Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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Springmoon said:
Oh Kimmy!! Methinks I spy a budding mohawk!


Thank you, Carmine, my darling.

For my making my ovaries burst with joy.

If you grow it out, I shall love you for all time. Oh wait. I already do.

:lol: ;) :D
Just saw the pics and man, I have to admit I'm easily getting accustomed to that buzz cut... ;)

Btw, did you notice the belt? Doesn't that look like brass knuckles to you? *lol*
Wow, I haven't posted in here in like a week, I think. :eek:

Brass knuckles? Heh heh, I guess the days of beating the women off with a stick are over. :p

Of course, it could be that he keeps brass knuckles handy so that he can beat off any women who try to hit on Eddie. Heh heh...*sneaks off to the D/F thread* ;)
No wonder he's lonely. All the women are afraid to get near him. :rolleyes: Those brass knuckles wouldn't stop me. Let me at him. :lol:

But then again, it probably is for keeping the women away from Eddie. :devil:
That man has to have something to ward off the crazy women from his Eddie.

I kind of like his budding mohawk look he has going on there. What am I saying, I like that man anyway and anywhere. I do like the torn jeans, I just want to tear them right off of him......
ThumpyG said:
I do like the torn jeans, I just want to tear them right off of him......

from what it looks like to me, i don't think you'll have much trouble tearing those jeans off the man, it looks like the belt isn't really buckled... ;) or maybe i'm just seeing things.. :devil:
^ That's exactly why he'd have brass knuckles handy! Can't have the girls hitting on his Eddie. :lol: Alternatively, if the brass knuckles are to fend off all the woman who want a piece of him, that Staten Island tough boy thing wouldn't scare me off. Wanna play rough? Bring it. ;) :devil:
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