CSI:NY - "The Younger Generation"

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i read most of this another day and i love it. its so well done and the characters are done wonderfully. I really like this :thumbsup:
When Mac returned home, the first thing he did was grab his wife in a vice like grip and kiss her passionately.

"How did it go Mac?

"We have Kyle in custody. I left Flack to get the statement from the yong girl. "

"Did he have a chane to damage her?"

"No. We got in there jst in time, A few more minutes and we would have been to late."

"So what happens now?"

"Well. Kyle stays in our custody till the bail hearing, and we hope a few more women come forward."

"That's going to be difficult Mac. Allot of women won't admit to being assulted. Especially by a Physcian."

"I know love, all we can do is hope."

Over at the Messer home. Danny walked in and found Natalia curled up with Lindsey in her arms. Picking up his daughter, he carried her to her crib, and kissed her pretty lips.

"Sleep little Angel."

Heading back towards his wifes sleeping form. Danny7 crawled in with her and softly touched her arm.

"Nat, Nat, wake up sweetheart?"

"MMmm..what is it Danny. Wrapping her tighter, she paniced. Don't...please."

As much as Danny wanted to listen to her plea. He knew she needed to be touched as soon as possible. The SART team informed him, that she hadn't been raped, just violated, and human conntact for this type of an attack was needed to be taken slowly, with care. Else the cycle would continue, with the chances of Danny never being able to touch his wife again.

Turning Natalia in his arms, he whispered....

"I know how much you feel ashamed, but you need to know this isn't your fault. Please Natalia, let me touch you, let me show you the difference between his touch and mine. Help me Natalia, for our daughter, and for our marriage."

Stroking her face with his fingertips, while softly kissing her sweet lips, Danny slid his hand down her thighs, and softly opened them, as she paniced.

"It's okay Natalia. Close your eyes, smell me, feel my touch, my scent upon your soft sweet lips."

While he drugged Natalia with his honeyed words, and kisses, Danny gave Natalia the love she needed to feel how wonderful, how exotic and trusting it could be. And as she tightened, she poured over into his loving soul, while he kissed away her tears.

Climbing upon her while assulting her already melted senses, he moved in sensual rhythm, as she began to meet him stroke for stroke, until the power of their trusting love took over, leaving them both in an enchanted place all their own, knowen as their love.
With Kyle awaiting trial. Eric and his team had there hands full with another female body.

"Danny? What have you got?"

"Another young girl Eric. Same as the last two."

"Where's Sheldon?"

"He's on another case. I'm telling you Eric, we need to find this guy and fast."

"I know Danny. How is Natalia?"

"She's getting better. She'll heal. It's going to take time, but I'll get her back to herself."

"I know you will Danny."

At that moment Sheldon showed up.

"Sorry Eric. It seems Miami is busy with DB's today. How's that six pack of yours?"


"They're great. Getting big. We finally have them on different schedules."

"I guess that means you and Mackenzie are finally getting sleep?"

"Yeah. It's almost like heaven now."

"Okay. TOD is 6am, give or take an hour.

As Sheldon turned the young girl over, he noticed something different.

"What the hell is that?" asked Danny.

"I'm not sure, looks like she's been stuffed with something."

As Sheldon opened her stomach, he seen a note stufffed inside. Opening it, he read....

"Looks like you've found body number three. Having fun yet Eric? No..don't worry, you will."

Looking up at Eric, Sheldon asked.

"Eric, is someone playing a game with you?"

"I'm not sure, but we better find out and fast."

"Christ Eric, where you going to start?"

"Hey guys, what have you got?"

"Flack? Where the hell have you been?"

"Funny Danny. What is up with Miami today? We have bodies and criminals showing up everywhere."

"You don't have to tell me. But it looks like we've figured out a piece of this puzzle with these young girls."

"You're kidding. Finally a break."

"No, a game,said Sheldon. A dangerous one someone is playing with Eric."

Putting on gloves, Flack took the note and read it.

"Any ideas Eric?"

"Not yet. I think we should check and see who's gotten out on bail, or has served their time in the last three weeks."

"Okay. Let's head back then. I'm sure Sheldon and Danny can handle it from here."

Heading back to the station, Eric kept wondering who the hell would want to play such a gruesome game with him.

Meanwhile Mac and Stella were waiting for their grandchildren to arrive. While they waited Mac was playing Peek-a-Boo with Michelle.


Gurgles of laughter could be heard coming from little Michelle.

