Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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:lol: i loved it when Danny was interrogatin that bald dude hehe he looked so hot.. and the veins n bones that stuck out of his neck... makes me wish i was a vampire :lol: :devil:
Yes, must have pictures of him interrogating Clarence Rose (or whatever the guy's name was)--come on, people, I'm not the only one who noticed the fang!porn!!!

So, you know, one of you lovely ladies can hook a girl up. ;)
Happy birthday, chellyah! Enjoy your day of sweet Carmine lovin'. Don't worry about tiring him out. with all the birthdays we've had around here lately, he's undoubtedly built up some amazing stamina. :lol:


best 2 i cud find 4 u :D
thank you MrsG!!!! hehe i can tell ya now, he has certainly taught me a few things!! hehewhy cant we be like the queen... she has 2 birthdays a year!!! :( hehe
whose birthday is next? lol

x :lol:
lol actually im not married! lol jus a boyfriend :p

gyeah carmine definately has taken the place for a whole 24 hours!!!! :lol:
Ah yes, thank you kindly for the fang!porn pictures, chelliyah (Happy b-day by the way ;)). :D If I had a computer that could take screencaps I'd have a really good one of that shot where you can see two pointy little teeth on that side. :devil: (The first one you posted shows it a bit. ;))
I don't have a husband or boyfriend, but he can take the place of my.......not gonna say it, but you guys know what im talking about :lol:
hehe @ feenx oh yeah we know ;)
FAYLINN : i dunno bout anyone else, but i love Carmine's teeth.. they are soo good! lol i would love to know who his dentist is!! :D
i have to agree with you on the fang!porn tho.. it is very sexy when it jus peeks out the side of his smile :D hehe
chelliyah said:
yeah its wats IN the clothes that we are after! hehe... maybe he jus likes wearing the Wrong stuff, to see how quick us ladies can get it off of him ;) :lol:

Oh so true. You know what they say -- don't judge the book by its cover. Lol!

Yeah with all the September birthdays, he's in perfect shape. Boy, he does look hotter this season. The pics in the previous page -- with the shocked look on his face -- he's not as stern as the last season... considering everything that happened to him.
:lol: yeah i think over the next few weeks us carmine - aholics are gonna be gettin it bad! :D
afrikana - damn right the stubble is good!!! lol i like it when he has a full chin n jaw line's worth of stubble.. very rugged ;) hehe
hot pics!! new pair of eyeglasses...and his eyeglasses are similar to mine!!!...now i'm having thoughts on not replacing them...
lucky you goreshi :D... my dad came back with new glasses yesterday that looked almost exactly like danny's old glasses and i was so shocked all i could say was 'aeugh!'
thank god danny has new glasses now or i'd have weird thoughts of danny every time i see my dad... egh...

btw happy birthday chelliyah... :D though its probably over by now... hehe
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