CSI Season 8 - UK Thread

Little side note - did Five remember to give a Flashing Images warning before the episode? I don't remember hearing one and there was a lot of flashing in the strip club. Not the kind of flashing you'd expect in one of those places, either. :lol:

I liked the story of the episode but the visuals were just not doing it for me. I know the Special Guest Director has his own style but I found it too trippy, Warrick's POV shots in particular (Yes, I KNOW he was high, but just because someone is high in Vegas we don't need it to look like Fear And Loathing!). Still, I'm sure lots of people enjoyed Shirtless Warrick.

I'm glad they kept the drug lectures to one scene, even if it meant a lot less Nick. The preview, mentioning Warrick was going off the rails, had me thinking this had the makings of a Very Special Episode.

As for the cliffhanger, by the start of Part 4 I had a feeling they weren't going to resolve the story by the credits, but I had no idea they were going to throw in the twist where the stripper was dead in Warrick's car. It'll be interesting to see if they can pull off the "CSI gets accused of murder" story without being an exact copy of "Boom".

It was good to see some background info about the divorce (Tina's pregnant and it seems she cheated on him), and on a shallower note I REALLY liked Greg's stripy suit :)

Think I probably would've enjoyed this one a lot more if it hadn't come straight after the absolute joy that was "You Kill Me".
xxmaybe said:
Tina? Another mans baby? Warrick! What have you been hiding?
You've gotta love the total randomness of it haven't you?

The one this that pisses me off about CSI, is that they can't seem to put together the two concepts of personal lives and work. I think the majority of the board would prefer CSI stay CSI rather than spinning in to a soap opera, but for gods sake I wish they wouldn't chuck a bomb shell personal story into an episode and run off.

As for the episode, I have to admit, I didn't think it was great. The highlight of the episode had to be Nicks scene with Warrick. The worst part of the episode (apart from the wired scene in some sort of white bedroom) was Grissoms lack of support when Warrick explained that he felt detached from the team since Sara left. It seemed that Warrick opened up to him about how he was feeling and he got totally snubbed for it.
The scenes with Nick and Warrick, and Gil and Warrick at the end had me very close to tears... I dunno why, I'm weird I supose... I actually really liked the episode, but my fave ep of the season had to be 'You Kill Me' I feel really bad for Warrick, I hope he doesn't go off the rails, I really hope with the help of the team, he will go back to being the old Warrick, we all love...
ok. i have one question about the crossover episode with without a trace. i watched it, but looks like there is a second port of it. is it already aired, or we have to wait again, becouse i can't find it anywhere in Bulgaria and i am really curiose about the end of the ep :)
The first part of the two parter is CSI Season 8 Episode 6 then the second part is on Without a Trace Season 6 Episode 6. So you have to watch Without a Trace to catch the second half of it. I hope that helps.
I re watched Tuesday's episode last night. I actually felt even more sorry for Warrick.
Strange question but does it seem like Warrick was slipped something in his drink? Just the way he was acting and everything.
I also want to hug Nick so much. He is the most emotional CSI and he always wears his heart on his sleeve. I would want him looking out for me.
WornSouls said:
The first part of the two parter is CSI Season 8 Episode 6 then the second part is on Without a Trace Season 6 Episode 6. So you have to watch Without a Trace to catch the second half of it. I hope that helps.
that helps a lot :D thank u so much for the quick responce :)
A poster asked about the writers strike etc and the viewing in England vs America.

Well to be honest IS there any contractual rassons why they cant be shown within a few weeks of each other... I mean in todays world and technology being what it is, I can't see no reason why this cant happen.

Will Channel 5 really put on hold the final episodes till say the summer???? I mean Channel 5 and 5 US did do a fantasic deal to show both the episode and the cross over one as a special.

So maybe Channel 5 will show it wiithin a few weeks of American audience seeing it. Plus remember that American audience has a break every so often, and in England its more one long run....
Tinkerbell said:
You've gotta love the total randomness of it haven't you?

The one this that pisses me off about CSI, is that they can't seem to put together the two concepts of personal lives and work. I think the majority of the board would prefer CSI stay CSI rather than spinning in to a soap opera, but for gods sake I wish they wouldn't chuck a bomb shell personal story into an episode and run off.

