Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

"Nothing is certian until you're dead, and even then I'm sure God negoaties" - Ever After

I see no Danny either... ehhh... but hey, angelic, your av totally makes up for that and then some!! I luvs me some... some... *trails off drooling* ...uhhhh... *snaps back to reality* DANNY!
Either that or Danny's let himself go and is the one on the left..

Oooh page 8 peoples...Quick someone christen it.. :D
i'll take the honors:


its only an icon...oh well.

*paddles and whistles happily*
I see no Danny either... ehhh... but hey, angelic, your av totally makes up for that and then some!! I luvs me some... some... *trails off drooling* ...uhhhh... *snaps back to reality* DANNY!

He is gorgeous, isn't he...the icon and the man on it.. :rolleyes: ;) :p
Oooh...I finally got Sims 2 to work on my computer and I went over to the sims2 web page and THEY HAVE DnA SIMS!!!! :D :D
For real? or are you just naming them Danny and Aiden? Can you post pix???????? *is suffering from severe DnA withdrawal disorder*
Yeah, someone made skins for them...they're in college right now lol...becoming scientists. Haven't figured out how to make screen captures. This game is way different than the first

Happy New Year everybody!!
Oooh...I finally got Sims 2 to work on my computer and I went over to the sims2 web page and THEY HAVE DnA SIMS!!!!
Very cool. I haven't played the Sims 2 in ages, pretty much since not long after we got it, but that's got me pretty inspired. I'm gonna go check it out.