Both Peter Lenkov and Carmine have gone on record saying Danny didn't cheat, that what happened with Rikki happened during a "cooled off" period in Danny and Lindsay's relationship. I've always read it that Lindsay thought they were more serious than Danny did. When Lindsay didn't reach out to him after Ruben's death, he turned away from her and figured they were done--kind of without telling her.
Okay, I can see it having played out like this. I do, however, think that Lindsay picked up on the fact that they were done at least halfway through RND.
I don't think Danny knew what he wanted at that point--I think he was just grieving. He didn't want Rikki to hate him for being responsible for her kid's death--so he slept with her. He didn't want Lindsay to hate him for pulling away/not being as into her as she was to him--so he slept with her (at the end of "Personal Foul," when TPTB have said their kid was conceived). Danny clearly uses sex as a band aid of sorts--I'm still not entirely sure who or what he wanted himself in season four, and I don't think he knew, either. He did want that baby in season five though, that's for sure.
See, I can see the whole Danny-being-a-mess-of-emotion thing too, and I agree about his wanting the baby in S5 (although S5 D/L....*shudder*). I just don't think it was a good enough reason to start up D/L again. I really don't think Lindsay would've hated him for not being as into her as she was into him. In RND, she made it sound like she realized falling in love was her mistake that she'd have to fix herself. In the episodes after that, she seemed to work fine with him as a regular coworker, even joking around, so long as he didn't touch on anything too personal. Then again, I don't think Rikki would've actually hated him for supposedly being responsible for Ruben's death. I can see how Danny's perception of things would make him feel like he had to fix things pronto, I don't exactly blame him...I guess I'm just frustrated he felt that way. I think if he'd backed up a little and let things go with Lindsay, they would've eventually been fine as friends.
Yeah, I agree a good part of it was self-preservation on Lindsay's part. I think Danny was trying to make it right because he thought he should and did want things to be okay with them again. I think it was partially punishment though--she had her say, why not let him say his piece? It seemed cruel to dump all of that on a grieving guy and then not let him say what he needed to say in return.
I guess I stopped seeing it as punishment when she picked up her phone at the end of Personal Foul - I think if she'd actually been trying to punish him, she probably wouldn't have answered. I can't see her blowing him off in Like Water for Murder as punishment. He wasn't asking to say his piece then, he was asking for an after-work date that I don't think Lindsay was under any obligation to agree to.
Really? I actually thought that was kind of cute--the way she bought him a drink and watched him with a big smile on her face when he watched Mac play...I was actually kind of rooting for her then.
It struck me the same as Stella-interactions because I've never gotten the sense that Lindsay's
doesn't want to be friends with Stella, even if she doesn't know how to talk to her. In the same way, I fully believe Lindsay wanted Danny to notice and like her on that date, but she didn't know how to talk to him. After she got him the drink, they barely spoke until Danny turned around and recognized Mac onstage. And then the most animated conversation they ended up having (that we saw) was about their boss. That's why it seemed awkward for me. Cute, but definitely like Lindsay was on edge.
In RSRD, I thought she went out of her way for him by bringing the DNA to him rather than Mac first. That was the first time I realized that her feelings for him ran far, far deeper than a crush.
What struck me in RSRD was how Flack stayed with Danny in the hospital after Louie's attack, Mac was there for him when he finally broke down, even Stella asked how he was holding up after they took away his badge. Which I viewed differently from Lindsay's "Are you okay?" in the hospital, because there was no question of Stella only asking just because Danny happened to be in the near vicinity. Whereas other than that brief "Are you okay?" there was no instance of Lindsay giving Danny any sort of emotional support
after the sh*t hit the fan. I thought it was strange, given that D/L had been set up all season and this would've been a perfect instance to show it again. But in light of Lindsay's giving Danny the DNA results (risking her job, yeah, I can see how that speaks to more than a crush), I figured they were making an important point about her character. That she had his back all the way, but that she was complete pants when it came to emotional, personal stuff.
I didn't really see her pushing him away in season two--I thought some of that was just her emerging abrasive personality. I remember in "Heroes" she was fishing for information about Danny and Aiden's relationship from Stella. She didn't start pushing him away until season three--after they'd already made plans to go out on a date.
Maybe "pushing away" isn't the right description, maybe it was more that abrasive brushing off when people start questioning too closely - that's what I continuously see Lindsay doing with the other characters, and that's what I saw her doing with Danny even in S2. I agree that she didn't actively start pushing him away until S3, but I think she ultimately did it for the same reason. Either the case in Montana was becoming too emotional for her, or she decided a relationship with Danny would be too emotional/personal for her - I don't know, but her behaviour just flat-out doesn't make sense unless it was for one of those two reasons. If she had real feelings for Danny (which we've established she did), why work so hard getting him to notice her, and then push him away when he finally did?
ETA: I just looked at the submissions and both Anna Belknap and Eddie have been submitted.