CSI:NY Season 5 Spoilers Discussion - Start Spreadin' The News!

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Me too- regarding Angell.
Yeah, that's pretty mean. I just dont like her. I dont need reasons! HAHA. I dont want her on CSI:NY, I just dont.
Have we seen the Stella spoilers yet? I'm sorry I don't know the source but it mentioned Mac being told he has to cut Stella due to budget cuts and finding a way to keep her. (if anyone visits the CSI NY Yahoogroups, it was on one of them I think. But I don't know where they got it from, sorry)

on the TV Guide channel last nite. They actually spoke to Gary and Melina and they said that "supposibly" the city tells Mac he has to cut Stella's position because of "buget cuts" and he fights tooth and nail to keep the entire team together. But you know Stella ain't going anywhere.
Firstly ...

Ausiello: Of course, if I know you CSI: NY fans, you're probably just reading this item in the hopes that I'll offer up some scoop concerning your favorite partners in crime and sex, Danny and Lindsay. And lo and behold, I've got a little something for you: Sources confirm to me exclusively that the 100th episode does not include any major D-L developments.

On the bright side, no major developments is better than one really bad one, right?
So. Who wants to bet it's going to be the 'one really bad one' that'll take place in the 100th episode? :devil: :lol: There's no way Ausiello mentioned something specific like that for nothing. And it goes in line with the other spoilers too, that things happening to Danny won't involve Lindsay and DL is really stagnant having its brakes pressed upon.

Secondly ... RUMER WILLIS?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :eek: :eek: :eek:

And thirdly, what the? Another detective? :confused: Wow, season five is set to become one full show!
Have we seen the Stella spoilers yet? I'm sorry I don't know the source but it mentioned Mac being told he has to cut Stella due to budget cuts and finding a way to keep her. (if anyone visits the CSI NY Yahoogroups, it was on one of them I think. But I don't know where they got it from, sorry)

on the TV Guide channel last nite. They actually spoke to Gary and Melina and they said that "supposibly" the city tells Mac he has to cut Stella's position because of "buget cuts" and he fights tooth and nail to keep the entire team together. But you know Stella ain't going anywhere.

Yeah thanks, that was it!
Thanks for the info about that Stella spoiler, messygirl73 - I was curious where they'd gotten that rumor from.

Speaking of rumors (;)) - I can't make a comment about Rumer Willis playing one of the Mac Taylors in 508 (presumably Mackayla Taylor) because I've never seen her act. I hesitate to suggest it's another of NY's gimicks - I'm just hoping the girl inherited her parents' acting chops. :)

As for this new 'detective' - I saw an unfamiliar name in the spoilers but didn't mention it because there was no other information about her, so I guess that's her: Gillian Whitmore* (the name is subject to change, of course). I'm curious about why they have another detective. Maybe she's not your typical homicide detective like Flack or Angell (although Flack does everything else :lol:) - I guess we'll have to wait and see just what her role is. I'm hoping Angell is here to stay, but you never know what TPTB have up their sleeves.

* The name Whitmore always makes me think of the president in "Independence Day". [/dork] :p

ETA: BTW, I just went over to Julia Ormond's IMDb page, and I noticed that she's British. Mac does like the British ladies. Are my spidey senses tingling?...

(And no, that's not based on any evidence, just me thinking out loud. ;))
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I would imagine that Ormond's character will be in the show for a set time period. A specific story ark kind of idea. I doubt she will be there to replace Angel.

And like Faylin suggested, I kinda hope she will be another type of cop, Drug Enforcement Agency or Internal Affairs (now that would be cool), something other than homicide. I hope the writers would come up with something better than another homicide cop unless she is from another city/state.

If she is the new love interest..at least it should mean Jordan (shudder) is out of the picture... :)
With this whole serial-killer-going-after-people-named-Mac-Taylor thing, maybe she's a higher-up that is involved because it's a big case - that would be interesting (kind of like Sinclair, although I'd love to see him back too). I'm not sure why they would call her a 'detective' if that was the case, but you never know.
Well, Mac does like his British ladies, so maybe Ormond is Mac's new love interest.
On her IMDb page there is one pic of her that reminds me of Stella and another one that reminds me of that picture of Claire we saw in Sweet 16.
With this whole serial-killer-going-after-people-named-Mac-Taylor thing, maybe she's a higher-up that is involved because it's a big case - that would be interesting (kind of like Sinclair, although I'd love to see him back too). I'm not sure why they would call her a 'detective' if that was the case, but you never know.

