CSI:NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - This City Never Sleeps

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Can someone help me out here? When watching the episode the other night and Adam was talking with
Jason (the kid who killed his dad) Adam was telling Jason he had some disorder called OCD and Jason asked "how Do you know so much" Did Adam say "Some of it is Science"? or what did he say?
I come here, only mean to say, I hate CSI: NY, because in the CSI:NY5-15, the Flack's performance is thus little.:(:(:(
I strong curse All screenwriter and director , they should damn:scream::scream::scream::scream::angryrazz::angryrazz:. Because we need more Flacks:adore:!!!!!!!!!!!!

And they should compensate me, purchase CSI: NY DVD's Money , because I purchase it, only want to see Flack. But that have no:brickwall::brickwall::mad::mad::mad::mad:!!!!!
^Yeah, I was bummed about the lack of Flack in "The Party's Over" too, Zhu. It was an episode that revolved around the NYPD and politics, and Flack only got two scenes?! Flack's opinion of politics in the police department is something interesting that they touched on in the past, so it's a shame they didn't concentrate on that instead of confusing us about Danny's background.

Lori K. said:

Can someone help me out here? When watching the episode the other night and Adam was talking with
Jason (the kid who killed his dad) Adam was telling Jason he had some disorder called OCD and Jason asked "how Do you know so much" Did Adam say "Some of it is Science"? or what did he say?
Yeah, it sounded like, "Some of it's science" to me - implying that while some of it is science, there's also some of it that he knows from experience. Poor dear. *pet pet*
My assumption on the Flack thing was that since so many people called in sick - he had to do more work (not necessarily related to the case that everyone else was working on). But, I think they also try to change up who gets a lot of screen time - this episode more focused on Adam (& you know Mac & Dunbrook) but there have been episodes this season where we don't see Adam at all. Next week Flack may be in a lot more scenes.
Oooh sweet! Thanks for finding that, JellyBelly.

Intriguing...I wonder what Danny is being served subpoena for. It would be so cool if it was related to that case in 515, the one that got dismissed because Danny called in with the blue flu. Maybe the family is serving him with a civil suit for damages? I think Danny should definitely face consequences for his decision that day.
In a way I hope it's for something unrelated to the "Blue Flu" episode. Just because, as others have said, it was extremely unrealistic that the case got thrown out simply because the CSI who collected the evidence wasn't the CSI testifying. To drag it on any further would just be silly and taking things too far for a show that at least used to pride itself on authenticity, IMO.

Of course, they've already taken things too far with Danny's retconned back story so it won't surprise me at all if this is something with which they choose to have actual continuity. :rolleyes:
While I think it'd be interesting to see some sort of consequence to Danny's 'flu', I'm not sure that would be it. It would seem to be taking it too far, and I'm not sure it would hold up. It's next to impossible to prove that someone who says they're ill isn't really ill, although Danny did admit it to Stella but I can't see her willingly selling him out on that other than relating to internal disciplinary action.

It could be something that hasn't happened yet, in fact I think there is something coming up for Danny in 5.18 where he injures (or even worse) a suspect, at least I think that's what happens but I can't find the spoiler for that at the moment. ;)
So, I'm guessing this episode is going to somehow revolve around the Holocaust... and Yahrtzeit is like the annual anniversary of the day someone died.... (according to what I just looked up).
mmm 5.18 isn't the episode where he takes a suicidal behaviour when he goes on field without a vest???

I still wonder how, married with a kid on way, he could do that beyond the fact i do like old rebellious Danny :D

I also feel he won't be the only one under a microscope on the following weeks because I'm afraid lasted Mac's meeting with Dunsbrook when he delived the check will bring huge consequences to him. One of those could be his job

anyway it will be very interesting :)

Debbs :)
Ok, I'm about to look at spoilers for the episode. I'll edit this post with info.

5.22 Yahrzeit

ETA: Sorry it took so long - my computer is slow. Here's the info about the episode:
5.22 "Yahrzeit"

The episode starts at an antique jewelry auction. During bidding, a man stumbles into the room and falls down dead with an apparent gunshot wound to the stomach.

The victim turns out to be racist, and the case has ties to the Holocaust.

The case ends up being personal for Mac - we find out that his father was also in the military, and he helped liberate Buchenwald (a concentration camp). Mac's father's name was Boyd McCanna Taylor.

Danny seems to be in a bit of trouble with IAB due to a character from episode 5.17 (who I believe is the Neo-Nazi guy Eddie Cahill mentioned in his latest interview) - the character is back in this one.

Danny mentions Lindsay, but I don't see any sign of her being back to work.

The only mention I see of Hawkes is Danny talking to him on the phone. (He addresses "Doc", so I assume it's Hawkes.) Danny offers him condolences on Lindsay's behalf, but I'm not sure what's going on.​
This looks like it could be a very good episode.

