Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

I named their daughter Emily Faye,

I don't normally like the name Emily, but I love Emily Faye. It just sounds so pretty.

And I also love your story, I can't wait till you update.
Hiya guys,

Though I'd just pop in and present you guys with a video from me, sort of a Christmas gift to all and also, just to rekindle the old memories. Hope you'll like it


* Merry Christmas everyone :D
noreane, I love the video! It was a great song choice for them. I've been waiting a long time for someone to make a DnA vid and this was a wonderful one. :D Thanks so much for making it and sharing it will all of us.

Merry Christmas!
Gee thanks for the kind words Imzadi83 :D. Glad you loved it. Anyhow, I've made a couple of Christmas Videos. The multishipper video has some DnA in it, but also a bit of Danny and Lindsay. Come and check them out. Hope it's to your liking as well :D

My Christmas Videos
oh it's been a while. so in the xxxmas spirit, i say
all they want for xmas is eachother.
they prolly have like a tradition or something, like opening their xmas prezzies together...
and we know what that leads to
I bet Aiden will be waiting for Danny at his place wearing only a bow.. :devil:

I hope everybody in DnA land has a very Merry Christmas :)
Here is my Christmas gift to my fellow DnA shippers. Have a good one! :)

Link removed due to story being M Rated
Just a quick reminder that links to anything above a PG-13 rating are not allowed on the board.

If you haven't already looked at the post on Ratings and the board's Adult Content Rule, please have a look Here

Many thanks :)
Sorry, only rated it to be safe since I wasn't exactly sure, and I forgot.
wow, we've had quite a bit of action lately on the fanfic front... GO US! In the immortal words of Monty Python... WE'RE NOT DEAD YET! :D