"Peek-a-Boo on Michelle."

*Giggle, deep belly laughs*

"Look at her Stel. He's changed so much."

"I know. But she still has that famous Taylor sinister grin."

Pulling his wife onto his lap, he kissed her smartly.

"When are our six pack getting here?"

"Should be anytime. I just spoke with Mackenzie, she said they were on their way."

"Well then. That gives us a few minutes of playtime," he whispered.

"Dream on Taylor, now let me up."

Rolling back onto the floor, he turned his wife on top of him.

"Now this is where I like you to be my love. Right on top of me."


"Mmm....my pleasure."

Taking her into a deep erotic kiss, they heard the yell.

"Papa, Nana, we are here." Yelled Sara.

Moving like a bullet Mac tossed his wife onto the couch, and got up. But not before Mackenzie seen them.

"Never grow up, do you dad?"

"Nope." As he took his daughter into his arms and kissed her.

"Papa, where's our kisses?"

"They are right here."

Tackling his three oldest grandchildren to the ground, he began tickling them, as Stella picked up Michelle.

"Where's my other three grandbabies?"

"Still in the hall, I only have one set of hands mom."

"Still the saucy girl, aren't you."

Kissing her daughter, Stella passed Michelle to Mac, and went to help Mackenzie with the trip's.

"Papa, we go swimming today?"

" Not today Shannon. We have to get ready for family night."

"Oh yay. You hear that Sara, we get to see funny movies of papa, and daddy again."

With his granddaughters giggling away, Mac wondered just what Stella and Mackenzie had in store this time for family night.
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As the evening approached for family night, Natalia didn't want to go.

"Come on Nat, you have to come. It's family night. It will be good for you to get out, besides that, Mac and Stella want to see Lindsay."

"I don't feel like going Danny. You go, take Lindsay with you."

Danny was getting angry. It had been almost a month and Nat was still moping around the house.

"Listen Nat, get dressed, get your shoes on, and let's go before I dress you myself."

"I said no!!!"

"Look Nat, everyone understands what you have been through, no one is going to look at you differently."

"I don't care, I don't want to go."

"That's it."

Pulling Nat up into his arms, he shook her lightly.

"You have five minutes to get dressed, and get downstairs. You are not going to ruin family night for the Taylor's, now let's go."

Danny hated being upset with her. But he also knew family night would be good for her. Especially when they started those home video's.

Leaving the room, Danny went to the Nursery, and picked up his daughter.

"There's daddy's little Muffin. You ready to go too family night?"

As Lindsay cooed at her daddy, he leaned down and kissed her tiny lips.

"Daddy loves you Muffin."

Walking from the room, he seen Nat standing there at the bottom of the stairs.

"Do you have everything for Lindsay?"

"I do. It's all right here in my arms, now let's get this over with."

Heading to the car. Danny hoped to hell Nat dropped the attitude before they reached the Taylor's.


The girls were helping mommy and nana with the snacks.

"No Sara, stop it. I want to carry the goody tray."

"No, I carry them, you carry the potato chips."

"Mom....Sara won't let me carry them. You told me I could do it."

"Shannon stop please, just take the chips okay?"

"Fine, but I not like it," she said as she stuck her tongue out at Sara.


"What is it Sharon love?"

"How come we never have movies with mommy and nana? Why is it always you and papa?"

Mac wasn't about to tell his granddaughter that it was because mommy and nana were smarter than them. Oh no, as far as he was concerned, it was far better to change the subject.

"Oh look Sharon. Here come your sisters with some snacks, why don't you help them?"

"Okay papa, I be back."

Rumaging through the cabinet, Mac looked everywhere for that damn video tape.

"Mac Taylor, what are you up too?"

Turning around, he banged his head against the cabinet.


"Oooohhh....you okay papa?"

"I've fine Sharon. I'm not up to nothing Stel. Just looking for the cassette cleaner."

"Uhuh...tell me another one. And that's what you get for trying to find that video tape."

While Mac continued to rub his head, Shannon, Sara, and Sharon hugged their papa.

Over at Michael's, Anya took her video of Michael dancing in the mirror, and put it in her purse.

"You ready Anya?"

"I'm ready. Where are the kids?"

"They're already in the car. Let's go, move your buns."

Laughing Anya said....

"Your the one who's always moving your buns. Mr Macho Man."

"I'm telling you Anya, you better not have video taped that."

Giggling she walked out the door to the car.
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