I think the clip Melina is referring to is the one with Stella and Mac.She talks about six years and being surprised because a while ago she infered that it would take longer then that to put them together. That and the fact that the clip with Stella in her black bra is from RND season four. If they were going to put Stella and Adam together why hype up Adam and the new girl? and why not use a more recent clip of Stella in her black bra??
Possible, but I can't say I see it that way. I'm also not convinced that the clip with Stella is from S4 RND or even S2 RSRD, though I agree it does somehow seem familiar. Stella and her bras do seem to get their fair share of screentime :lol:
As for RND, I just quickclicked thru the ep, in an effort to skirt DL & Lindsay in general as much as possible, and so may have missed something, but I'm pretty sure the clip in that ep, the flashback to the view of the boy and the hole in the mortar, she was wearing a slip or the like...?
^^ETA: That's possible. Is the clip with Stella definitely from S4? I wondered if it might be an older clip, but I wasn't sure.
BTW, is it possible that the woman Flack is kissing in the promo could be Stella? I'm doubtful (and I'm sure y'all would have said so in the first place if it looked like her), but I thought I'd ask. I can't see the promo well enough to make a guess.
gotta agree, looked more like Angell or someone similar, than Stella. And if Flack/Stella was a possibility the boards surely woulda been lit up before now from someone with eagle eyes :lol: but who knows.
Strictly speaking, Adam/Stella could be a very interesting relationship in terms of, well, just being an interesting relationship. But it's a veeery risky storyline if they go with it. It could be really good (and blow DL out of the water in terms of how writing and acting combine to bring angst and romance to life with a dash of realism and a lot of emotional investment from the audience - or
me, at least

), or it could crash and burn. I hate to dismiss it before we've seen anything just because previous onscreen relationships have left a lot to be desired - because this one could very well turn out to be everything we want an onscreen relationship to be - but it's so hard to give it the benefit of the doubt at this point in the game, especially after so many seasons of the way DL has gone...
Well, erm, strictly speaking, it's vaguely fizzing my brain cells and making me wince :lol: despite my affection and confidence for and in the actors and the characters. I'm trying not to dismiss it, but nor am I gonna just count a romance between the two of them as what we're definitely gonna see.
I don't think Melina would be overly surprised if they put Mac and Stella together at some point; but I definitely think having Stella and Adam hook up would be a huge surprise to her and qualify as being the only thing that has surprised her in six years on the show.
Having said that, though, I'd rather she hook up with Adam than Mac. If the pairing is a total trainwreck it wouldn't screw up the whole show. Having the two leads hook up, though, is just too risky a move IMO.
I'd rather the show stopped having insular romantic pairings within the roster of main characters altogether.
Not Adam and potential regular Haylen, not Adam and Stella, not Stella and Mac, not Stella and Flack, not even Adam and Hawkes, except mebbe on a dvd special feature or cut scenes :lol:. I kid. But as many have said, it would be too much. Romance with a recurring, one thing, but no more of the show being swamped by more members within the team getting together. Even and especially essentially replacing one pairing, one half of whom was just killed off, with another and calling it dramatic aftermath in a coping mechanism. All the while DL continues, thanks to S5, to loom and lurk. Sick of it. I do want more for the characters to do, but I don't want the show doing a roadside test to see if it can walk the line without faltering into nite time soapdom.
I hope the show has better sense, and better ideas, better ways to try and draw us back in.
And yeah, if Adam and Stella do hook up, it would qualify as a huge surprise for most of us, six years into the show.
from last year's mega buzz @ TVGuide:
Is the Dec. 10 CSI: NY the last episode of the year? Will Flack and Angell still continue their "thing"? Will TPTB still pursue Adam and Stella? — Clarissa
TIM: .... Lenkov goes on to say there are plans to "revisit" the Flack/Angell "thing," but while Adam and Stella "play nice together, I am not sure there's a romance there."
I'm hoping he sticks with this. I'm also holding onto his springtime snippet hinting at some decent material for Stella (by my hope & interpretation implying beyond the realm of romance), and the interview with Bill Haynes also indicating some substantial stuff upcoming for her.
I am willing good things for Stella this season. Good mainly platonic things. Even if unexpected and complicated. Unless they're with a recurring. Which Adam no longer is.

I give up. :lol: I don't care. I care, but I don't care. F*cksakes. Just bring it all on then. Do it.
Back to my stand-by, though the diversion's been entertaining:
We'll see.