CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

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Thanks for the scoop, Faylinn! :thumbsup: "Veritas" definitely sounds like it will be a good premiere (and that somewhat makes up for the fact that I found the finale somewhat lacking ;) )

I wouldn't mind seeing Quinn again either, she has great chemistry with everyone. And I'm very much looking forward to seeing Flack interact with his sister! And Mac refuses the hospital, why does that not surprise me? :lol:

I don't know--doesn't sound very exciting to me. Sounds like it's still mostly Mac with a small side helping of the supporting characters.

As for Flack and his sister...it sounds like we still won't learn anything new about Flack other than the fact that he has a sister (how long ago did we learn he had a brother?). Still nothing about why his relationships with his family are strained, although that in itself could explain why none of his family cared enough to be at the hospital after he was nearly killed in the explosion a few seasons ago.

I'm not as excited about this show as I once was and only watch it now because it follows Criminal Minds (now there's an ensemble show that shares the spotlight amongst all of its characters!).
As for Flack and his sister...it sounds like we still won't learn anything new about Flack other than the fact that he has a sister (how long ago did we learn he had a brother?). Still nothing about why his relationships with his family are strained, although that in itself could explain why none of his family cared enough to be at the hospital after he was nearly killed in the explosion a few seasons ago.

You assume that his family didn't show up at his bedside because TPTB didn't show us that.

Reading the spoiler report on 'Veritas' got me in a more cheerful mood. Thanks Faylinn, it was just what i needed. :)
OK. Some spoilers for #504 - Sex, Lies and Silicone

Episode #504 is called 'Sex, Lies and Silicone'.

eta: It looks pretty much like a one case episode, and Sinclair is back. The team are investigating the death of a woman named Elaine Steele. In the course of the investigation they are looking for a life size silicone doll. Stella, Flack and Lindsay visit a factory that makes them, and later the team question some of the doll owners. I think that may be the source of some amusement and disbelief throughout the episode. :lol: Flack and Lindsay in particular have a potentially humourous exchange about the dolls. Everyone seems to be on the case, Danny and Flack look to have some good screentime and do an interrogation together. :) Also, Hawkes meets up with Greg, an old college friend, and despite his initial friendliness, Greg later asks Hawkes to compromise some evidence in the Elaine Steele case. :eek:

This episode seems both amusing and very disturbing to me. :lol: I can't wait to see how everyone reacts to the life size dolls...

Oh, and yay for some Hawkes back story!
I did like someones idea, when they were speculating about the cliff hanger for Hostage, that if Mac was suspended over his actions in Hostage that Quinn could be his temporary replacement. That would have made for some very interesting moments with the team and with Mac.

No quinn I don't like her very much she's great but I don't want her more. And if Mac ll be suspend I think Stella could be remplace his. If Quinn take the place of Mac I think it's injust for Stella. She can do this. Stella can be the boss and Steer the team. Quinn is in the jersay and I hope she stay in jersey
OK. Some spoilers for #504 - Sex, Lies and Silicone

Episode #504 is called 'Sex, Lies and Silicone'.

eta: It looks pretty much like a one case episode, and Sinclair is back. The team are investigating the death of a woman named Elaine Steele. In the course of the investigation they are looking for a life size silicone doll. Stella, Flack and Lindsay visit a factory that makes them, and later the team question some of the doll owners. I think that may be the source of some amusement and disbelief throughout the episode. :lol: Flack and Lindsay in particular have a potentially humourous exchange about the dolls. Everyone seems to be on the case, Danny and Flack look to have some good screentime and do an interrogation together. :) Also, Hawkes meets up with Greg, an old college friend, and despite his initial friendliness, Greg later asks Hawkes to compromise some evidence in the Elaine Steele case. :eek:

This episode seems both amusing and very disturbing to me. :lol: I can't wait to see how everyone reacts to the life size dolls...

Oh, and yay for some Hawkes back story!

This episode sounds great! :D I love that Hawkes is going to get some back story and that we're going to meet one of his friends, who may be shady.

And I love when Danny and Flack interrogate together. :D
5.04 definitely looks interesting. :lol: Yay for more one-case episodes and getting to see everybody work together. Danny and Flack never disappoint, yay for more Sinclair, Flack looks like he'll have some great opportunities for snarkiness--and Sheldon getting some backstory makes me giddy!!! I'm looking forward to the Sheldon stuff the most, to be honest. :D
Ep 5.04 sounds like it has enormous potential for some great snark, humor, character interactions, and Hawkes backstory, Yaaaay!!! :thumbsup: Thanks so much for those spoilers, it made my wee little day!
And I love when Danny and Flack interrogate together. :D

:lol: :D Me too. They do play off each other really well, so I'm definitely looking forward to their interaction in this episode.

5.04 definitely looks interesting. :lol: Yay for more one-case episodes and getting to see everybody work together. Danny and Flack never disappoint, yay for more Sinclair, Flack looks like he'll have some great opportunities for snarkiness--and Sheldon getting some backstory makes me giddy!!! I'm looking forward to the Sheldon stuff the most, to be honest. :D

Yes, it's about time we got some more information about Hawkes! Evidence tampering? It doesn't seem like the kind of thing that Hawkes would ever do, but I can't wait to see what happens. This episode looks good for the team all working with each other, and of course lots of snarkiness and general amusement (or shock) about the life size dolls will be funny too.

Ep 5.04 sounds like it has enormous potential for some great snark, humor, character interactions, and Hawkes backstory, Yaaaay!!! :thumbsup: Thanks so much for those spoilers, it made my wee little day!

This episode really does look to have great potential. Sometimes you can't really get a feel for an episode from the spoilers, but somehow having looked at these I can't see how this episode could fail. It's already a winner for me, it's just a shame we have to wait for so many months until we get to see it! :lol: As you can tell, I have high hopes for this one...
Elsie said:
Yes, it's about time we got some more information about Hawkes! Evidence tampering? It doesn't seem like the kind of thing that Hawkes would ever do, but I can't wait to see what happens.

Hurray for Hawkes development! But ... am I the only one who got Aiden vibes?
I refuse to believe my Sheldon would tamper with evidence. :p *plugs ears* Do not try to convince me! :lol:

I don't get Aiden vibes because Aiden contemplated tampering on her own because she was so frustrated at the idea of a rapist getting away with it twice--this is an old friend asking Sheldon to tamper with evidence. Totally different scenario.
Heheheh, I know. :D I just meant that TPTB's already done the CSI tampering with evidence plot once. Betcha Hawkes will outright tell that old friend off for even asking him of that.
This is making me all eager for next season now! Sheldon backstory AND the humor of life-size silicone dolls. It reeks of tasty goodness! :devil:
Finally a Hawkes story! He won't tamper with the evidence, but I am concerned that the writers will have him at least think about it. I am pessimistic, as I lost my faith in the writers. It wouldn't suit Sheldon, it will be completely out of character. Also, what's up with this whole Hawkes and Lindsay thing? If they try something with those two it will give me the creeps. Also I know that 5.03 will be a great Flack episode. Those dolls are material for Flack comments :D
I'm excited about all the new Season Five stuff. And *gasp* did I see that Flack and Lindsay interact? What is that....six times for the entire show??? Should be pretty funny then. They do the silly stuff very well when they're together.
Also, what's up with this whole Hawkes and Lindsay thing? If they try something with those two it will give me the creeps.

Where are you getting Lindsay/Hawkes vibe? I agree that would be just weird especially after that really bizarre Montana thing...:wtf:
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