Apparently not all the Walmarts got it yet. Because I checked the one in my town and they had it but I checked the one in the town next to mine and they didn't get any copies of it. So if you have another one near-by, I would check there as well.
I had so much drama trying to get mine, it was insane. First I called Target, they only got a couple and had sold them already. Then I called Best Buy, they said they didn't get any. Next was Walmart, they had three copies left. So my sister and I were going to run errands and I was gonna pick it up then. But we ended up at the Walmart in the next town, which didn't get any copies. And then it started to snow/freezing rain. And I was mad because it was like 11:30 at night and I still didn't have it. So I drove, in the storm, to our Walmart and bought the last copy because if I was going to be stuck at home in the storm, I was at least going to have Season 5. So I drove like 20 in a 55 cuz it was so slick but I got it. But to add insult to injury, last night I was at Best Buy and they had a slot for it on the rack and it was marked as $55. So I went to customer service and asked them about it. They said they'd had them since tuesday when it came out and they just cold the last one that morning. Grrr at employees, if they don't know what they're talking about, they shouldn't answer the phone. I could have gotten it for almost $15 cheaper.
As for the actual set, it's great! The image quality is fantastic. The packaging doesn't always like me though. I like how I leave fingerprints on the box though. On other sets packaged like this, it drives me nuts, but they seem like they belong on the CSI package. (Probably because there is some in the design on there.) I also really like the menu video.