Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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MrsGiovinazzo said:
^ The collecting is going well. :D Got a nice little black trunk full of panties and notes for Hill.

No panties for Carmine. He got the LBB. He also has a birthday project from another site on its way to him. I do have a big fan project planned for him that I'll be starting up at the end of the year. Not remotely dirty, but infinitely more significant. Not gonna spill the details yet, but I'll be bugging everyone for help with something in a few months.

After the panty drive ends, it'll be Eddie's turn for a fan project. I've enlisted the help of Goodbyetuesday on that one and we'll be starting that up as soon as Hill's gift has been delivered. Gotta make sure all our boys feel the love. :D
oh... can't wait for the new Carmine thing and Eddie. yes they do need to know how much we love them.
justfriends said:
Actually I was in LA staying with a friend who said he lived about 10 minutes away, I would have gone knocking with a bottle of Vodka in one hand and sushi in the other, however, the whole idea of going to jail didn't appeal to me! ;-)

This plus all the talk of panty collecting engraved a not-so-PG image in my little ole brain.

Pair that with the thought of a group of girl scouts selling cookies who just left our doorstep 5minutes ago.

*buries herself in the gutter*
Girl Scout cookies? :lol: You were wearing more than an ugly hat and an argyle sock, I hope. :p

Mel, the LBB is The Little Black Book that MrsG gave to Carmine when she was an extra in "Fare Game." A bunch of girls (not me *sniff* I didn't have the guts) put their names, numbers, etc. in it. ;)

I think we need to do some more drooling in this here drool thread. ;) Here are some pictures that we've all seen, but who cares? :lol:



And a bit of tongue!porn for good measure
*showers Fay with hugs and smoochies for bringing this thread back on topic*
Oh yeah, isn't this supposed to be a picture thread? We've been sadly devoid of pics here for a while. :confused: Thanks for giving me something sweet to wake up to, Fay. :D I especially love the black and white one. Those biceps are bulging and beg to be wrapped around me. :devil:
God, I miss the sexy bed-head and the eyebrow!porn for good measure. Of course, tongue!porn is also a massive turn on. Too bad I'm at work... I think I may be starting to come down with a little something *cough*cough*
Oh, I knew we'd get back to pics eventually, but I thought it would be fun to cause some spontaneous drooling from fangirls who didn't expect it. Heh heh. :p

Here are a few more of my favorite pics of the man himself.

Gotta love the fang!porn (he even has his collar up like a vampire. :devil:)

You drive, I'll ride. :devil:

Thumpy G!! :lol: (I watched that episode of Vegas last night ;))


Heh heh, just sprung it on you, didn't I? :lol:
LOL at the vampire look...too bad he wound up dead instead of turned in Buffy. He can nibble my neck anytime he likes <g>

BTW I'm not sure if I've ever asked this: Anyone know why he was credited there as Carmine D Gionovazzo (sp?) but now the D is gone?
Mel23 said:
LOL at the vampire look...too bad he wound up dead instead of turned in Buffy. He can nibble my neck anytime he likes <g>

And other parts indeed.

BTW I'm not sure if I've ever asked this: Anyone know why he was credited there as Carmine D Gionovazzo (sp?) but now the D is gone?

Well, many actors move between putting in initials, taking them away, etc. until they find something that works for them, I suppose. The "D" is for "Dominick" I believe, which I think was his grandfather's name? Didn't someone email him about that? There was some speculation that his actual middle initial was "J" (thank you imdb.com for your attention to detail) and stood for "Jerome". Definitely not as sexy as "Dominick".
I must be wrong but I think I remember reading he was named after his grandfather. And the TV Guide website has Dominick as his father's name.
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