Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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Thanks Celefinwe, I just opened the ass picture with my 12 year old sister in the room. :eek: (She didn't see, but still. :lol:)

Ooh, that sounds like a sexy autograph picture drumline1. Any way you could scan it or take a digital photo to share it with us? ;)
chaostheory08 said:
Hey, the man loves color. And his footwear.
He's like Flack. Dresses badly (at times) but doesn't make him any less hot.

So, what you're really trying to say is that he likes Flack, who dresses badly (at times), in colored footwear? :lol: I see subtext in everything :devil:
Ahoy, neighbour :D :devil: Well, since the thread is drying up in posts, I suppose we can get away promoting our ship in here a bit. The BC has been getting pretty lonely. Where's the rest of us gone?
Oooh. If you wanna know more about Brokeback Crimelab, I suggest you PM Fay ;) I'll be seeing you there then eh? :D :devil:
*cough* Do I hear a Danny/Flack fan talking? A Danny/Flack fan who wants to know what "BC" means and where it is? *points down at her banner* Not that I'm adding to the conversation or anything... ;)


What?! Danny is in the picture, that's why I posted it!

I was going through the season 2 screencaps last night working on project I've started, and I only saw maybe two episodes where Danny and Flack were working together. It was fun to see and I hope they do more of it in the future. I have to admit I don't get the whole slash thing though... not that I'm knocking it; I just don't get it.
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