I think Melina has had at least a couple of great episodes each season...last season alone she had "Open and Shut," "Heart of Glass," and "Cold Reveal." I hardly think she's neglected, and I don't think her only important relationship is or should be with Mac. I wish Stella could have a normal, non-psychotic love interest

, but that's a separate issue. I've never felt like she was shafted in regards to storylines or screentime.
*slaps head* I totally forgot about those episodes! So looking at it from that POV, I think Melina did really well last year. Actually, she got more storylines in s3 when Peyton was there, than in s1/s2 when she wasn't.
Ghawzee, while I agree that Melina gets less screentime than we personally think she deserves, I did think RND was an excellent storyline for her. And I don't think Peyton's introduction in s3 was responsible for any lack of screentime on Melina's part - Melina was in all 24 eps, and did get the three 'big' eps that Top mentioned, whereas Peyton only had 10 episodes, and never had a storyline all of her own. If anything pushes Melina's screentime down, I think it's more D/L stuff than any women in Mac's life. The women in Mac's life this season - Quinn and Jordan, aren't CSIs, and so they really don't get much screentime - Quinn has only been in two episodes, and Jordan is going to be in three. Even if Jessalyn does have a 3 year contract, that doesn't mean she's going to be in every episode. She might be like Peyton and be in 10 eps or something, and only have a couple of scenes each ep. But like Top said, I can't see that happening.
So to finish up, I think Top said makes the valid point that Melina does get some good screen time. With the exception of s1, I think Top's right when she says Melina does well for a lead on an ensemble show, one in which the writers try to give all the characters storylines. She doesn't get as much screentime/storylines as Mac does, but she gets more than Hawkes or Flack (don't get me started on
that rant

) But I agree with you that it would be nice if she got some more storylines, and I especially want to see ONE WHERE SHE IS NOT A VICTIM . I mean, RND was good in that she got to be Rambo!Stella, but practically every storyline she has had has involved her being the victim of someone or something - psycho boyfriends, an investigation, a fire. So it would be nice to see something else for her.
Top, I totally agree with you btw that it's about time Stella got a normal, non-psychotic love interest, or that her only important relationship is or should be with Mac. I'd love to see her relationship (friendship) with Flack that we saw in All Access and also her one with Hawkes that we saw in Raising Shane be developed, and for her to have some friends outside of the lab like Mac does. That goes both ways of course - Mac too should have other relationships with other people, other women, outside of the lab too. Mac and Stella's friendship and chemistry is so strong, that each having other important relationships wouldn't detract from it at all. Mac and Peyton's relatioship didn't, and nor did Stella's relationship with Frankie. In both s2 and s3, Stella and Mac still had their friendship and great chemistry - despite their both being involved in separate, important, romantic relationships.
....And is this getting off topic? Sorry! *slaps head*