Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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IreneAdler76 said:
OMG!!!Mrs G., I had the same exact reaction when I read the article! I thought the Starbucks kid couldn't possibly get more action than he! HOWEVER, I just had a thought -- was the journalsit who interviewed Carmine male or female? If female (and I didn't take notice of the gender of the author) maybe Carmine was working his mojo on her! What a deviish charmer indeed! Does anyone have the article with them? I'm at work.

The article was by Dana Meltzer Zepeda and after Carmine's interview it says Additional reporting by Joanna Schneller.
This is all I have to say about celebrity-related magazines and articles. Read everything with a giant chunk of salt. There's a reason celebrities have PR agents, ya know. Gotta make yourself look good and cater to the fanbase to climb up that ladder. ;)

However, having said the above ... believe it or not, I don't find his Starbucks comment ridiculous at all. This is LA we're talking about here. The city where a hella lot of people have some plastic and silicone and botox stuck somewhere in their bodies. :p Also the city where Hollywood happens to be. Which in other words means, it's a place completely overrun by famous actors and musicians and the likes.

To us, Carmine may be a fantastic actor with a nice, big house and cash and a big bike to boot. A cute guy who stands out from the regular crowd because of all that. But in LA, he ain't the only guy who's like that there. Over there, famous, overloaded celebrities are like a dime a dozen. :lol: According to my friends who live there, you get desensitized so quickly, you won't even give a &$@# about bumping into celebrities after a short while.

So yeah. While I will agree he probably exaggerated the Starbucks thing, I have a feeling he wasn't kidding about being lonely. I think he's the kind of guy who's searching for a good woman who will love him for him. Not a woman who'll mooch off his fame and fortune, or use him just to make herself look good or boost herself up the ladder. Somebody who's independant and works hard and will, therefore, understand what he's gone through before.

Here's another interesting tidbit for you guys. He's a Virgo, and apparently, Virgos are known to be quite meticulous and careful when it comes to financial matters. It does fit his current character. But! Don't forget ... *points up to second sentence of post* :p

Just my two cents, heheh.
Ah Kimmy, nice to put things in perspective. It's like living in Washington, D.C. and seeing political figures all the time. Maybe I should move to LA and stalk the man to give him some attention. Maybe he won't feel quite so lonely!!

***stalks off to write proposal to boss about "telecommuting" from Los Angeles***
Wow! Love how your thoughts on things Kimmychu! :) Awsome! He's a Virgo! I don't blame him about being careful with his cash.

I can see what you mean. It would be really hard to find a girl who is truly into him and not looking to hook up with him just because he has a nice bank account or can furture her own venues. It's tough to see what peole are truly after.
He's one day off from me...one day,darnit LOL. I know it's gotta be Aug.24 because people sometimes try to say I'm a Leo but others say Virgo. As for the meticulous part, not quite sure. Not my strong suit lol.

btw anyone see him on Revenge is Best Served Cold tonight? He was definately hot in that outfit. 'Cept I kept expecting him to show Gris his badge LOL. "NYPD, *whispers* Undercover*
i'm watching the encore right now. i just missed him earlier. I'm delay sleep to see him, and then i'm hitting the sack to have happy carmine dreams. :D
Mel23 said:
He's one day off from me...one day,darnit LOL. I know it's gotta be Aug.24 because people sometimes try to say I'm a Leo but others say Virgo. As for the meticulous part, not quite sure. Not my strong suit lol.

btw anyone see him on Revenge is Best Served Cold tonight? He was definately hot in that outfit. 'Cept I kept expecting him to show Gris his badge LOL. "NYPD, *whispers* Undercover*

I caught that tonight. Wasn't he just so hot...little bit of skin...wifebeater..attitude..that voice...perfect. :p
Wow, im a virgo and i don't take good care of my money. I live in LA and i really don't care about meeting famous people i've met a few, but to me it was like nothing i'd love to met Carmine, but what comes after that nothing.
Kimmychu said:
This is all I have to say about celebrity-related magazines and articles. Read everything with a giant chunk of salt. There's a reason celebrities have PR agents, ya know. Gotta make yourself look good and cater to the fanbase to climb up that ladder. ;)
Very good point. I think Carmine and/or his PR person is very savvy with respect to knowledge of his demographic and what appeals to them. He tells us what we want to hear and we eat the shit up. :lol: There's nothing wrong with that. It's the reality of the business and is something people should keep in mind when reading articles about any celeb.

So yeah. While I will agree he probably exaggerated the Starbucks thing, I have a feeling he wasn't kidding about being lonely. I think he's the kind of guy who's searching for a good woman who will love him for him. Not a woman who'll mooch off his fame and fortune, or use him just to make herself look good or boost herself up the ladder. Somebody who's independant and works hard and will, therefore, understand what he's gone through before.
I think that's very well stated. He may be lonely. In his position, it probably is hard to meet women because during the season he doesn't have a whole lot of free time. And when he does meet women, I imagine it would be a challenge to determine the sincerity of their motives. While to us, it may appear that he's in a sweet position to be a real player with the ladies, he's actually the one in danger of being played. :( ... Not that I'm breaking out the violins for him -- he's talented, gorgeous and on the uprise. Life could be a hell of a lot worse.
he's talented, gorgeous and on the uprise. Life could be a hell of a lot worse.

true true and true. :D
However, for all we know he probably has a girlfriend. OR NOT! I prefer the Or Not a lot more :D. How about you guys? hehe.
Okay, I'll work on the song tomorrow. *once I get on a DSL-connected computer* I used to transcribe songs, from audio to words and if it's a group, I can tell you who sang which line. I guess I have to brush up on that. The last time I did that was with American Idol season4 album.

Anyway, idk, I seem to be 'attracted' to talented guys. I mean, another artist like Carmine -- Viggo Mortensen. A painter, an actor, singer/songwriter, poet...........
I just got my Autopraghed pic of Carmine... I'm melting I tell you.. melting... It's personalized and everything...!!!!!!!!
oooh!! Thanx so much to you guys for the lyrics~~especially MrsG~~ you guys are simply the best!!! Actually I quite like the chorus, coz I wanna know "how it stays in my head so long" too~Carmine is sooo talented~how can he manage to do so many things when he is so busy??
ooh~ and Radical618, I envy you sooo much~~can you scan the pic or take a photo of it and show us??? I really wanna see it!!!
thanx a ton~~
I'll see what I can do.. I dont have a scanner on this comp.. but I'll see if I can take a pic of it... I'll try my best for ya!
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