Police Officer
Maya316 said:I of course think Lindsay's fine the way she is, but we've already got signs of a better Lindsay in S6 - a more mature one, anyway. I just don't want to see her improvement and character arc entirely limited to and/or orbiting around Danny only, or else I really will have to break my TV. And then complain loudly to TPTB. I know she'll probably have a lot on her own plate, but there're going to be several reasons that she could focus her energies on the other team members too; it'll be criminal if they let that potential go to waste.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I was happy to see her mature and positive, for a change. She did stepped up to the plate for Danny instead of yelling at him or making him feel guilty (think of your daughta in this!!! :lol:). Me thinks motherhood have something to do with it. But I was expecting, specially for that episode, that all these good changes about her would make her care just a little bit more about her team mates. I mean, they were all in the shoot out. Doesn't that kind of experience makes you more close to one another? I was probably expecting a better bonding with everyone since it has been a month. Then, of course, they all dealt with it their own way so who knows what were going to see in the next episodes regarding their friendship and how each one of them dealt with it?
Hahaha, oh well, maybe it was in my imagination that her voice was different. And I watched the interview once too! lolI don't really notice the thing with her voice - it sounded the same to me as it did in the interview, although I've only watched the interview once. But yeah, I'm definitely liking Haylen as she is; she's not a Mary Sue yet! So much for being on the fence about her :lol: And I don't know if my feelings will change in the next few episodes: I know one of my pet peeves with Lindsay in S2 was how everyone but Danny seemed to love her - Danny was the one hope I had for her not being a Mary Sue, till I figured out the writers had a completely-shallow reason for him being the only one to not like herAnd I'm worried the exact same thing's happening here with Haylen and Adam, considering how Mac and Stella (and that one police officer she was talking to outside the office) seem to adore her already - it's one reason I'm actually glad for Stella/Adam right now.
Oh yeah, so much for being on the fence about her indeed :guffaw:Heylen was so evil, we were ready to exorcise her!
I don't know if Mac adores her. I thought he was amused by Adam's reaction when he saw her and then by how she looks (I mean, way to dress to impress a boss like Mac :lol