CSI:NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - This City Never Sleeps

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It seems pretty likely to me that they're exclusive, but I wonder if they've said "I love you" to each other or not. I agree that they're in the beginning where it's fun and that they're having a good time, and obviously care about each other. But has it gone beyond that?
We're all talking like she was dying in the very next episode. There are still some left before she kicks the bucket, which means Flack and Angell could be written saying "I love you" to make everything more dramatic. Very lame, I know, but that's exactly why I think it's possible.
^ETA: True, they could get closer before the finale. We still have five more episodes to go before then.

As far as Flack goes, I really hope they explore his feelings with Angell's death. It would be really stupid if they brought them together and then her death is no big deal to him and he gets over it as fast as he got over his bombing injuries. But TPTB seem to be excelling at stupid lately, so it wouldn't surprise me if Flack is peachy keen and it's as if Angell never existed in the S6 opener.

I hope that they won't just drop the ball on it next season, if for no other reason that it could be a great storyline for Flack. I think he's reserved and I also think he's very resilient, but I'd still expect to see him grappling with it somewhat.

I could be wrong but I don't think it has gone beyond that. I don't feel as though I know enough about Angell to understand how quickly she'd jump into things romantically but I do see Flack as being a little cautious. I guess it all depends on when their relationship took off. I'm seeing it as something that's only been going on for a few weeks or a couple of months at the most so I very much doubt they've gone beyond the fun stages. Plus they work together so I imagine there'd be some added degree of caution, particularly from Flack.

Agreed--I don't know that Flack's let himself get that close. I still think his closest relationship is with Danny. And maybe that's something he's going to regret after she's gone--that they didn't get the chance to get closer, that he didn't open up faster. But I agree that it's probably only been going on for a few months--maybe 6 at most.
Why couldn't it be Lindsay? :(
I like Angell...

And she's not even in main cast... TPTB comes up with too much BS.
^I also see Flack as an introvert. It will be out of character for him to be all over the place like Danny in Child's Play, but the logical reaction for him is to shut down, and just do his job, no sarcasm, and maybe an occasional weird reaction. Danny should try to be there for him, not in an obvious way, and also, the writers shouldn't forget to add that in the sixth season.

Flack's reaction for Angell's death is the one that is the most important, because he was the one in a realationship with her, regardless they said I love you or not. But how will the others react? How will Danny be faced with a third death of a person he cared about (Aiden, Ruben and now Angell). He takes it very emotional, and he is actually the most sensitive from the team. It would also be nice to see Mac's response. He's the one who is sometimes too "down to earth" and it would be interesting to see how emotional he gets. Stella is the next one, since in the last couple of episodes she was running a secret operation with Angell, and it would be nice to see her reaction since she and Angell got closer.

ETA: Her death (I see it as a big shame) may be the source for good storylines for the characters, of course if explored well enough.
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So 100% it's Angell - they didn't try to hide it, so I'm not sure why they hyped the death so far beforehand.

I know I'm an idiot for saying this but it's not 100% sure yet. It will be when I actually see her die. If she dies.

Yes, I'm in denial. It's comfortable here.
Well, it's pretty obvious which fans tptb care about pleasing the most. Oy, vey. Talk about over hyping things... Serves me right for getting my hopes up, I guess.

I agree, there should be some sort of signs next season that Flack's been affected by this. It doesn't have to be like an anvil to the skull(not Flack's style for that) but there should be something noticable so there's at least some chance of character development.

Though considering their very odd record of continuity, I'm not very hopeful.
My one request to tptb?? You better have Danny Messer offering up some comfort for his friend!!! :scream:
He'll probably be too busy having corny scenes with Lindsay about 'oh noez, it could have been you!' or 'this reminds me why it was so important to rush into making our tru luv official!' *gags on the cheese*

So 100% it's Angell - they didn't try to hide it, so I'm not sure why they hyped the death so far beforehand.

I know I'm an idiot for saying this but it's not 100% sure yet. It will be when I actually see her die. If she dies.

Yes, I'm in denial. It's comfortable here.
Well, true enough - it's possible that they're yanking our chains. I guess we'll see when the time comes. My "100%" comment was more along the lines of saying that the spoilers didn't leave it ambiguous - but they could still be misleading. ;)

As for Flack's reaction - I expect him to be the type to channel his own feelings into the work. He probably sees dying on the job as the risk you take when you join the NYPD - but I still expect some kind of proof of his inner feelings.

I think their relationship was probably serious but not too serious - like they were falling for each other but were in no hurry to become "serious" (too many uses of the word serious in one sentence, I know :lol:). I don't expect to see Flack really break down, but I'd at least like to see evidence that there's more going on inside than we're seeing on the outside - and I think Eddie is more than capable of conveying that through his acting. :)

I am really curious about what the cliffhanger is going to be - they hyped the death, and now we know what that is, but maybe it's all just taking our attention away from what else might be happening at the end of the season. Angell dies (presumably), but there's no rule that says only one major shake-up can happen in a finale.

