Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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^Oh yeah, distressed jeans are so hot. Especially on a guy who can pull it off....

.... you just have to put the tears in the right places hahahah
lol...or that you'd like to pull *them* off <g>

Revenge is Best Served Cold airs again tonight, 7Central/8Eastern on Spike. Just thought I'd pass the word on.
^ Yes, it would go something like this: "Oh, sweetie, you can't have pants with holes in them, even if they are 'distressed.' Why don't you take them off so I can fix you, er, fix them."
^ muahahahahaha :devil:

i come back to waaay too many pages to catch up on... you girls sure do talk. anyways mohawk!carmine was cute. thanks for the pics :D
I'm in for hunting down Carmine. Ok checklist of what to take on the hunt for carmine. Dart Gun with sleeping drug.....check....handcuffs...check....duct tape....check (hey you can use it for anything)...camera...check (for nude photos of course). Alright I'm ready!! When do we leave?

Actually I was in LA staying with a friend who said he lived about 10 minutes away, I would have gone knocking with a bottle of Vodka in one hand and sushi in the other, however, the whole idea of going to jail didn't appeal to me! ;-)
Thats ok MrsGiovinazzo. It was my attempt at humor nothing more. Obviously not everyone thought it was as funny as I! ;-)

Honestly I don't have a dart gun or handcuffs. Well my boyfriend does. Does that count?? Did I just share too much information? LOL!
^ I knew you were kidding and it was funny. As was pointed out by someone else, a girl who collects panties to give Hill is in no position to get creeped out by that. :lol: ... And, hey, your list of items to take with you to hunt Carmine was pretty decent. It included all the essentials. Except he does like to show that sweet bod off, so the dart gun with drugs might not be necessary. I bet if you smile pretty and bat your eyelashes, he might consent to the nude pics. :D
so how is the collecting going MrsG?
and are ya planing on collecting panties for Carmine, or did ya do that already.
^ The collecting is going well. :D Got a nice little black trunk full of panties and notes for Hill.

No panties for Carmine. He got the LBB. He also has a birthday project from another site on its way to him. I do have a big fan project planned for him that I'll be starting up at the end of the year. Not remotely dirty, but infinitely more significant. Not gonna spill the details yet, but I'll be bugging everyone for help with something in a few months.

After the panty drive ends, it'll be Eddie's turn for a fan project. I've enlisted the help of Goodbyetuesday on that one and we'll be starting that up as soon as Hill's gift has been delivered. Gotta make sure all our boys feel the love. :D
I know this is a Carmine thread, but I'd love to do a portrait of Eddie and his girlfriend for a birthday gift. I love to do stuff like that. That's why I did the portrait of Carmine for the birthday scrapbook. I hope I hear at some point what he thinks of it!
What's the LBB? Just curious.

*wishes she could have cake with him since their bdays are only one day apart* And there's the icing...lots of other fun ways to use it :devil:
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