Thanks for the scoop, Faylinn! :thumbsup: "Veritas" definitely sounds like it will be a good premiere (and that somewhat makes up for the fact that I found the finale somewhat lacking)
I wouldn't mind seeing Quinn again either, she has great chemistry with everyone. And I'm very much looking forward to seeing Flack interact with his sister! And Mac refuses the hospital, why does that not surprise me? :lol:
I don't know--doesn't sound very exciting to me. Sounds like it's still mostly Mac with a small side helping of the supporting characters.
As for Flack and his sister...it sounds like we still won't learn anything new about Flack other than the fact that he has a sister (how long ago did we learn he had a brother?). Still nothing about why his relationships with his family are strained, although that in itself could explain why none of his family cared enough to be at the hospital after he was nearly killed in the explosion a few seasons ago.
I'm not as excited about this show as I once was and only watch it now because it follows Criminal Minds (now there's an ensemble show that shares the spotlight amongst all of its characters!).