Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

Yeah, you're story is cute. :D *snags cookie* Jummy!

ETA: My friend, who is ALWAYS correcting everyone, just told me I made a mistake. :rolleyes: I meant: YOUR story is cute. So Marloes, you happy now? :p
Lately, I've been crossing my fingers for an AU fic. Lindsay? Who's Lindsay? Instead of getting fired, Aiden just got suspended for a few weeks. I mean, technically speaking, she didn't do anything besides break an evidence seal.

Most of the scenes in season 2 could have been far better sans Lindsay. If you figure they'd get assigned the same cases and we'd be spared most of that Heroes monstrosity ...

I attempted it, but my lack of skill really put a damper on the entire, "Wow! This is really good!" factor.
^Thanks guys! *there are enough cookies for everyone*

Hmm..... an AU with Aiden (Lindsey in the background). Let's see, let's see. :)

I have another idea -- but first, remember in the episode where they included the Coldplay song? Danny has a girlfriend.... Cindy? Who's she?

Having said that, I had the fic idea that maybe the 'Cindy' there is just a nickname for ..... well, guessguess.... Aiden o'course!

What do you think? ;)
Duh, we all know it only said Cindy because they wanted to keep it a secret. :lol: I've said that since I saw the eppie. Yeah, write that other fic Chaos, I'm sure you can! :D