Resident Smart Ass
^I hated the Montana nickname too. It got so old by like halfway through second season.
Hey everybody, I'm new to the forums but I love CSI:New York, especially Danny and Lindsay....I don't think the writers would necessarily end the relationship so early because it's been built up over the seasons.
I tried to freeze frame it too lol and at first I thought it was Lindsay but it started to look more like Rikki when I stopped it again, so I think Danny might have done something with Rikki and Lindsay found out and tells him how she was falliing for him and Danny's looks so down in the promo because he regrets what he did with Rikki.
Welcome, Krista! And that's definitely a possibility...I'm really curious to see how Danny is going to react to Lindsay's declaration of love next week.
There are so many possibilities for what could happen. Those PTB know how to get everyone interested, that's for sure. I personally hope if them watching the basketball game together in 4.19 happens, it means they've simply decided to stay friends. But it could mean they're together or that they've agreed to start over.
And I'm also really curious about how Reed coming back will turn out. Will he and Mac get closer? Will his career choice to be a journalist put him at odds with Mac? Is the implied danger the serial killer? Will Mac save him? Will TPTB be really stupid and kill him off to give Mac more drama? I'm staying tuned to find out!