Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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Wow....those last photos posted are hawt! The third one is the hottest. But hey, I'd take dress pants and converses or socks & sandals anyday. *retches*

Anyway, I think it's time for a shot of the man in blue:

Oh god, I've been absent for 24hours and two pages have passed! You guys are the bomb!

Hot hot HOT pics! Does he ever have "jusk ok" pics? It seems as if he only takes GREAT pics and some bad ones lol *dont shoot* I love those photoshoot pics above!!!!

Hey, I'm from the other side of the world but I'm willing to parttake on the Carmine hunt. I can be a cyber stalker hahahahaha.....

Btw, wishlist? Hmm..... what more can I add? Hmm... I always like a guy who could cook :)
feenx said:
i got bored, and look what i found.
for those who haven't seen these enjoy. and for those who have, well it's always nice to see them again.



I think I'm behind- where are those pics from?
Thanks for posting them, they're great! :D
Just passing by! Gosh you guys are moving along fast in here! In the post from ThisIsMe ,with the quoted pictures.I noticed something funny :D he looks great in those pics but anyways in the third one where he's sitting on the rocks. Whats up with those shoes? :lol: They're a bit miss-matched :D
But he still looks fantastic! :D ;) :)
Hey. Just watched MIA/NYC-NonStop and MAN Carmine looks sooooooo different!!!!!!!!! Wow. He seems to get better n better n betterrrr. :D
Wow, those pictures are amazing!

In return to Carmine Hunting; I'd hunt for you, if they ever really filmed in the City. I'm not too far by, so... <3
Beautiful pics! Damn, he is HOT!!!!!!!!!!!! I especially love the one on the rocks where he's wearing green chucks with a suit. Only Carmine can make that work.

Feenx and anyone else who may want info regarding the panty drive, PM me for the details.
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