Resident Smart Ass
I just watched the promo on YouTube and I couldn't tell crap but I was watching on a 60 inch big screen tv last night and believe me, it was much easier to tell that is NOT Lindsay. I can go frame by frame on my DVR, which helps. I'm thinking TPTB have Rikki's hair up on purpose to make it look like Lindsay but there is one spot if you pause, you can definitely see hair put up and the ends sticking out. Plus, it's not put up on top of her head but rather in back down closer to her neck.OK, seriously. How in the hell could you see all that? :wtf:I tried to pause the thing numerous times and, if asked, I couldn't even confirm it was Danny.
Of course we all know promos are misleading anyway and those flames didn't help much either. Guess we'll find out next week.
Ahhh! Now I want a 60 inch big screen TV and a DVR, damnit!