See, now I've gone and made myself all nervous. :lol:
My one request to tptb?? You better have Danny Messer offering up some comfort for his friend!!! :scream:
Oh yes, I will lose all my faith in the writers if we don´t get some very significant, touching scenes with Danny offering some support to Flack.
I also could imagine (provided that the relationship will become stronger in the next five episodes) that Flack first pretends that he could handle the situation on his own, but later it turns out that he is still under a great deal of psychological pressure so that he isn´t able to work any more.
And then he realizes that he needs help.
*is still in a state of shock* I read this spoiler over on the Flack/Angell thread. That was a great way to start my time on this site. :rolleyes:

I need to stop watching TV. Every show I watch either gets canceled or kills off one of my favorite characters. I liked my life better when I didn't read spoilers. *whimpers*

I still don't get how her death makes sense in context. Sure, it'll give Flack some great screentime. But still. My obvious bias aside, Angell's a good character. She hasn't been relegated to "love-interest character". She's had good scenes with Stella. I just don't get it. Maybe Emmanuelle asked to leave, and I respect her decision if that's it, but I just...

*sigh* I need to go crawl in a corner for a few minutes. Excuse me.

(In about five minutes, my avatar will probably be immature. But I'm 16 and I'm in denial. Leave me alone.)
My one request to tptb?? You better have Danny Messer offering up some comfort for his friend!!! :scream:
He'll probably be too busy having corny scenes with Lindsay about 'oh noez, it could have been you!' or 'this reminds me why it was so important to rush into making our tru luv official!' *gags on the cheese*

Now, see, that's where my mind went, too. Except I was thinking he'd be too busy having corny scenes with Lindsay over who's watching the baby and/or who's changing the diapers tonight... :rolleyes:

I'm sad it's Angell, but I think if nothing else, it give something for Flack to deal with that's pretty heavy (and, let's face it, Flack hasn't had as much heavy stuff as others to deal with), so I'm excited for that part. I'm sure Eddie'll do very well with it. :)
I still don't get how her death makes sense in context. Sure, it'll give Flack some great screentime. But still. My obvious bias aside, Angell's a good character. She hasn't been relegated to "love-interest character". She's had good scenes with Stella. I just don't get it. Maybe Emmanuelle asked to leave, and I respect her decision if that's it, but I just...

She's a great character and maybe that's why she was chosen--her death will have an impact. I think it's definitely possible--if not probable--that it was Emmanuelle's choice to leave the show. Of all the recurring character, she's been by far the most significant!

Definitely wish the show had room for two detectives in the opening credits!
I dunno, maybe I'll leave it up.
Something to remember her by. :)

If you do, you might as well change your SN to FAILizabeth.


I'm so heartbroken.


Back to business though, I really hope they don't just Flack it and forget it. I'd like to Eddie really sink his teeth into this storyline. He's a talented guy and he can do drama just as well as he can do comedy. From the spoilers I've read it looks like he's got a pretty tough scene with her dad.

I remember seeing him in Miracle and he pulled off the dramatic scenes really well so I can't wait.

I'm so over you and your childish .gifs.
Regarding the FINALE

May i say I am shocked? because i was ready to swear it wasn't Angell. I was in denial she was the one to die. AND I DON'T LIKE IT. One of her fans told me some days ago something about her manager but i guess it's an issue it will be remain in silence all reasons why she decided to leave or why writers write her off. I'm NOT happy. Finally after many years, Stella had a friend. And she is going to loose her. I guess ALL we are going to loose her. She is not the one i would have chosen to write her off :( (and YES i hope Danny will be finally for him. But i also expect moments with Mac and Stella comforting Flack)

Débora :(
On a side note, I'll be glad when the finale ends and I no longer have to fear having a seizure induced by a certain avatar. ;)
Kind of like Kramer on Seinfeld with the "Chicken sign" Geezz!!

As much as I would like to agree with all of you in regards to Danny being there for Flack...Danny has become selfish and is not maturing well. When Rueben died I think he over reacted, like whats her name Rikki said, they were "Just the neighbor down the hall". I liked him best in Season one with Aiden now that was a GREAT friendship they both had that hard "New York edge". And Angel has that to her personality as well. She is tough and soft at the same time. TPTB have Danny and Lindsey so wrapped up in this baby thing that they are stuck in it and I cant see it going any where. They have reduced Lindsey to a lab rat that shares her scientific quirks. When she first came she seemed abit "Home spun" and that was alright, but she has not been developed in the lab or out of it. I hope they make both of them grow up alittle bit because it just ruins there characters. As for Flack and Angel I think TPTB are really goofing up here they seemed to have Great promise. As far as Stella and her new friend in Angel.. I totally agree with you Deb there goes her "grown up" girl friend.
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