CSI:NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - This City Never Sleeps

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BTW, after looking at the spoilers we have so far, I think Katharine McPhee is probably going to be in 5.20 "Prey" - it's the one with the voice coach in it, so that seems like a likely episode to have a singer.
Promo 5.16


BTW the big difference between M/S and D/L is nobody but nobody can deny there is a bond between M/S. It was there since the beginning. Nobody needed to create it because it was already there
Either if you want to believe it's pure friendship or much more than that it's up to viewers. I want to believe both because i firmly believe a couple needs
to be friends not just mere lovers to start a relationship, an adult relationship anyway ;)

Debbs :D
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Isn't this next episode the one that has Psyco Ella in it? And I thought they were going to have another break time or is that after this next week one?
Lori, i think we will have a new episode next week. After that one, we will go on a break until March 11 (arghhhh hiatus is not my fav time!)

WHOA! i think it's going to be truly interesting because meanwhile Don and Stell deal with a case (well they were working together in the promo), Mac will have to deal with psycho chick! :D

I *know* i'm going to love next one :D

Debbie :D
That was just gross! The first time I watched it, I went "Wait a minute, they didn't...". I played again and, uck, they did! It was downright nasty. I'm not squeamish, but anyway, it kinda grossed me out.

BTW the big difference between M/S and D/L is nobody but nobody can deny there is a bond between M/S. It was there since the beginning. Nobody needed to create it because it was already there
Agreed! In Spain we have season 4 on air right now and I'm the only member of my family who's following season 5, which means I have to hold my tongue in order to avoid spoiling my parents and sister. Still, last Monday, the day new eps are released, I just cried "but I want Stella and Mac to kiss at once! So much for unresolved sexual tension!". My mum just nodded and replied "I know, right? They always do taht in TV shows, can't they just say how they feel?" I suppose that means that my mum's Smacked too, yay!

Lori, i think we will have a new episode next week. After that one, we will go on a break until March 11 (arghhhh hiatus is not my fav time!)
Until March 11? No way! That should be illegal. *sigh* I'll have to survive on older episodes posted all over the Internet. I'm slowly rewatching the whole series in no specific order. Yesterday it was "Officer Blue" and the day before yesterday, "Charge of This Post".
I`m just happy that both Melina and Gary feel that Mac and Stella never should hook up or atleast wait till NY ends eventually.

The promo looks gross:eek:

Thank god,I don`t watch american idol,so I honestly don`t know who they are:p
February 25: 5.16 "No Good Deed" (with Ella)
March 4: repeat of "Turbulence"
March 11: 5.17 "Green Piece" (with BOBBY :D).
I`m just happy that both Melina and Gary feel that Mac and Stella never should hook up or atleast wait till NY ends eventually.

They NEVER say that or at least Melina didn't. Actually in the last CSI Magazine she already said she loved their "brother-sister-but-not" relationship and she remarked she has SMACked scenes as her fav
And regarding what Gary said in Holland, he is a CSI NY producer. No way he can say "Oh yes, they need to be together forever" because that would be totally stupid! (and we already have enough stupidity this season)

His words are not different from Hugh Laurie's at the beginning of House regarding Cuddy and House and look what it's happening now :D (LISA ROCKS!)

Also i have read the same at the beginning of "Bones" and you can see the results :D
Or Chris Carter regarding Mulder and Scully.....and finally they had a baby :D

I can continue.... :D ;)

Plenilunio---> me encanta que seas Smacked! Vente para el Smacked Family Thread dentro del Shipper Forum. Las muchachas son buenisimas y ya tenemos a Noe, una coterranea tuya. Será un placer recibirte si vienes :D (tu mamá me agrada definitivamente :D

