Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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Mohawks don't do it for me at all. I guess it's a personal preference thing, but seriously, he looked so good on the cover of TV Guide and then these recent pics have been so bad!
^ Agreed. That TV Guide cover was perfection! ... Oh, the things I'd like to do that guy from the cover ... :devil: ... The guy from the InStyle event pic? Not so much. :(
phew, I thought I was the only one that missed the bed head hair.... this is like the extreme opposite of his Learning Curve 'do, but about as appealing... blehck.
Ah, well. I guess that makes me the minority. :lol: I don't care what hairstyle he's got. Even that Learning Curve do doesn't squick me. :p Maybe I just have a high tolerance of weirdness.

But isn't it ironic that that evil purple hat totally freaks me out?
^The purple hat doesn't do him any favors either, but at least that can be passed off as being for a role. He did that bad hair thing all on his own!
Glad I'm not the only one who's not really too fond of the new haircut but yay, it's growing back! :) Hopefully he'll go back to his previous do in a few more weeks, that suited Danny a lot better.

Now of course, if I found myself in front of the guy the haircut would be the -last- thing I'd notice...
How shallow to only like him (or think he's do-able) for the haircut :lol: But indeed the other haircut was waaayyy beter ;)

I'm getting to see ''Big shot: confessions of a campus bookie'' tonight, did anyone see it? is it any good?
Whoo for the pics. Double whoo-hoo for all the tongue!porn. Hahahahah!

The Thumpy G pic... not only the chest-hair, but also the bling.

Danny's the only CSI with all the bling!
I'm with you Kimmy I like the chopped hair and he is still completely do-able with it. I do miss the just-got-out-of-bed head though. That was sexy as hell. :p
I wish he and I could be each other's bday pressie hehe...I'd love to unwrap him and then he could unwrap me...:devil: lol. Anyway I'll say early I hope he has a good one tomorrow.
Hey Mel Happy Birthday!! Guess what? You get to have Carmine for the day - just return him in one piece please :lol:
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