Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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GuelphGal said:
I got an autographed photo as well! I'll have to wait til my brother is home to scan it (he's the only one with a scanner) unless someone else has the same one.
It has two circles on it, the first says 'Dream it' with a picture in the centre of him as a kid rockin' out on one of those plastic electronic toy guitars. The second circle says 'Live it' with a pic of him now, playing a guitar. It's incredibly cute.
That sounds really cool! Haven't seen that one yet. Will you please have your brother scan it, so you can post? Would love to see it. :D
^Aww! That sounds incredibly cute! Now you have to show us because I'll die from curiosity and jealousy that I didn't get the cute one. I got the leprechaun one. :( I shouldn't be bitching about this though. :lol:
I will definitely scan however he's away for the entire weekend! :mad: Stupid time for him to go away, lol! Too bad he has his computer password protected...actually, it's too bad his scanner requires a program running to scan. Silly thing!
Ok. Making me wait all weekend for that kind of goodness...is this some sort of sick punishment?! :lol: I should check around and see if anyone else has that one though. Maybe I'll post mine tomorrow. *ponders*
idee said:
chaostheory08 said:
I've listened to his song... and your guesses are as good as mine. His singing voice is so far from his speaking voice....

When I first heard the song I was like, huh? was busy trying to figure out what the 4th box was, then it hit me. OH MY it's CARMINE! That guy is so different in everyway. From being on screen to his off-the-set pictures to his voice. But, hot in every single way.

Exactly. I was like, "who's singing?" at first. Then I saw the lyrics posted here -- I realized it's him. He really sounded so different.

re: pics -- OMG! I'm so jealous!!!! I like his handwriting.
YAY! More handwriting to look at! :devil: He lurfs them green sneakers, don't he? :lol:

GuelphGal said:
It has two circles on it, the first says 'Dream it' with a picture in the centre of him as a kid rockin' out on one of those plastic electronic toy guitars. The second circle says 'Live it' with a pic of him now, playing a guitar. It's incredibly cute.

Awwww. Just aaaawwwwwwwww. That is adorable beyond words. Srsly.
1CSIMfan said:
I got mine today!!! It was also mailed on August 1st from Staten Island.

autographed Carmine pic

Nice shoes...

another shot

That's the same pic I got too. :D Mine was also postmarked from Staten Island on August 1st, and I got it in the mail today (Aug. 4th). I live in Arkansas, btw. :D

I'd post pics of it if I could, but I don't have a scanner. :( It says, "To Jennifer-" and the the 'thanks for watching CSI:NY!' part, and then it's signed "All the best, Carmine"

I posted briefly about this in the email thread, I didn't realize y'all were discussing it in here instead. :p
I love his handwriting too! :D He writes so nicely! I know what you mean. Some signatures are so scribbled or loopy it's hard to make out the name.
Hi guys~congratz to those who got the autographs from Carmine~~I really envy you guys~

ooh..I am just wondering if you guys have noticed that in the 4th box on www.carminegiovinazzo.com, when Carmine's pic appears in the flash thing, his tatto is on his left hand?? Since his tatto is on his right hand (as we can see it on TV), I think the image was flipped horizontally~

so..I captured the image and flipped it to see how it looks originally, (I also flipped his name so the name looks normal)

let's see how it looks originally, well, I think I understand why the webmaster filpped it at the first place, coz it really looks better when it's flipped.
Image shown in the 4th box

Originally it should look like this

P.S. Pls forgive my poor English, hope you guys understand wht I mean in this message
Oooh~~~GuelphGal, I am really looking forward to seeing the autograph~~~the pic must be very cool~~can't wait to see him holding the guitar~~
Hope your brother is going home soon~~hhahah~~
Thanks for posting all your pictures, guys! Hopefully I'll be able to do the same soon. *crosses fingers and toes*

Had no idea he sent out different pictures. Most celebs don't. And the idea of putting those two pictures (one of him as a kid and one recent) is awesome. The man never cease to amaze me! :D

Btw, how big is the autographed pic? It looks pretty long from the scans.
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