Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire
Thanks for all pics. links and interviews, etc.
And could Stella be more fabulous just standing there? I didn't think so. :lol:
I'm quoting a comment Tobin made in the Redemptio thread cause and putting it here just in case it's spoilerish for the finale.
If Shane Casey is gearing up for something evil, more evil than decapitation, then it must have something to do with the torturing of the living. torture the viewers ya mean?

. Letting DL continue their marital bliss and tethered existence into S7 would be cruel but perhaps not unusual. Alas.
With all the effort and hard work being put into this lighthouse, I totally think it's going to be the site of something epic...
...true. I think this also goes toward the collective suits not putting up a wall of stone silence at reading " of a Lighthouse..." in a script to begin with :lol:. No doubt the effort and hard work is still easier and cheaper than trying to shoot stuff topside at a real one

. Possible too, if the show is shooting any of the second half now, that costs are being in part divvied across both eps. Dunno. Evs :lol:.
Nice for the art dept. to get a project like that too :bolian:. Hope it is epic and well-used

And yeah. This does somehow all feel as though its running later this season.
Cliffhanger finale? No, more like LIGHTHOUSE-OF-DOOM-HANGER!!!!11 (You know, like someone is dangling off the side of the Lighthouse of Doom or something.)
I suppose I'd rather see a Ship crashing, so to speak...

. (Joke, people. Just a bad joke

"Lighthouse-of-Doom-Hanger." Hm. Permit me a minor snip
Fay? 'Doomhanger?
...!Doomhanger. ...I rather like that :lol:.
I do hafta admit that DL has been relatively low-key this season, or perhaps they only feel so in the comparative overload of S5. The fact that a sudden spotlight is gonna bring them front and center now, to feature in a season-ender and cliff- erm, !Doom-Hanger, is just... exceptionally unappealing.
I suppose this could be a case of Mac going 'Well, I have no choice to suspend you, Danny - and Lindsay since she was complicit in not telling anybody about that wee little missing badge thing' (since the finale will probably take place like three days after "Redemptio" due to the fact that their timelines are wonky), and Danny can be all *woe* and Mac can be all 'Look, just take Lindsay and go on vacation. It'll be like the honeymoon you never had. *indulgent smile*'
In which case, I hope Flack resists the urge to throttle the nearest lab tech with rage and frustration (Flack being a proxy for me at this point).
:lol:. Would work fine if Mac skipped the indulgent part. Then also a hapless lab tech would not be injured, and Flack wouldna hafta cope with additional guilt

Personally, it'd be even better if the Mac just left it at "Look, just take Lindsay and go." :lol: (Sorry Danny. Wouldn't ordinarily say so. But the state of your character is dire, all but flat-lined).
One thing I think that's interesting this season is that it seems they've gone in a totally different direction than what they had planned.
Yet another example of a very fluid season I guess.
Nelly was in what, two eps this season? Mebbe he'll make an appearance in one more. Would be fun, for example if Flack tapped him for some help in the chase after Casey, especially if Messer is in peril. Of course, it could also be Stella's turn to pull someone out of peril for a change too

Two weeks of re-runs? ...Geez, helluva season that way huh :lol:. Well, a solid run to the finale would be a fair trade off. Save for the fact it's the third cliffhanger in as many seasons, and now will focus on DL. In that sense, the solid run could actually wind up being the best part of what's left.
DL. Re-tread/nowCartoon Casey. :shifty:. Angsty Danny? Good. Yes. Angsty Danny about Lindsay? Less so. Lindsay in dire, emotionally heightened circumstances?? But. God help us if it's not Lindsay but MightyMontana who makes an appearance. Must stop thinking about underwhelming finale possibilities. I so find it difficult no to be inherently disappointed with cliffhangers in general. So far the lighthouse is the most interesting aspect :lol:.