"I said quit."
*snap snap snap*


I just came across this pic in my photobucket account. I have it labeled 'doofy smirk'--yep, very doofy (but adorable :p):


Edit: Oh, and here's 'Sad Danny' from "Heroes" :( Poor woobie.

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