Also, here's the press release for 5.18, which I don't think we've seen, courtesy of Futon Critic:


Pop Singer and Actress Ashlee Simpson-Wentz and Pete Wentz ("Fall Out Boy") Guest Star as "Bonnie and Clyde Wannabes."

"Point of No Return" - When a former medical examiner is found murdered, a white powder found at the scene provides the CSIs with a major lead in tracking the killer when it is discovered that the powder is heroin made from human bodies, on CSI: NY, Wednesday, March 18 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Pop Singer and Actress Ashlee Simpson-Wentz and Pete Wentz ("Fall Out Boy") guest star as "Bonnie and Clyde Wannabes."

Det. Mac Taylor: Gary Sinise
Det. Stella Bonasera: Melina Kanakaredes
Danny Messer: Carmine Giovinazzo
Dr. Sheldon Hawkes: Hill Harper
Det. Don Flack: Eddie Cahill
Lindsay Monroe: Anna Belknap
Adam Ross: AJ Buckley
Dr. Sid Hammerback: Robert Joy

Det Jessica Angell: Emmanuelle Vaugier
Lila Wickfield: Ashlee Simpson-Wentz
Anabel Pino: Holly Lynch
Prof Papakota: Tony Amendola
Marty Pino: Jonah Lotan
George Kolovos: Paul Papadakis
Receptionist: Tracy Silver
Little Stevie: Emilio Rivera
Chester Byron: Pete Wentz
Jamal Tucker: Shawn Woods
Sebastian Diakos: Adoni Maropis

WRITTEN BY: Executive Producer Peter M. Lenkov and Techinal Advisor Bill Haynes

RATING: To Be Announced
ETA2: Glancing at the cast list, I see that this is not only the return of Pino, it's also the episode with the Simpson-Wentz stunt casting, and the Greek storyline is back.
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Thanks Fay!!!!!!

YAY!!!!!! Mac's father!!!!!!!!!!!!! (G, don't faint dear! this is exactly what we wanted!)

Umm a military officer, now it explains a lot of Mac's personality. Also it's the first time it treats Holocaust

ummm we have the Danny storyline in 5.18 and more of Diakos too
This is getting better and better!!!!!!!

BTW i didn't know what "Yahrzeit" is and i did some research:

Yahrzeit is a commemoration of the death of a Jew by a mourner (the child, sibling, spouse or parent of the deceased).

The date of the Yahrzeit, which is calculated according to the Hebrew calendar, is the anniversary of the death, not the burial.

The anniversary of the death of a loved one is naturally a solemn day, and Judaism helps the mourner experience this pain and and also honors the memory of the deceased via Yahrzeit rituals.

The main expression of the Yahrzeit is reciting the Mourner's Kaddish prayer ,Lighting a Yahrzeit candle, a special memorial candle that burns for 24 hours, is another Yahrzeit practice. Only one Yahrzeit candle needs to be lit per household. Some people use an electric bulb instead of a candle today for safety reasons. The Yahzeit candle should be lit after dark on the evening before the anniversary of the death and burn for a full 24 hours. Many people visit the graves of the deceased on the Yahrzeit. Some people observe Yahrzeit by fasting.

While Jews have observed Yahrzeit since Talmudic times, the ceremony wasn't called Yahrzeit until the 16th century. The word comes from the German word Jahrzeit, a word used by the Christian Church for the occassion of honoring the dead.

In Judaism, Yahrzeit aids those in mourning and keeps the memory of the deceased alive.
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So Danny has knocked up his colleague, gone on unofficial strike, failed to wear a vest, possibly assaulted a suspect and assisted Stella with an illegal investigation. :rolleyes: Is Carmine's contract up and he's holding out for more money. :lol:
Thanks for the info on 5.22.

Sounds like it's gonna be a very intense and serious kind of episode. Interesting also to get a ref. for Mac. Sr.

Another visit from IAB, well, whatever, hope it's done well.

As for 5.18, I wonder if Pino's the victim, ...or somehow knew him/her? (Except the caps with Pino looked like end of eppie type stuff? With those in mind, it'll be good to see Sid getting airtime outside of the realm of the morgue). Wonder also if Hawkes will get a few good scenes, it could be interesting to see three MEs/former MEs together, or at least a story drawing them in together somehow.

Happy to see the next installment of the Greek coin storyline, and how it plays out with Angell and Stella's involvement, and if Danny's still aiding and abetting in his own right.

Also noticed the guest cast list not only had 'Marty Pino' but an 'Anabel Pino...' Wife? Sister?

Not so keen on said stunt casting, but whaddaya do. Bonnie and Clyde wannabes, huh? Guess we'll see.

Lastly. ...heroin made from ...human bodies...? ...Um.

(...iffen ever there was a reason to just say No...)
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