Now that would be interesting if she was a higher grade than Mac..

They better bring back Sinclair I love his character.
Every new spoiler bit intrigues me more and more! Julia Ormond is a good actress, so no "stunt casting" there, thank goodness. As for Rumer Willis, I tend to think along the same lines as what Faylinn said above, I'm withholding judgement until I see her performance, because I'm hoping/assuming she inherited some of her parents' acting chops. I've read interviews with her and found her likable enough, and as for the posters making fun of her looks on another board, that's just plain infantile, IMO :rolleyes: (On the other hand, she's probably read/heard as much or worse before, and something tells me the opinions of a bunch of catty little posters on a little internet board ain't exactly breakin' her heart! :lol: ) I'm actually looking forward to seeing the storylines/performances of both women.

Mac being told he has to cut Stella? :eek: We know it would never happen, but that could make for some compelling scenes...
Coming on the heels of the 333 stalker, this might be overkill in the "people are after Mac Taylor" department, but it sounds like it will be a fun episode. I've never seen Rumer Willis act, so I guess we'll see how she is when the episode airs. Ormond is a huge score for them, though! :eek: :D I imagine her appearance is a one-time thing. And based on Ausiello's comment about D/L, I wonder if Rikki is coming back in episode 509 or at least sometime soon after 508.
Coming on the heels of the 333 stalker, this might be overkill in the "people are after Mac Taylor" department, but it sounds like it will be a fun episode.

The only scenario I can imagine that would not feel "meh" would be if the killer was not after "our Mac", but after one of the other Macs for whatever reasons to be found out during the investigation.

If the killer was after "our Mac" for a reason that has to do with Mac's police work (like a family member of a falsely convicted person) he'd probably know better than to kill five other Mac Taylors first, and he might follow Mac from the PD and thus know right away who is the right one. If not, it'll make the killer look stupid and the plot look half-cooked.
If the killer is after "our Mac" for a private reason involving Mac and him, it would scream rip-off from S4 all the way, and again it would be implausible if the killer had to kill five other/wrong Macs first.

So I'm keeping my thumbs crossed for the first scenario...
^Me, too. I think that's a good, and viable, scenario. Let's hope it turns out that way.

I meant to mention this in my last post, but cool that Gary co-wrote "Turbulence"! :D
As for Rumer Willis, I tend to think along the same lines as what Faylinn said above, I'm withholding judgement until I see her performance, because I'm hoping/assuming she inherited some of her parents' acting chops. I've read interviews with her and found her likable enough, and as for the posters making fun of her looks on another board, that's just plain infantile, IMO :rolleyes: (On the other hand, she's probably read/heard as much or worse before, and something tells me the opinions of a bunch of catty little posters on a little internet board ain't exactly breakin' her heart! :lol: ) I'm actually looking forward to seeing the storylines/performances of both women.

Mac being told he has to cut Stella? :eek: We know it would never happen, but that could make for some compelling scenes...

I seem to recall some sort of interview/article where Rumer Willis was talking about being bullied about her 'unusual' looks so yes, I imagine she is used to it. So not cool though. As for her acting ability I'm sitting in wait for the results like everyone else but like you think she's got to have something going for her with her parentage.

As for Mac being told he has to cut Stella, that IS an interesting storyline. I think it'd be a great opportunity for the team to pull together and for Mac to be seen to stand up for his own, as surely he will. Lots of potential conflict and closing ranks within the team.
I wonder if the episode entitled 'Cuts' is the one where Mac is told he has to cut Stella?

I think with the Mac Taylors storyline, it won't be our Mac the killer's really after, because if it was connected to Mac's work or personal life, the killer or whoever hired them would know which Mac to kill.
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