Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

It said the source filter for this file could not be loaded... I can't see it :( It dled fine, but then I couldn't play it once it loaded.
Hi all, I have a query to put to the group. I was watching "Hush" the other day. Ok I know on the count of three...one...two...three...*sigh* Ok. Now u know when they go and and play hubby and wife? I know you know. Well just before he puts his arm around her if you look very quick I noticed that she was touching his arm. Any one else notice this? If I get time I'll try to get a cap of it but somebody else might have better luck since I don't have any great programs that can slow things down. But just thought I'd see if anyone else noticed it. Cause if you didn't I know you're going to go back and try to notice it now, don't feel bad I back track it three times too. :)
GAH, somebody check... I would like to but my DVDs are out on loan... somebody check somebody check.... *headdesk*

It said the source filter for this file could not be loaded... I can't see it :( It dled fine, but then I couldn't play it once it loaded.

Heya awesomepossum, I'm sorry you couldnt view the vid. But I've checked and the others seem to be able to downld and view them. Perhaps you could download the file again? If not, let me know and I shall to upload it again.

Good luck!
Yay! Cap! Cap! i wanna cap!

Danny: *thinks* Awww, *&@! Flack saw us coming out of the same room (I'm jus gonna assume that it is Flack*
Aiden: Danny, how come there's Olive Oil in the robospanker? *Connecting the ships. Yayness.*

Beh, I am bad.
Thanks for the reference (sp?) to SMacKED :D I can definitely see Danny offering Aiden a bottle of Olive Oil saying
"See you in our spot in 10 mins?"
"Make it 5." Adien would reply as she saw the bottle.

Sorri about the OT, im in a shippy mood. :lol: :lol:
I don't mean to spam really :(, I just really wanna join my mate in shipping this couple :D. What are people's fave moments? The best DnA ever? I wanna know! :D :D
StellaB4MacT, I'm glad you want to ship your couple, but try not to double post while doing so, okay? :) If you want to add something and it's only been a short time since your post, just hit the 'edit' button rather than creating a whole new post straight away. Many thanks and happy shipping :)
Favorite moments? Can't choose just one. I like the "Hush"
Danny:"..put you on the hood."
Aiden:"Put you on the hood" *shove* amd let's face it all the rest of the DnA banter from that ep and the rest of the show cause there is no bad DnA banter.

I like in "Night Mother" how in the school of seven bells she can't get the money without ringing the bell and he says "you're such a girl" and she shoves him and then she pockets his money and he doesn't even notice. Or better yet he doesn't care because they're seceretly together and that's really 'their' money anyways, just how we all really know that 'Cindy' is really just a code name for 'Aiden' lol

Oh and in "The Fall" when Danny's on the balcony and she's looking out the window because that looked so pretty and now you all have me thinking Romeo and Juliet cause I was so thinking that last night when I was watching it.
"You must be the Anderson's" :D Hush was the best episode. I haven't seen it for a while though..makes me sad that Aiden's gone