Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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*Thanks God for the sex that he has morphed into over the past 4 years* It's a damn good thing that CSI:NY was new last night, because all these horrible pictures popping up over the past couple days are hurting my eyes and my heart. Really, what is that shit?! Those pictures were taken at a horrible angle, his hair is making me feel skeevy and I think that that suit was bought at 14 because it looks a little tight in the jacket. :lol: It's SO wrong!
^^ Ah, Learning Curve premiere pics, presumably. He's with Monet Mazur and his hair sucks balls. That pic has Learning Curve written all over it. Man, much as I adore Carmine, I've gotta wonder if that girl got hazard pay for having to hook up with him. :lol: :lol: ... Kidding ... kinda. I can't pinpoint exactly when he became hot. Maybe around the time of Shasta? Amazing that a guy I wouldn't have looked twice at based on his early work manages to consume such a large portion of my internet time.

EDIT: Just scrolled back up for another look. Who the hell sold him that suit? I worked in the men's suit department at Ralph Lauren during college and that baby is painfully ill-fitted. I'm not even talking about the obvious fact that it's too tight. Did Men's Wearhouse or his tailor hose him on that one? The pants are a little too short, but it's the blazer that hurts. The sleeves are supposed to touch the top knuckle on his thumb -- not miss it by a freakin' mile.
^^That's what I'm saying! :lol: Look at the marks where it's stretched across his chest. That is not normal or comfortable looking at all. I can't even look at those anymore. They're terrible. He looks like an unmade bed right there. Not only is his suit ill-fitting but his shirt is damn near unbuttoned to his belly button. I'm embarrassed for him. :lol:
lookaboomerang said:
^^That's what I'm saying! :lol: Look at the marks where it's stretched across his chest. That is not normal or comfortable looking at all. I can't even look at those anymore. They're terrible. He looks like an unmade bed right there. Not only is his suit ill-fitting but his shirt is damn near unbuttoned to his belly button. I'm embarrassed for him. :lol:

lmao @ unmade bed hehe too funny :lol:
WTF of a suit is that :lol:
Happy B-day chelliyah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man, september is a busy month for Carmine :lol:

Okay. I am going to go manufacture some brain bleach now. Who wants some to rid their minds of these scream-inducing pictures?

:p Seriously, I'll take these pics as proof a different haircut and clothes really do make a massive difference. But that long-hair photo? Someody needs to burn every copy in existence because it can literally make people cry. (I must say there're guys who can really rock long hair ... just not Carmine. :lol:)
Kimmychu said:

Okay. I am going to go manufacture some brain bleach now. Who wants some to rid their minds of these scream-inducing pictures?
Oh please do, my eyes...they burn :eek:
sorry for posting those pics ladies.... :eek:

here is the man as we know him now... :p


Oh jeez. I keep scrolling up to the bad suit. I can't help it. And I think I had that same hairstyle when I was 11. :eek:

I'm hoping that he just borrowed the suit from someone because he didn't have enough money to get one. Although, I can't imagine who he would have found that smaller than him. Maybe it's left over from middle school. :confused:
My eyes hurt! :eek: :eek: :eek:

This man really has Danny to thank for making him hot. :lol:
messinwitmesser and feenx thank you for your birthday wishes!!!

hehe ill let ya know if carmine gets exhausted hehe ;)

ooohh hot hot hot!!! hehe ;)
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