As for the episode, I have to admit, I didn't think it was great. The highlight of the episode had to be Nicks scene with Warrick. The worst part of the episode (apart from the wired scene in some sort of white bedroom) was Grissoms lack of support when Warrick explained that he felt detached from the team since Sara left. It seemed that Warrick opened up to him about how he was feeling and he got totally snubbed for it.
I’ve got a feeling that I’ll be the first and last we hear about it. Before this episode when was the last time we heard anything from Warrick?

I’m totally with you – yes, it’s inevitable that personal lives will bleed into work lives and have an impact, which I’m cool about. I don’t mind the odd mention here and there, I don’t need whole episodes about Warrick’s marital affairs, but powers that be, a little consistency here and there please?

I agree that Grissom was a little terse with Warrick, but maybe because he’s still dealing with it himself. Warrick opening up to him about Sara’s departure is the opposite of Grissom’s own stance on it, avoiding it (‘You Kill Me’) and not talking about it. Grissom’s own way of coping is throwing himself into his work, so him offering work as a suggestion of dealing with it seems natural.

I can’t help but think though he would have a moment of ‘how do you think I feel then?’ when Warrick confides in him, I know I would!
I really enjoyed the episode with the lab rats "You Kill Me" a few weeks ago, in the style of the episode "Lab Rats" from last season. They should do more of those type of episodes every once in a while.

Nice to see that it is getting very dramatic with Warrick. Some shows can get boring mid-season. I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.

A short while back, I e-mailed five about CSI and NCIS about what will happen in reference to the new episodes getting made after the strike. This is what they had to say:

Although CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and NCIS were affected by the recent strike by television writers, as you are no doubt aware this has now finished. We are hopeful that further episodes will be produced before we transmit the last episode made prior to the strike.
I was just reading the tv guide for next weeks CSI. It gave a brief synopsis and then said the series would continue later in the year. I guess the hiatus starts next week.
Yeah, there is only one more episode left to be aired. I just wonder how long they will make us wait? :lol: I hope it isn't too long, I really don't want to have to wait months to see the new episodes. I'm too impatient for that!
According to the Radio Times, after next week there will be a three-week break, which is a lot sooner than I thought, but it's RT so not necessarily reliable...

Has anyone noticed it's become the norm lately for someone other than Grissom to give the One Liner before the credits? For at least the third time this season, the honour fell to Nick - YAY FOR NICK! :thumbsup:

Warrick's "involvement" in Candy's death was dealt with VERY quickly, still at least they didn't give us another Boom. I'm not surprised Grissom didn't want to give him the case though, he's way too involved.

A rare angsty moment for Doc Robbins too, when he discovers he's seen the victim before "I'm just not used to seeing them alive". I've often wondered how being a CSI or a coroner can screw with your life, from seeing someone on the table who was walking and talking only hours before, to something as simple as Catherine's comment last season about slasher films not getting the spatter right.

Hodges and Wendy were at the same restaurant? He was there solo while she was on a date? I'm thinking possible restraining order! :guffaw:

A really strong storyline for Nick, he really cared about the dogs and the kid looking after them - it seems strange to see a character caring more for the killer than the victim but I can understand why. His line about the dogs being put down, while the owners get a slap on the wrist shows just how frustrated he is with the 'people' in the dog fighting ring and how they can get way with such cruelty. (It was nice to see him speaking Spanish again too!). Then, when he went to the victim's husband and told him he could have saved her by not leaving early. I really wanted to hug Nick this week.

OMG there's a mole in the LVPD?! It shows just how connected Lou Gedda is, that someone is informing him of Warrick's suspension. I've got a feeling it may be Vega, but if it is I don't think I'll see the earlier episodes in the same light again.
I had mixed thoughts about last night's episode.
Warrick's storyline was dealt with way too quickly and neatly for my liking. I do like abit of drama. I hated the way Grissom got when he's like take the suspension or your fired. I think it was too much.
I was love/hate with the dog fighting storyline. I think it was handled well but I hate the fact that it happens. I think Nick's reaction to the whole thing was spot on and I actually felt so much sympathy for the young guy who killed her.
My jaw dropped to the floor when it revealed there was a mole! I love it!! I wanna know who it is?
Also the Hodges/Wendy scene was cute, I did think they were on a date at first. I like them together.
On a side note, not enough Greg for me!!!!
Last Night's episode was good but I wasn't so keen on the dog fighting scenes, I'm not enjoying this story arc with Warrick and Gedda compared to The Minature Killer though it will interesting to know who the lab mole is though I have a sneaking suspcion of who it may be.