Debbs :D
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Given what I have seen of D/L ,I am not sure I want Stella and Mac to become a couple.But at least there is chemistry and a undeniable bond.To have a couple no chemistry in such a ridiculous storyline like D/L are can make a loyal viewer into a casual one.They seriously make me cringe.:eek:
electra, i understand your fear. I really do considering we have seen of DL:rolleyes: but being Gary a producer i don't think he would allow stupidity with his scenes if eventually they decided to put M/S together;)

besides the main mistake regarding DL is how pushy they were trying to convince audience there was luvvvvvvvv in their relationship:rolleyes: i was listening a psychiatric last night on tv who said to love someone is to recognaise one self into the other, respect him/her not having unprotected sex:rolleyes: and definitely i don't think they recognaise one another if they barely spoke each other before the current "happiness";)

well, the mistake is already made so i won't complain anymore about them but i expect a HUGE make up for us. A tender, and unique relationship between two people who really care for each other would be nice

Also i expect they can fix up this thing of Stella lying to Mac because you can be sure she didn't want to piss him off or hurting him but she will get both results and fireworks will be seen even in the Southern Hemisphere :D

Debbs :D
I am not much into ships but I enjoy the strong friendship of Mac and Stella as well as how HOT Flack and Angell look when they are together.But to watch sex partners turned into a fairytale love like D/L is something else.

Ghawazee,I do enjoy Mac and Stella fighting!! want them to be Okay eventually but both actors are SO good that is easily the best scene of the episode.Not sure if I make sense but I just want to see them as much as posible.No way to go wrong with actors like that.
electra, join the club! :D inside teh Smacked thead we LOVE their fights. But we also need their conversations, and their silences

probably if both couple (i mean FA and MS) are dealt is a different way we still could have a chance :D
At first I thought the D/L match up was "cute" but they did not take the time to develope it right. And they act to young for anyone to take them seriously, that is the difference between them and M/S F/A. Putting M/S and F/A together seems so natural because of the chemistry and maturity level. I just hope they dont go having F/A tumbling in the hay right away. The secret is out now so just relax and take it slow:) And as for M/S they need a good BONK in the head ... Hello there's chemistry here!!
Well. To each their own ships and/or hopes for them.

No fan of DL, me, never got them. Went from indifference to WTF why bother. But whatever floats yer particular boat, dandyo. I also understand some people adore the thought of Smacked stuff, but again I just say to each their own. I hope Mac and Stella remain solely friends and work-partners with a long history shared between them. That's rare enough. It's kind of refreshing to see that kind of relationship, and one that doesn't hafta revert to a romance to draw viewers in. Let them be as they are, seems to be working for them, and everyone's imaginations fill in whatever it is they want on their own time.

I suppose that's the difference right there. DL have been made canon, and so are not left to people's imaginations. No say in the matter. We're subject to the handling given it by TPTB, and the onscreen realization of it by Belknap and Carmine. And a lot of the intense debate about the pairing seems to actually stem from that, and not just interpretations of what supposed chemistry people see between them, or any ship couple.

That's just me, and that's all I'm gonna say here. ;)

Onto spoilers.

Bleh. Who gives a crap. Stunt casting seems so desparate sometimes. I would much rather the material and writing stand up on it's own merits and be interesting and engaging without having to toss cameos into the mix like some sideshow curiosity. A good ep should stand on it's own no matter who the supporting players are that help create the world and serve the main cast of characters in telling a story. A cameo can be fun, but not when the casting itself always seems to be promoted to upstage the episode itself. I don't care. I'd rather a good actor than a poor guest appearance. Sometimes we get treated to great guests, like Marlee Matlin. But why why why this avid pursuit of pseudo names to try and garner attention and some 'cool' factor. Jeez.

Thanks for posting the link to the promo. Didn't get to see one last night. Made me very happy. It will be fun to see Stella and Flack working together :) Not very gross, all things considered, at least IMO. The buzzard's got incredible bombing aim though, that was impressive. As was the fact that anyone within five feet woulda been wearing the coffee instead of staring at it :lol: Ah well.

"...oh, and the bird flew with a limp..." :lol:

Hopefull. Hope hope hope this will be one of those dark fun quirky kinda eps. Meh about Ella, if she makes a return. But evs. We'll see.
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