'CSI' To End Season With A Massive Cliffhanger

I knew something bad was gonna happen when Greg wanted to be in the field.
that way there is 1 extra member in the field so someones gotta go to make way for him.
Well in a way if it is Sofia...will someone really care...but in a way they have got to make place because there's just too much people
I have a feeling that it won't be Sofia, because the audience isn't emotionally involved with the character - what's the point in putting a character people don't particularly like (or, at best, are ambivilant to) in danger- there's no dramatic tension there. It'll be someone that audiences love - either Greg or Sara I'd wager. It'd be interesting if it were Sara, and she came out alright at the other end (though perhaps traumatised). Another opportunity for Grissom to buy a clue about how he feels about the woman?
Must agree on that one!
The only thing we know for sure is that it's gonna keep us guessing 'till the end of the show and the end of summer!!!
We will have a lot of talks goind on during the summer I think!!!
Life or Death situation leaves it wide open for speculation on the part of the fans.
Also if anyone is interested there are a couple sites up giving information as to who the intended is, (i usually also wait till CSIFiles has it up), but in the LV forum we have the "Spoiler Lab" and some have posted a couple sites that have the summery glance of it up, giving away the intended.
Becareful though that it contains alot of spoiler info reguarding other eps to come as well.
As much as it is great to speculate on whats gonna happen and to who...the best shot we can have is that we will never stop guessing...The producers are doing a great job so far...like in 24...Evrything can be interpreted in all sorts of way...Someone from Grissom's team(old or new?) life and death(in between or definitely death...or life?)
Tarantino producing...Samurai fighting or heist or Gory and messy?
I've gotta stop reading this thread. I've heard lot about what's going to happen. I don't want to read anymore. I'm already depressed with my own life. Don't need CSI depressing me too. :mad:
Its just speculation!!!
But it would be pretty funny if one of us was right!
Yeah, just remember it said "life or death situation. That probably means whoever is going to get hurt will be fine. Relax! :D
True...but I don't want Brass to die...He's the man when it comes to interrogation....
Thinking about it...I don't want anyone to die...
PLease Qt....don't kill anyone or you'll ruin the show...

You know...I think he knows better than to actually kill off a character...I mean..the guy is getting more and more popular...he knows that if he kills a CSI character his popularity will go down
Hey, regardless of what happens in the episode, I am just TOO excited at the prospect of Tarantino directing. Two of my favorite things combined - CSI and Tarantino! It's like chocolate and peanut butter!!!! :cool: